blob: e08def4d08803cc3550ed19b7acbea44c7b85e39 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Sys::Hostname;
use strict;
use File::Path;
use IO::Handle;
# Set Path for perl Libraries
unshift( @INC, ".");
# Sub: testcase
# Prints the result for a test case.
# Parameters:
# $class - the test file
# $test - the test name
# $time - the the total amount of time it took to run a test
# Returns:
# None
sub getTestcase($$$$$){
my ( $exec_type, $test_name, $time, $status, $msg )=@_;
my $result = "";
my $group_name = substr ($test_name, 0, rindex ($test_name, "_"));
if ( $status =~ "passed" ){
$result = "\n<testcase classname=\"$exec_type.$group_name\" name=\"$test_name\" time=\"$time\"/>";
} elsif ( $status =~ "skipped" ){
$result = "\n<testcase classname=\"$exec_type.$group_name\" name=\"$test_name\" time=\"0\">"
. "\n<skipped type=\"$status\">$msg</skipped>"
. "\n</testcase>"
} else {
$result = "\n<testcase classname=\"$exec_type.$group_name\" name=\"$test_name\" time=\"$time\">"
. "\n<error type=\"$status\">$msg</error>"
. "\n</testcase>"
return $result;
sub printXmlReport($$) {
my $host = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
my $reportFileName = shift;
my $execType = shift;
my $testcases = "";
my $testRunStartTime = 0;
my $testRunEndTime = 0;
my $passedCount = 0;
my $failureCount = 0;
my $errorCount = 0;
my $skippedCount = 0;
my $totalCount = 0;
my %test2starttime = { '', 0 };
open( IN, "$reportFileName")
|| die "Could not open $reportFileName\n";
while(<IN>) {
my $line = $_;
if ($line =~ m/Beginning test run at (.*)/ ) {
# e.g: Beginning test run at 1416422503
$testRunStartTime = $1;
} elsif ($line =~ m/Finished test run at (.*)/ ) {
# e.g: Finished test run at 1416428021
$testRunEndTime = $1;
} elsif ( $line =~ m/Beginning test (.*) at (.*)/ ) {
# e.g.: "Beginning test Checkin_1 at 1346855793"
# put "test - start time" pair to the hash:
$test2starttime{ $1 } = $2;
} elsif ( $line =~ "TestDriver::run" ) {
my $duration = 0;
if ( $line =~ m/TestDriver::run.*Failed to run test (.*) <(.*)/ ) {
# ERROR TestDriver::run at : 470 Failed to run test ClassResolution_1 <Failed running ./out/pigtest/hadoopqa/hadoopqa.1327755958/ClassResolution_1_benchmark.pig
#print "test aborted: $line";
$testcases .= getTestcase ( $execType, $1 , 0, "aborted", $2 );
} elsif ( $line =~ m/TestDriver::run.*Test (.*) SUCCEEDED at (.*)/ ) {
# INFO: TestDriver::run() at 444:Test Unicode_cmdline_1 SUCCEEDED at 1327751873
#print "test passed: $1 $2 line: $line";
$duration = $2 - $test2starttime{ $1 };
$testcases .= getTestcase ( $execType, $1 , $duration, "passed", "" );
} elsif ( $line =~ m/TestDriver::run.*Test (.*) FAILED at (.*)/ ) {
$duration = $2 - $test2starttime{ $1 };
$testcases .= getTestcase ( $execType, $1 , $duration, "failed", "" );
#print "test failed: $1 $2 line: $line";
} elsif ($line =~ "Running TEST GROUP") {
} elsif ($line =~ m/TestDriver::run.*Test (.*) SKIPPED at (.*)/) {
# INFO: TestDriver::run() at 444:Test StreamingLocalErrors_1 SKIPPED at 1327923441
$duration = $2 - $test2starttime{ $1 };
$testcases .= getTestcase ( $execType, $1 , $duration, "skipped", "" );
} else {
print STDERR "Ignored line: $line";
my $host = Sys::Hostname::hostname();
my $run_name = $execType . " e2e tests";
my $total_time = $testRunEndTime - $testRunStartTime;
my $report= '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'
. "\n<testsuite errors=\"$errorCount\" failures=\"$failureCount\" skips=\"$skippedCount\" hostname=\"$host\" name=\"$run_name\" tests=\"$totalCount\" time=\"$total_time\">"
. "\n$testcases"
. "\n</testsuite>"
. "\n";
print $report;
if (!defined( $ARGV[0] )) {
die "No input log file specified\n";
my $execType = $ARGV[1];
if (!defined( $ARGV[1] )) {
print stderr "No execution type specified. Using mapred as default\n";
$execType = "mapred";
# Harness log file name, exec type which will be used as test group name
printXmlReport($ARGV[0], $execType);