tree: befcfda21b185f440e637f52f483f5e787b26bf6 [path history] [tgz]
  1. config/
  2. src/
  3. pom.xml

Kafka Connect PLC4X Connector

The PLC4X Connector streams data from and to any device accessible through the PLC4X interface.

Source Connector

See config/ for example configuration.

Sink Connector

See config/ for example configuration.


  1. Download the latest version of Apache Kafka binaries from here:

  2. Unpack the archive.

  3. Copy the target/apache-kafka-0.4.0-SNAPSHOT.jar to the Kafka “libs” directory.

  4. Copy the files in the “config” to Kafka's “configs” directory (maybe inside a “plc4x” subdirectory)

  5. Open 4 console windows and change directory into that directory

  6. Start Zookeeper:

     bin/ config/ 
  7. Start Kafka:

     bin/ config/
  8. Create the “test” topic:

     bin/ --create --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test
  9. Start the consumer:

     bin/ --bootstrap-server localhost:9092 --topic test --from-beginning

Note: Not quite sure here ... have to continue working on this ...

  1. Start Kafka connect:

    bin/ config/ config/plc4x/

Now watch the console window with the “kafka-console-consumer”.

If you want to debug the connector, be sure to set some environment variables before starting Kafka-Connect:

    export KAFKA_DEBUG=y; export DEBUG_SUSPEND_FLAG=y;

In this case the startup will suspend till an IDE is connected via a remote-debugging session.