title: Contribute a Webhooks Connector

NOTE: Please check out the latest develop branch.

Event server can collect data from other third-party sites or software through their webhooks services (for example, SegmentIO, MailChimp). To support that, a Webhooks Connector for the third-party data is needed to be integrated into Event Server. The job of the Webhooks Connector is as simply as converting the third-party data into Event JSON. You can find an example below.

Currently we support two types of connectors: JsonConnector and FormConnector, which is responsible for accepting JSON data and Form-submission data, respectively.


package org.apache.predictionio.data.webhooks

/** Connector for Webhooks connection */
private[predictionio] trait JsonConnector {

  /** Convert from original JObject to Event JObject
    * @param data original JObject recevived through webhooks
    * @return Event JObject
  def toEventJson(data: JObject): JObject


The EventServer URL path to collect webhooks JSON data:

http://<EVENT SERVER URL>/webhooks/<CONNECTOR_NAME>.json?accessKey=<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>&channel=<CHANNEL_NAME>

Note that you may collect Webhooks data into default channel (without the channel parameter in the URL) but it‘s highly recommended to create dedicated Channel to collect specific Webhooks data (e.g. create one channel “segmentio” for SegmentIO and another channel “mailchimp” for Mailchimp data) because it allows you to manage and query data more easily, and the Webhooks data won’t be mixed with your other normal app data.


package org.apache.predictionio.data.webhooks

/** Connector for Webhooks connection with Form submission data format
private[predictionio] trait FormConnector {

  /** Convert from original Form submission data to Event JObject
    * @param data Map of key-value pairs in String type received through webhooks
    * @return Event JObject
  def toEventJson(data: Map[String, String]): JObject


The EventServer URL path to collect webhooks form-subimssion data (no .json):


Note that you may collect Webhooks data into default channel (without the channel parameter in the URL) but it‘s highly recommended to create dedicated Channel to collect specific Webhooks data (e.g. create one channel “segmentio” for SegmentIO and another channel “mailchimp” for Mailchimp data) because it allows you to manage and query data more easily, and the Webhooks data won’t be mixed with your other normal app data.


For example, let's say there is a third-party website (say, it is named “ExampleJson”) which can send the following JSON data through its webhooks service and we would like to collect it into Event Store.


  "type": "userActionItem",
  "userId": "as34smg4",
  "event": "do_something_on",
  "itemId": "kfjd312bc",
  "context": {
    "ip": "",
    "prop1": 2.345,
    "prop2": "value1"
  "anotherPropertyA": 4.567,
  "anotherPropertyB": false,
  "timestamp": "2015-01-15T04:20:23.567Z"

1. Implement Webhooks Connector

Because the data sent by this third-party “ExampleJson” site is in JSON format, we implement an object ExampleJsonConnector which extends JsonConnector:

private[predictionio] object ExampleJsonConnector extends JsonConnector {

  implicit val json4sFormats: Formats = DefaultFormats

  override def toEventJson(data: JObject): JObject = {
    val common = try {
    } catch {
      case e: Exception => throw new ConnectorException(
        s"Cannot extract Common field from ${data}. ${e.getMessage()}", e)

    val json = try {
      common.`type` match {
        case "userActionItem" =>
          toEventJson(common = common, userActionItem = data.extract[UserActionItem])
        case x: String =>
          throw new ConnectorException(
            s"Cannot convert unknown type '${x}' to Event JSON.")
    } catch {
      case e: ConnectorException => throw e
      case e: Exception => throw new ConnectorException(
        s"Cannot convert ${data} to eventJson. ${e.getMessage()}", e)


  // Convert the UserActionItem JSON to Event JSON
  def toEventJson(common: Common, userActionItem: UserActionItem): JObject = {
    import org.json4s.JsonDSL._

    // map to EventAPI JSON
    val json =
      ("event" -> userActionItem.event) ~
      ("entityType" -> "user") ~
      ("entityId" -> userActionItem.userId) ~
      ("targetEntityType" -> "item") ~
      ("targetEntityId" -> userActionItem.itemId) ~
      ("eventTime" -> userActionItem.timestamp) ~
      ("properties" -> (
        ("context" -> userActionItem.context) ~
        ("anotherPropertyA" -> userActionItem.anotherPropertyA) ~
        ("anotherPropertyB" -> userActionItem.anotherPropertyB)

  // Common required fields
  case class Common(
    `type`: String

  // UserActionItem fields
  case class UserActionItem (
    userId: String,
    event: String,
    itemId: String,
    context: JObject,
    anotherPropertyA: Option[Double],
    anotherPropertyB: Option[Boolean],
    timestamp: String


You can find the complete example in the GitHub repo and how to write tests for the connector.

Please put the connector code in a separate directory for each site. For example, code for segmentio connector should be in


and tests should be in


For form-submission data, you can find the complete example the GitHub repo and how to write tests for the connector.

2. Integrate the Connector into Event Server

Once we have the connector implemented, we can add this to the EventServer so we can collect real-time data.

Add the connector to WebhooksConnectors object:

import org.apache.predictionio.data.webhooks.examplejson.ExampleJsonConnector // ADDED private[predictionio] object WebhooksConnectors { // Map of Connector Name to Connector val json: Map[String, JsonConnector] = Map( "segmentio" -> SegmentIOConnector, "examplejson" -> ExampleJsonConnector // ADDED ) // Map of Connector Name to Connector val form: Map[String, FormConnector] = Map( "mailchimp" -> MailChimpConnector ) }

Note that the name of the connectors (e.g. “examplejson”, “segmentio”) will be used as the webhooks URL. In this example, the event server URL to collect data from “ExampleJson” would be:

http://<EVENT SERVER URL>/webhooks/examplejson.json?accessKey=<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>&channel=<CHANNEL_NAME>

For FormConnector, the URL doesn't have .json. For example,

http://<EVENT SERVER URL>/webhooks/mailchimp?accessKey=<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY>&channel=<CHANNEL_NAME>

That's it. Once you re-compile Apache PredictionIO, you can send the ExampleJson data to the following URL and the data will be stored to the App of the corresponding Access Key.