Introduction to ThirdEye

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ThirdEye is an integrated tool for realtime monitoring of time series and interactive root-cause analysis. It enables anyone inside an organization to collaborate on effective identification and analysis of deviations in business and system metrics. ThirdEye supports the entire workflow from anomaly detection, over root-cause analysis, to issue resolution and post-mortem reporting.

What is it for? (key features)

Online monitoring and analysis of business and system metrics from multiple data sources. ThirdEye comes batteries included for both detection and analysis use cases. It aims to minimize the Mean-Time-To-Detection (MTTD) and Mean-Time-To-Recovery (MTTR) of production issues. ThirdEye improves its detection and analysis performance over time from incremental user feedback.


  • Detection toolkit based on business rules and exponential smoothing
  • Realtime monitoring of high-dimensional time series
  • Native support for seasonality and permanent change points in time series
  • Email alerts with 1-click feedback for automated tuning of detection algorithms

Root-Cause Analysis

  • Collaborative root-cause analysis dashboards
  • Interactive slice-and-dice of data, correlation analysis, and event identification
  • Reporting and archiving tools for anomalies and analyses
  • Knowledge graph construction over time from user feedback


  • Connectors for continuous time series data from Pinot and CSV
  • Connectors for discrete event data sources, such as holidays from Google calendar
  • Plugin support for detection and analysis components

What isn't it? (limitations)

ThirdEye maintains a dedicated meta-data store to capture data sources, anomalies, and relationships between entities but does not store raw time series data. It relies on systems such as Pinot, RocksDB, and Kafka to obtain both realtime and historic time series data.

ThirdEye does not replace your issue tracker - it integrates with it. ThirdEye supports collaboration but focuses on the data-integration aspect of anomaly detection and root-cause analysis. After all, your organization probably already has a well-oiled issue resolution process that we don't want to disrupt.

ThirdEye is not a generic dashboard builder toolkit. ThirdEye attempts to bring overview data from different sources into one single place on-demand. In-depth data about events, such as A/B experiments and deployments, should be kept in their respective systems. ThirdEye can link to these directly.

Quick start

ThirdEye supports an interactive demo mode for the analysis dashboard. These steps will guide you to get started.

1: Prerequisites

You'll need Java 8+, Maven 3+, and NPM 3.10+

2: Build ThirdEye

git clone
cd pinot/thirdeye
chmod +x

Note: The build of thirdeye-frontend may take several minutes

3: Run ThirdEye frontend


4: Start an analysis

Point your favorite browser to


Note: ThirdEye in demo mode will accept any credentials

5: Have fun

Available metrics in demo mode are:

  • business::puchases
  • business::revenue
  • tracking::adImpressions
  • tracking::pageViews

Note: These metrics are regenerated randomly every time you launch ThirdEye in demo mode

6: Shutdown

You can stop the ThirdEye dashboard server anytime by pressing Ctrl + C in the terminal

Start ThirdEye with Pinot

0: Prerequisites

Run through the Quick Start guide and shut down the frontend server process.

1: Update the data sources configuration

Insert the connector configuration for Pinot in thirdeye-pinot/config/data-sources/data-sources-config.yml. Your config should look like this:

  - className: com.linkedin.thirdeye.datasource.pinot.PinotThirdEyeDataSource
        zookeeperUrl: 'myZkCluster.myDomain:12913/pinot-cluster'
        clusterName: 'myDemoCluster'
        controllerConnectionScheme: 'https'
        controllerHost: 'myPinotController.myDomain'
        controllerPort: 10611
        cacheLoaderClassName: com.linkedin.thirdeye.datasource.pinot.PinotControllerResponseCacheLoader
      - className:

  - className: com.linkedin.thirdeye.datasource.mock.MockThirdEyeDataSource

Note: You'll have to change the host names and port numbers according to your setup

2: Enable Pinot auto-onboarding

Update the thirdeye-pinot/config/detector.yml file to enable auto onboarding of pinot data sets.

autoload: true

3: Run the backend worker to load all supported Pinot data sets


Note: This process may take some time. The worker process will print log messages for each data set schema being processed. Schemas must contain a timeFieldSpec in order for ThirdEye to onboard it automatically

4: Stop the backend worker

By pressing Ctrl-C in the terminal

5: Run ThirdEye frontend


4: Start an analysis

Point your favorite browser to


and type any data set or metric name (fragment) in the search box. Auto-complete will now list the names of matching metrics. Select any metric to start an investigation.

Welcome to ThirdEye

ThirdEye for production settings

ThirdEye relies on a central meta data store to coordinate its workers and frontend processes. The first step towards moving ThirdEye into production should therefore be the setup of a dedicated (MySQL) database instance. You can use the thirdeye-pinot/src/resources/schema/create-schema.sql script to create your tables. Then, update the thirdeye-pinot/config/persistence.yml file with path and credentials. Once you have a dedicated database instance, you can run backend and frontend servers in parallel.

The next step could be the configuration of the holiday auto-loader. The holiday auto loader connects to the Google Calendar API. Once you obtain an API token, place it in thirdeye-pinot/config/holiday-loader-key.json and in thirdeye-pinot/config/detector.yml set holidayEventsLoader: true. Once the backend worker is restarted, it will periodically update the local cache of holiday events for ThirdEye's detection and Root-Cause Analysis components.

More information

More information coming. In the meantime, use your favorite web search engine to search for ‘Pinot ThirdEye’ articles and blog posts.