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/* ====================================================================
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package org.apache.poi.poifs.filesystem;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Iterator;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import org.apache.poi.POIDataSamples;
import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySet;
import org.apache.poi.hpsf.PropertySetFactory;
import org.apache.poi.hpsf.SummaryInformation;
import org.apache.poi.poifs.common.POIFSConstants;
* Tests for the new NIO POIFSFileSystem implementation
public final class TestNPOIFSFileSystem extends TestCase {
private static final POIDataSamples _inst = POIDataSamples.getPOIFSInstance();
public void testBasicOpen() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fsA, fsB;
// With a simple 512 block file
fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize512.zvi"));
fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize512.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
assertEquals(512, fs.getBigBlockSize());
// Now with a simple 4096 block file
fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
assertEquals(4096, fs.getBigBlockSize());
public void testPropertiesAndFatOnRead() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fsA, fsB;
// With a simple 512 block file
fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize512.zvi"));
fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize512.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
// Check the FAT was properly processed:
// Verify we only got one block
try {
fail("Should only be one BAT, but a 2nd was found");
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
// Verify a few next offsets
// 97 -> 98 -> END
assertEquals(98, fs.getNextBlock(97));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(98));
// Check the properties
NPropertyTable props = fs._get_property_table();
assertEquals(90, props.getStartBlock());
assertEquals(7, props.countBlocks());
// Root property tells us about the Mini Stream
RootProperty root = props.getRoot();
assertEquals("Root Entry", root.getName());
assertEquals(11564, root.getSize());
assertEquals(0, root.getStartBlock());
// Check its children too
Property prop;
Iterator<Property> pi = root.getChildren();
prop =;
assertEquals("Thumbnail", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("\u0005DocumentSummaryInformation", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("\u0005SummaryInformation", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("Image", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("Tags", prop.getName());
assertEquals(false, pi.hasNext());
// Check the SBAT (Small Blocks FAT) was properly processed
NPOIFSMiniStore ministore = fs.getMiniStore();
// Verify we only got two SBAT blocks
try {
fail("Should only be two SBATs, but a 3rd was found");
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
// Verify a few offsets: 0->50 is a stream
for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
assertEquals(i+1, ministore.getNextBlock(i));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, ministore.getNextBlock(50));
// Now with a simple 4096 block file
fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
// Check the FAT was properly processed
// Verify we only got one block
try {
fail("Should only be one BAT, but a 2nd was found");
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
// Verify a few next offsets
// 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> END
assertEquals(1, fs.getNextBlock(0));
assertEquals(2, fs.getNextBlock(1));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(2));
// Check the properties
NPropertyTable props = fs._get_property_table();
assertEquals(12, props.getStartBlock());
assertEquals(1, props.countBlocks());
// Root property tells us about the Mini Stream
RootProperty root = props.getRoot();
assertEquals("Root Entry", root.getName());
assertEquals(11564, root.getSize());
assertEquals(0, root.getStartBlock());
// Check its children too
Property prop;
Iterator<Property> pi = root.getChildren();
prop =;
assertEquals("Thumbnail", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("\u0005DocumentSummaryInformation", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("\u0005SummaryInformation", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("Image", prop.getName());
prop =;
assertEquals("Tags", prop.getName());
assertEquals(false, pi.hasNext());
// Check the SBAT (Small Blocks FAT) was properly processed
NPOIFSMiniStore ministore = fs.getMiniStore();
// Verify we only got one SBAT block
try {
fail("Should only be one SBAT, but a 2nd was found");
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
// Verify a few offsets: 0->50 is a stream
for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
assertEquals(i+1, ministore.getNextBlock(i));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, ministore.getNextBlock(50));
* Check that for a given block, we can correctly figure
* out what the next one is
public void testNextBlock() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize512.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize512.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
// 0 -> 21 are simple
for(int i=0; i<21; i++) {
assertEquals(i+1, fs.getNextBlock(i));
// 21 jumps to 89, then ends
assertEquals(89, fs.getNextBlock(21));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(89));
// 22 -> 88 simple sequential stream
for(int i=22; i<88; i++) {
assertEquals(i+1, fs.getNextBlock(i));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(88));
// 90 -> 96 is another stream
for(int i=90; i<96; i++) {
assertEquals(i+1, fs.getNextBlock(i));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(96));
// 97+98 is another
assertEquals(98, fs.getNextBlock(97));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(98));
// 99 is our FAT block
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.FAT_SECTOR_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(99));
// 100 onwards is free
for(int i=100; i<fs.getBigBlockSizeDetails().getBATEntriesPerBlock(); i++) {
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(i));
// Quick check on 4096 byte blocks too
fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
// 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> end
assertEquals(1, fs.getNextBlock(0));
assertEquals(2, fs.getNextBlock(1));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(2));
// 4 -> 11 then end
for(int i=4; i<11; i++) {
assertEquals(i+1, fs.getNextBlock(i));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN, fs.getNextBlock(11));
* Check we get the right data back for each block
