blob: 2ef265bcbe877d7dade2ff05440f1746a50e833d [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License,
* Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in
* compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.pivot.scene;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.pivot.bxml.DefaultProperty;
import org.apache.pivot.scene.effect.Decorator;
import org.apache.pivot.util.ListenerList;
import org.apache.pivot.util.ObservableList;
import org.apache.pivot.util.ObservableListAdapter;
* Container for a group of nodes. A group is primarily responsible for
* laying out its child nodes.
public class Group extends Node {
private class NodeList extends ObservableListAdapter<Node> {
public NodeList() {
super(new ArrayList<Node>());
public void add(int index, Node node) {
public boolean addAll(int index, Collection<? extends Node> nodes) {
for (Node node : nodes) {
return super.addAll(index, nodes);
private void addNode(Node node) {
if (node == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
if (node.getGroup() != null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
public Node remove(int index) {
return super.remove(index);
protected void removeRange(int fromIndex, int toIndex) {
for (int i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
super.removeRange(fromIndex, toIndex);
private void removeNode(Node node) {
public Node set(int index, Node node) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public List<Node> setAll(int index, Collection<? extends Node> nodes) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
private static class GroupListenerList extends ListenerList<GroupListener>
implements GroupListener {
public void preferredSizeChanged(Group group, int previousPreferredWidth,
int previousPreferredHeight) {
for (GroupListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.preferredSizeChanged(group, previousPreferredWidth, previousPreferredHeight);
public void widthLimitsChanged(Group group, int previousMinimumWidth,
int previousMaximumWidth) {
for (GroupListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.widthLimitsChanged(group, previousMinimumWidth, previousMaximumWidth);
public void heightLimitsChanged(Group group, int previousMinimumHeight,
int previousMaximumHeight) {
for (GroupListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.heightLimitsChanged(group, previousMinimumHeight, previousMaximumHeight);
public void layoutChanged(Group group, Layout previousLayout) {
for (GroupListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.layoutChanged(group, previousLayout);
public void focusTraversalPolicyChanged(Group group,
FocusTraversalPolicy previousFocusTraversalPolicy) {
for (GroupListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.focusTraversalPolicyChanged(group, previousFocusTraversalPolicy);
private static class GroupMouseListenerList extends ListenerList<GroupMouseListener>
implements GroupMouseListener {
public boolean mouseMoved(Group group, int x, int y, boolean captured) {
for (GroupMouseListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.mouseMoved(group, x, y, captured);
return false;
public boolean mousePressed(Group group, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
for (GroupMouseListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.mousePressed(group, button, x, y);
return false;
public boolean mouseReleased(Group group, Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
for (GroupMouseListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.mouseReleased(group, button, x, y);
return false;
public boolean mouseWheelScrolled(Group group, Mouse.ScrollType scrollType,
int scrollAmount, int wheelRotation, int x, int y) {
for (GroupMouseListener listener : listeners()) {
listener.mouseWheelScrolled(group, scrollType, scrollAmount, wheelRotation, x, y);
return false;
private ObservableList<Node> nodes = new NodeList();
private Layout layout = null;
private FocusTraversalPolicy focusTraversalPolicy = null;
// Preferred width and height values explicitly set by the user
private int preferredWidth = -1;
private int preferredHeight = -1;
// Bounds on preferred size
private int minimumWidth = 0;
private int maximumWidth = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
private int minimumHeight = 0;
private int maximumHeight = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
// Calculated preferred size value
private Dimensions preferredSize = null;
// Calculated baseline for current size
private int baseline = -1;
private Node mouseOverNode = null;
private boolean mouseDown = false;
private Node mouseDownNode = null;
private long mouseDownTime = 0;
private int mouseClickCount = 0;
private boolean mouseClickConsumed = false;
// Listener lists
private GroupListenerList groupListeners = new GroupListenerList();
private GroupMouseListenerList groupMouseListeners = new GroupMouseListenerList();
public Group() {
public Group(Layout layout) {
* Returns the list of this group's child nodes.
