Apache PLC4C Code Conventions

This is not a style guide, but rather a set of conventions to be used when creating variable, functions, and structs from an implementation point of view. It is also concerned with naming conventions and other patterns to maintain a consistent, maintainable codebase.

Structural Conventions

  • Each module contains src, include and test directories
    • src: Sources (*.c files and resources)
    • include: Header files (*.h files)
    • test: Test-Sources (and resources)
  • All header files should be located in plc4c directories inside the include directories
  • Types and structs that are cross-cutting (used in multiple type-domains) are defined in the types.h file
  • Functions operating on a given type are declared in the corresponding header file: functions operating on connections are defined in connection.h


  • All function- and type-names should have the prefix plc4c_
  • The general pattern for functions should be plc4c_{basetype}_{operation}. Some examples:
    • plc4c_connection_create_read_request
  • If the operations have an effect on a property of the base-type the operation separates the base-type and the property name (plc4c_{basetype}_{operation}_{property-name}).
    • plc4c_connection_get_connection_string
    • plc4c_connection_set_connection_string
  • Structures should all be created by using a function with a _create suffix
  • Structures should all be freed/cleared/deleted by calling a function with a _destroy suffix