public void testGetBlock() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize512.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize512.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
ByteBuffer b;
// The 0th block is the first data block
b = fs.getBlockAt(0);
assertEquals((byte)0x9e, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x75, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x97, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0xf6, b.get());
// And the next block
b = fs.getBlockAt(1);
assertEquals((byte)0x86, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x09, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x22, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0xfb, b.get());
// Check the final block too
b = fs.getBlockAt(99);
assertEquals((byte)0x01, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x02, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
// Quick check on 4096 byte blocks too
fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB}) {
ByteBuffer b;
// The 0th block is the first data block
b = fs.getBlockAt(0);
assertEquals((byte)0x9e, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x75, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x97, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0xf6, b.get());
// And the next block
b = fs.getBlockAt(1);
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x03, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
// The 14th block is the FAT
b = fs.getBlockAt(14);
assertEquals((byte)0x01, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x02, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
assertEquals((byte)0x00, b.get());
* Ask for free blocks where there are some already
* to be had from the FAT
public void testGetFreeBlockWithSpare() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize512.zvi"));
// Our first BAT block has spares
assertEquals(true, fs.getBATBlockAndIndex(0).getBlock().hasFreeSectors());
// First free one is 100
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(100));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(101));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(102));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(103));
// Ask, will get 100
assertEquals(100, fs.getFreeBlock());
// Ask again, will still get 100 as not written to
assertEquals(100, fs.getFreeBlock());
// Allocate it, then ask again
fs.setNextBlock(100, POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN);
assertEquals(101, fs.getFreeBlock());
* Ask for free blocks where no free ones exist, and so the
* file needs to be extended and another BAT/XBAT added
public void testGetFreeBlockWithNoneSpare() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fs = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize512.zvi"));
// We have one BAT at block 99
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.FAT_SECTOR_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(99));
// We've spare ones from 100 to 128
for(int i=100; i<128; i++) {
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(i));
// Check our BAT knows it's free
assertEquals(true, fs.getBATBlockAndIndex(0).getBlock().hasFreeSectors());
// Allocate all the spare ones
for(int i=100; i<128; i++) {
fs.setNextBlock(i, POIFSConstants.END_OF_CHAIN);
// BAT is now full, but there's only the one
assertEquals(false, fs.getBATBlockAndIndex(0).getBlock().hasFreeSectors());
try {
assertEquals(false, fs.getBATBlockAndIndex(128).getBlock().hasFreeSectors());
fail("Should only be one BAT");
} catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {}
// Now ask for a free one, will need to extend the file
assertEquals(129, fs.getFreeBlock());
assertEquals(false, fs.getBATBlockAndIndex(0).getBlock().hasFreeSectors());
assertEquals(true, fs.getBATBlockAndIndex(128).getBlock().hasFreeSectors());
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.FAT_SECTOR_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(128));
assertEquals(POIFSConstants.UNUSED_BLOCK, fs.getNextBlock(129));
// Fill up to hold 109 BAT blocks
// Ask for another, will get our first XBAT
// Fill the XBAT
// Ask for another, will get our 2nd XBAT
// Write it out and read it back in again
// Ensure it's correct
* Test that we can correctly get the list of directory
* entries, and the details on the files in them
public void testListEntries() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize512.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize512.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsC = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsD = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB,fsC,fsD}) {
DirectoryEntry root = fs.getRoot();
assertEquals(5, root.getEntryCount());
// Check by the names
Entry thumbnail = root.getEntry("Thumbnail");
Entry dsi = root.getEntry("\u0005DocumentSummaryInformation");
Entry si = root.getEntry("\u0005SummaryInformation");
Entry image = root.getEntry("Image");
Entry tags = root.getEntry("Tags");
assertEquals(false, thumbnail.isDirectoryEntry());
assertEquals(false, dsi.isDirectoryEntry());
assertEquals(false, si.isDirectoryEntry());
assertEquals(true, image.isDirectoryEntry());
assertEquals(false, tags.isDirectoryEntry());
// Check via the iterator
Iterator<Entry> it = root.getEntries();
// Look inside another
DirectoryEntry imageD = (DirectoryEntry)image;
assertEquals(7, imageD.getEntryCount());
* Tests that we can get the correct contents for
* a document in the filesystem
public void testGetDocumentEntry() throws Exception {
NPOIFSFileSystem fsA = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize512.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsB = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize512.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsC = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.getFile("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
NPOIFSFileSystem fsD = new NPOIFSFileSystem(_inst.openResourceAsStream("BlockSize4096.zvi"));
for(NPOIFSFileSystem fs : new NPOIFSFileSystem[] {fsA,fsB,fsC,fsD}) {
DirectoryEntry root = fs.getRoot();
Entry si = root.getEntry("\u0005SummaryInformation");
assertEquals(true, si.isDocumentEntry());
DocumentNode doc = (DocumentNode)si;
// Check we can read it
NDocumentInputStream inp = new NDocumentInputStream(doc);
byte[] contents = new byte[doc.getSize()];
// Now try to build the property set
inp = new NDocumentInputStream(doc);
PropertySet ps = PropertySetFactory.create(inp);
SummaryInformation inf = (SummaryInformation)ps;
// Check some bits in it
assertEquals(null, inf.getApplicationName());
assertEquals(null, inf.getAuthor());
assertEquals(null, inf.getSubject());
// TODO Directory/Document write tests