public ObservableList<Node> getNodes() {
return nodes;
protected void setGroup(Group group) {
// If this group is being removed from the node hierarchy
// and contains the focused node, clear the focus
if (group == null
&& containsFocus()) {
public Node getNodeAt(int x, int y) {
Node node = null;
int i = nodes.size() - 1;
while (i >= 0) {
node = nodes.get(i);
if (node.isVisible()) {
Bounds bounds = node.getBounds();
if (bounds.contains(x, y)) {
if (i < 0) {
node = null;
return node;
public Node getDescendantAt(int x, int y) {
Node descendant = getNodeAt(x, y);
if (descendant instanceof Group) {
Group group = (Group)descendant;
descendant = group.getDescendantAt(x - group.getX(), y - group.getY());
if (descendant == null) {
descendant = this;
return descendant;
* Tests if this group is an ancestor of a given node. A group
* is considered to be its own ancestor.
* @param node
* The node to test.
* @return
* <tt>true</tt> if this group is an ancestor of <tt>node</tt>;
* <tt>false</tt> otherwise.
public boolean isAncestor(Node node) {
boolean ancestor = false;
while (node != null) {
if (node == this) {
ancestor = true;
node = node.getGroup();
return ancestor;
public void setVisible(boolean visible) {
if (!visible
&& containsFocus()) {
* Returns the layout the group uses to arrange its children.
public Layout getLayout() {
return layout;
* Sets the layout the group uses to arrange its children.
* @param layout
* The layout the group will use to arrange its children, or <tt>null</tt>
* for no layout.
public void setLayout(Layout layout) {
Layout previousLayout = this.layout;
if (previousLayout != layout) {
this.layout = layout;
groupListeners.layoutChanged(this, previousLayout);
public Extents getExtents() {
int minimumX = 0;
int maximumX = 0;
int minimumY = 0;
int maximumY = 0;
for (int i = 0, n = nodes.size(); i < n; i++) {
Node node = nodes.get(i);
if (node.isVisible()) {
Extents extents = node.getExtents();
minimumX = Math.min(extents.minimumX, minimumX);
maximumX = Math.max(extents.maximumX, maximumX);
minimumY = Math.min(extents.minimumY, minimumY);
maximumY = Math.max(extents.maximumY, maximumY);
return new Extents(minimumX, maximumX, minimumY, maximumY);
public boolean contains(int x, int y) {
// TODO Find node at x, y and call contains() on it
// TODO What should we return here? Does a group always contain the point
// if it is within the extents? IMPORTANT - we may need to cache extents
// in this class, since we may need to use it here.
// TODO How does contains() affect mouse notifications?
return false;
public boolean isFocusable() {
return false;
* Returns the group's unconstrained preferred width.
public int getPreferredWidth() {
return getPreferredWidth(-1);
* Returnsgrouponent's constrained preferred width.
* @param height
* The height value by which the preferred width should be constrained, or
* <tt>-1</tt> for no constraint.
* @return
* The constrained preferred width.
public int getPreferredWidth(int height) {
int preferredWidth;
if (this.preferredWidth == -1) {
if (height == -1) {
preferredWidth = getPreferredSize().width;
} else {
if (preferredSize != null
&& preferredSize.height == height) {
preferredWidth = preferredSize.width;
} else {
preferredWidth = (layout == null) ? 0 : layout.getPreferredWidth(this, height);
Limits widthLimits = getWidthLimits();
preferredWidth = widthLimits.constrain(preferredWidth);
} else {
preferredWidth = this.preferredWidth;
return preferredWidth;
* Sets the group's preferred width.
* @param preferredWidth
* The preferred width value, or <tt>-1</tt> to use the default
* value determined by the skin.
public void setPreferredWidth(int preferredWidth) {
setPreferredSize(preferredWidth, preferredHeight);
* Returns a flag indicating whether the preferred width was explicitly
* set by the caller or is the default value determined by the skin.
* @return
* <tt>true</tt> if the preferred width was explicitly set; <tt>false</tt>,
* otherwise.
public boolean isPreferredWidthSet() {
return (preferredWidth != -1);
* Returns the group's unconstrained preferred height.
public int getPreferredHeight() {
return getPreferredHeight(-1);
* Returns the group's constrained preferred height.
