
Add a description of your PR here. A good description should include pointers to an issue or design document, etc.

Upgrade Notes

Does this PR prevent a zero down-time upgrade? (Assume upgrade order: Controller, Broker, Server, Minion)

  • [ ] Yes (Please label as backward-incompat, and complete the section below on Release Notes)

Does this PR fix a zero-downtime upgrade introduced earlier?

  • [ ] Yes (Please label this as backward-incompat, and complete the section below on Release Notes)

Does this PR otherwise need attention when creating release notes? Things to consider:

  • New configuration options
  • Deprecation of configurations
  • Signature changes to public methods/interfaces
  • New plugins added or old plugins removed
  • [ ] Yes (Please label this PR as release-notes and complete the section on Release Notes)

Release Notes

If you have tagged this as either backward-incompat or release-notes, you MUST add text here that you would like to see appear in release notes of the next release.

If you have a series of commits adding or enabling a feature, then add this section only in final commit that marks the feature completed. Refer to earlier release notes to see examples of text


If you have introduced a new feature or configuration, please add it to the documentation as well. See