blob: 50029280350a60286a75da7711a2c61f570c1c99 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.template.textclassification
import io.prediction.controller._
// 1. Define Query class which serves as a wrapper for
// new text data.
class Query(
val text: String
) extends Serializable
// 2. Define PredictedResult class which serves as a
// wrapper for a predicted class label and the associated
// prediction confidence.
case class PredictedResult (
val category: String,
val confidence: Double
) extends Serializable
// 3. Define ActualResult class which serves as a wrapper
// for an observation's true class label.
class ActualResult(
val category: String
) extends Serializable
// 4. Initialize the engine.
object TextClassificationEngine extends EngineFactory {
def apply() = {
new Engine(
"VWlogisticSGD" -> classOf[VowpalLogisticRegressionWithSGDAlgorithm],
"nb" -> classOf[NBAlgorithm],
"lr" -> classOf[LRAlgorithm],
"bid-lr" -> classOf[BIDMachLRAlgorithm]
), classOf[Serving]