* @param width
* The width value by which the preferred height should be constrained, or
* <tt>-1</tt> for no constraint.
* @return
* The constrained preferred height.
public int getPreferredHeight(int width) {
int preferredHeight;
if (this.preferredHeight == -1) {
if (width == -1) {
preferredHeight = getPreferredSize().height;
} else {
if (preferredSize != null
&& preferredSize.width == width) {
preferredHeight = preferredSize.height;
} else {
preferredHeight = (layout == null) ? 0 : layout.getPreferredHeight(this, width);
Limits heightLimits = getHeightLimits();
preferredHeight = heightLimits.constrain(preferredHeight);
} else {
preferredHeight = this.preferredHeight;
return preferredHeight;
* Sets the group's preferred height.
* @param preferredHeight
* The preferred height value, or <tt>-1</tt> to use the default
* value determined by the skin.
public void setPreferredHeight(int preferredHeight) {
setPreferredSize(preferredWidth, preferredHeight);
* Returns a flag indicating whether the preferred height was explicitly
* set by the caller or is the default value determined by the skin.
* @return
* <tt>true</tt> if the preferred height was explicitly set; <tt>false</tt>,
* otherwise.
public boolean isPreferredHeightSet() {
return (preferredHeight != -1);
* Gets the group's unconstrained preferred size.
public Dimensions getPreferredSize() {
if (preferredSize == null) {
if (layout == null) {
preferredSize = new Dimensions(0, 0);
} else {
Dimensions preferredSize;
if (preferredWidth == -1
&& preferredHeight == -1) {
preferredSize = new Dimensions(layout.getPreferredWidth(this, preferredHeight),
layout.getPreferredHeight(this, preferredWidth));
} else if (preferredWidth == -1) {
preferredSize = new Dimensions(layout.getPreferredWidth(this, preferredHeight),
} else if (preferredHeight == -1) {
preferredSize = new Dimensions(preferredWidth, layout.getPreferredHeight(this,
} else {
preferredSize = new Dimensions(preferredWidth, preferredHeight);
Limits widthLimits = getWidthLimits();
Limits heightLimits = getHeightLimits();
int preferredWidth = widthLimits.constrain(preferredSize.width);
int preferredHeight = heightLimits.constrain(preferredSize.height);
if (preferredSize.width > preferredWidth) {
preferredHeight = heightLimits.constrain(layout.getPreferredHeight(this, preferredWidth));
if (preferredSize.height > preferredHeight) {
preferredWidth = widthLimits.constrain(layout.getPreferredWidth(this, preferredHeight));
this.preferredSize = new Dimensions(preferredWidth, preferredHeight);
return preferredSize;
public final void setPreferredSize(Dimensions preferredSize) {
if (preferredSize == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("preferredSize is null.");
setPreferredSize(preferredSize.width, preferredSize.height);
* Sets the group's preferred size.
* @param preferredWidth
* The preferred width value, or <tt>-1</tt> to use the default
* value determined by the skin.
* @param preferredHeight
* The preferred height value, or <tt>-1</tt> to use the default
* value determined by the skin.
public void setPreferredSize(int preferredWidth, int preferredHeight) {
if (preferredWidth < -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(preferredWidth
+ " is not a valid value for preferredWidth.");
if (preferredHeight < -1) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(preferredHeight
+ " is not a valid value for preferredHeight.");
int previousPreferredWidth = this.preferredWidth;
int previousPreferredHeight = this.preferredHeight;
if (previousPreferredWidth != preferredWidth
|| previousPreferredHeight != preferredHeight) {
this.preferredWidth = preferredWidth;
this.preferredHeight = preferredHeight;
groupListeners.preferredSizeChanged(this, previousPreferredWidth,
* Returns a flag indicating whether the preferred size was explicitly
* set by the caller or is the default value determined by the skin.
* @return
* <tt>true</tt> if the preferred size was explicitly set; <tt>false</tt>,
* otherwise.
public boolean isPreferredSizeSet() {
return isPreferredWidthSet()
&& isPreferredHeightSet();
* Returns the minimum width of this group.
public int getMinimumWidth() {
return minimumWidth;
* Sets the minimum width of this group.
