Plc to Google IoT Core Adapter

This Adapter opens a MQTT Bridge to Google Cloud IoT Core.

To run this code, you need an account to the google cloud and a project. You need to create a device registry and add a device to it, as described here:

Then, you can run the PlcToGoogleIoTCoreSample to connect tho google and send some values into the cloud. Some sample arguments:


Some documentation can be found here: This code was adapted from:

To retrieve the messages, you can subscribe to Cloud Pub/Sub. For example, you could install the google cloud sdk (gcloud) and run:

gcloud auth login
gcloud config set myprojectname
gcloud iot devices configs list --project=myprojectname \\
    --region=europe-west1 \\
    --registry=myplc4x-test-registry \\
    --device=myplc4x-test-device \\
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create --topic plc4x-test-events plc4x-test-subscription
gcloud pubsub subscriptions pull --auto-ack plc4x-test-subscription

To pull more than one message, use the option --limit [number]

For further reference to the Cloud Pub/Sub, see: