Python binding for the interop server

This module provides the (experimental) Python support for the interop server. Or, simpler, a python 3 binding for PLC4X.

The only thing which needs to be done as installation is to run the skript to build the interop server and copy it to lib/ forder.

Then, you are good to go.

Some tests can be found in test/

Here is some example code:

    manager = PlcDriverManager()

    connection = None
        connection = manager.get_connection("s7://")
        for _ in range(100):
            result = connection.execute(Request(fields={"field1": "%M0:USINT"}))
            print("Response Code is " + str(result.get_field("field1").get_response_code()))
            # We now that we want to get an int...
            print("Response Value is " + str(result.get_field("field1").get_int_value()))

    except PlcException as e:
        raise Exception(str(e.url))
        if connection is not None:

the PlcDriverManager spawns an interop server in the background, thus it is important to close it afterwards. Otherwise this process keeps alive and you have to kill by yourself.

All generated files (from thrift) are in org.apache.plc4x.interop. I built a very simple Python API in org.apache.plc4x.