* @param minimumWidth
public void setMinimumWidth(int minimumWidth) {
setWidthLimits(minimumWidth, getMaximumWidth());
* Returns the maximum width of this group.
public int getMaximumWidth() {
return maximumWidth;
* Sets the maximum width of this group.
* @param maximumWidth
public void setMaximumWidth(int maximumWidth) {
setWidthLimits(getMinimumWidth(), maximumWidth);
* Returns the width limits for this group.
public Limits getWidthLimits() {
return new Limits(minimumWidth, maximumWidth);
* Sets the width limits for this group.
* @param minimumWidth
* @param maximumWidth
public void setWidthLimits(int minimumWidth, int maximumWidth) {
int previousMinimumWidth = this.minimumWidth;
int previousMaximumWidth = this.maximumWidth;
if (previousMinimumWidth != minimumWidth
|| previousMaximumWidth != maximumWidth) {
if (minimumWidth < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minimumWidth is negative.");
if (minimumWidth > maximumWidth) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minimumWidth is greater than maximumWidth.");
this.minimumWidth = minimumWidth;
this.maximumWidth = maximumWidth;
groupListeners.widthLimitsChanged(this, previousMinimumWidth, previousMaximumWidth);
* Sets the width limits for this group.
* @param widthLimits
public final void setWidthLimits(Limits widthLimits) {
if (widthLimits == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("widthLimits is null.");
setWidthLimits(widthLimits.minimum, widthLimits.maximum);
* Returns the minimum height of this group.
public int getMinimumHeight() {
return minimumHeight;
* Sets the minimum height of this group.
* @param minimumHeight
public void setMinimumHeight(int minimumHeight) {
setHeightLimits(minimumHeight, getMaximumHeight());
* Returns the maximum height of this group.
public int getMaximumHeight() {
return maximumHeight;
* Sets the maximum height of this group.
* @param maximumHeight
public void setMaximumHeight(int maximumHeight) {
setHeightLimits(getMinimumHeight(), maximumHeight);
* Returns the height limits for this group.
public Limits getHeightLimits() {
return new Limits(minimumHeight, maximumHeight);
* Sets the height limits for this group.
* @param minimumHeight
* @param maximumHeight
public void setHeightLimits(int minimumHeight, int maximumHeight) {
int previousMinimumHeight = this.minimumHeight;
int previousMaximumHeight = this.maximumHeight;
if (previousMinimumHeight != minimumHeight
|| previousMaximumHeight != maximumHeight) {
if (minimumHeight < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minimumHeight is negative.");
if (minimumHeight > maximumHeight) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("minimumHeight is greater than maximumHeight.");
this.minimumHeight = minimumHeight;
this.maximumHeight = maximumHeight;
groupListeners.heightLimitsChanged(this, previousMinimumHeight, previousMaximumHeight);
* Sets the height limits for this group.
* @param heightLimits
public final void setHeightLimits(Limits heightLimits) {
if (heightLimits == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("heightLimits is null.");
setHeightLimits(heightLimits.minimum, heightLimits.maximum);
public int getBaseline(int width, int height) {
return (layout == null) ? -1 : layout.getBaseline(this, width, height);
* Returns the group's baseline.
* @return
* The baseline relative to the origin of this group, or <tt>-1</tt> if
* this group does not have a baseline.
public int getBaseline() {
if (baseline == -1) {
baseline = getBaseline(getWidth(), getHeight());
return baseline;
// ----------------------------------------
public void layout() {
if (layout != null) {
for (int i = 0, n = nodes.size(); i < n; i++) {
Node node = nodes.get(i);
public void invalidate() {
// Clear the preferred size and baseline
preferredSize = null;
baseline = -1;
public void paint(Graphics graphics) {
Bounds clipBounds = graphics.getClipBounds();
for (int i = 0, n = nodes.size(); i < n; i++) {
Node node = nodes.get(i);
// Only paint nodes that are visible and intersect the
// current clip rectangle
if (node.isVisible()
&& node.getDecoratedBounds().intersects(clipBounds)) {
paintNode(graphics, node);
private void paintNode(Graphics graphics, Node node) {
// TODO Transform graphics before passing to node, etc.
Bounds nodeBounds = node.getBounds();
// Create a copy of the current graphics context and
// translate to the node's coordinate system
Graphics decoratedGraphics = graphics.create();
decoratedGraphics.translate(nodeBounds.x, nodeBounds.y);
// Prepare the decorators
List<Decorator> decorators = node.getDecorators();
int n = decorators.size();
for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
Decorator decorator = decorators.get(j);
decoratedGraphics = decorator.prepare(node, decoratedGraphics);
// Paint the node
Graphics nodeGraphics = decoratedGraphics.create();
if (node.getClip()) {
nodeGraphics.clip(0, 0, nodeBounds.width, nodeBounds.height);
// Update the decorators
for (int j = 0; j < n; j++) {
Decorator decorator = decorators.get(j);
* Requests that focus be given to this group. If this group is not
* focusable, this requests that focus be set to the first focusable
* descendant in this group.
* @return
* The node that got the focus, or <tt>null</tt> if the focus request
* was denied
public boolean requestFocus() {
boolean focused = false;
if (isFocusable()) {
focused = super.requestFocus();
} else {
if (focusTraversalPolicy != null) {
Node first = focusTraversalPolicy.getNextNode(this, null, FocusTraversalDirection.FORWARD);
Node node = first;
while (node != null
&& !node.requestFocus()) {
node = focusTraversalPolicy.getNextNode(this, node, FocusTraversalDirection.FORWARD);
// Ensure that we don't get into an infinite loop
if (node == first) {
focused = (node != null);
return focused;
* Transfers focus to the next focusable node.
* @param node
* The node from which focus will be transferred.
* @param direction
* The direction in which to transfer focus.
public Node transferFocus(Node node, FocusTraversalDirection direction) {
if (focusTraversalPolicy == null) {
// The group has no traversal policy; move up a level
node = transferFocus(direction);
} else {
do {
node = focusTraversalPolicy.getNextNode(this, node, direction);
if (node != null) {
if (node.isFocusable()) {
} else {
if (node instanceof Group) {
Group group = (Group)node;
node = group.transferFocus(null, direction);
} while (node != null
&& !node.isFocused());
if (node == null) {
// We are at the end of the traversal
node = transferFocus(direction);
return node;
* Returns this group's focus traversal policy.
public FocusTraversalPolicy getFocusTraversalPolicy() {
return this.focusTraversalPolicy;
* Sets this group's focus traversal policy.
* @param focusTraversalPolicy
* The focus traversal policy to use with this group.
public void setFocusTraversalPolicy(FocusTraversalPolicy focusTraversalPolicy) {
FocusTraversalPolicy previousFocusTraversalPolicy = this.focusTraversalPolicy;
if (previousFocusTraversalPolicy != focusTraversalPolicy) {
this.focusTraversalPolicy = focusTraversalPolicy;
groupListeners.focusTraversalPolicyChanged(this, previousFocusTraversalPolicy);
* Tests whether this group is an ancestor of the currently focused
* node.
* @return
* <tt>true</tt> if a node is focused and this group is an
* ancestor of the node; <tt>false</tt>, otherwise.
public boolean containsFocus() {
Node focusedNode = getFocusedNode();
return (focusedNode != null
&& isAncestor(focusedNode));
protected void descendantAdded(Node descendant) {
Group group = getGroup();
if (group != null) {
protected void descendantRemoved(Node descendant) {
Group group = getGroup();
if (group != null) {
protected void descendantGainedFocus(Node descendant) {
Group group = getGroup();
if (group != null) {
protected void descendantLostFocus(Node descendant) {
Group group = getGroup();
if (group != null) {
protected boolean mouseMoved(int x, int y, boolean captured) {
boolean consumed = false;
// Clear the mouse over node if its mouse-over state has
// changed (e.g. if its enabled or visible properties have
// changed)
if (mouseOverNode != null
&& !mouseOverNode.isMouseOver()) {
mouseOverNode = null;
if (isEnabled()) {
// Synthesize mouse over/out events
Node node = getNodeAt(x, y);
if (mouseOverNode != node) {
if (mouseOverNode != null) {
mouseOverNode = null;
// Notify group listeners
consumed = groupMouseListeners.mouseMoved(this, x, y, captured);
if (!consumed) {
if (mouseOverNode != node) {
mouseOverNode = node;
if (mouseOverNode!= null) {
// Propagate event to subnodes
if (node != null) {
// TODO Transform coordinates before passing to node
consumed = node.mouseMoved(x - node.getX(), y - node.getY(), captured);
// Notify the base class
if (!consumed) {
consumed = super.mouseMoved(x, y, captured);
return consumed;
protected void mouseExited() {
// Ensure that mouse out is called on descendant nodes
if (mouseOverNode != null
&& mouseOverNode.isMouseOver()) {
mouseOverNode = null;
protected boolean mousePressed(Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
boolean consumed = false;
mouseDown = true;
if (isEnabled()) {
// Notify group listeners
consumed = groupMouseListeners.mousePressed(this, button, x, y);
if (!consumed) {
// Synthesize mouse click event
Node node = getNodeAt(x, y);
long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
int multiClickInterval = Mouse.getMultiClickInterval();
if (mouseDownNode == node
&& currentTime - mouseDownTime < multiClickInterval) {
} else {
mouseDownTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
mouseClickCount = 1;
mouseDownNode = node;
// Propagate event to subnodes
if (node != null) {
// Ensure that mouse over is called
if (!node.isMouseOver()) {
// TODO Transform coordinates before passing to node
consumed = node.mousePressed(button, x - node.getX(), y - node.getY());
// Notify the base class
if (!consumed) {
consumed = super.mousePressed(button, x, y);
return consumed;
protected boolean mouseReleased(Mouse.Button button, int x, int y) {
boolean consumed = false;
if (isEnabled()) {
// Notify group listeners
consumed = groupMouseListeners.mouseReleased(this, button, x, y);
if (!consumed) {
// Propagate event to subnodes
Node node = getNodeAt(x, y);
if (node != null) {
// Ensure that mouse over is called
if (!node.isMouseOver()) {
// TODO Transform coordinates before passing to node
consumed = node.mouseReleased(button, x - node.getX(), y - node.getY());
// Notify the base class
if (!consumed) {
consumed = super.mouseReleased(button, x, y);
// Synthesize mouse click event
if (mouseDown
&& node != null
&& node == mouseDownNode
&& node.isEnabled()
&& node.isVisible()) {
// TODO Transform coordinates before passing to node (consolidate with
// above?)
mouseClickConsumed = node.mouseClicked(button, x - node.getX(),
y - node.getY(), mouseClickCount);
mouseDown = false;
return consumed;
protected boolean mouseClicked(Mouse.Button button, int x, int y, int count) {
if (isEnabled()) {
if (!mouseClickConsumed) {
// Allow the event to propagate
mouseClickConsumed = super.mouseClicked(button, x, y, count);
return mouseClickConsumed;
protected boolean mouseWheelScrolled(Mouse.ScrollType scrollType, int scrollAmount,
int wheelRotation, int x, int y) {
boolean consumed = false;
if (isEnabled()) {
// Notify group listeners
consumed = groupMouseListeners.mouseWheelScrolled(this, scrollType, scrollAmount,
wheelRotation, x, y);
if (!consumed) {
// Propagate event to subnodes
Node node = getNodeAt(x, y);
if (node != null) {
// Ensure that mouse over is called
if (!node.isMouseOver()) {
// TODO Transform coordinates before passing to node
consumed = node.mouseWheelScrolled(scrollType, scrollAmount, wheelRotation,
x - node.getX(), y - node.getY());
// Notify the base class
if (!consumed) {
consumed = super.mouseWheelScrolled(scrollType, scrollAmount,
wheelRotation, x, y);
return consumed;
public ListenerList<GroupListener> getGroupListeners() {
return groupListeners;
public ListenerList<GroupMouseListener> getGroupMouseListeners() {
return groupMouseListeners;