| These notes are for Pig 0.17.0 release. |
| |
| Highlights |
| ========== |
| |
| The highlights of this release includes Pig on Spark |
| |
| System Requirements |
| =================== |
| |
| 1. Java 1.7.x or newer, preferably from Sun. Set JAVA_HOME to the root of your |
| Java installation |
| 2. Ant build tool: http://ant.apache.org - to build source only |
| 3. Run under Unix and Windows |
| 4. This release is compatible with Hadoop 2.5+ releases. Note Hadoop 1.X is not |
| supported anymore. |
| 5. For using Spark execution engine Spark 1.6.x is required. (Spark 2 support is |
| likely to come in the next release) |
| |
| Trying the Release |
| ================== |
| |
| 1. Download pig-0.17.0.tar.gz |
| 2. Unpack the file: tar -xzvf pig-0.17.0.tar.gz |
| 3. Move into the installation directory: cd pig-0.17.0 |
| 4. To run pig without Hadoop cluster, execute the command below. This will |
| take you into an interactive shell called grunt that allows you to navigate |
| the local file system and execute Pig commands against the local files |
| bin/pig -x local |
| 5. To run on your Hadoop cluster, you need to set PIG_CLASSPATH environment |
| variable to point to the directory with your hadoop-site.xml file and then run |
| pig. The commands below will take you into an interactive shell called grunt |
| that allows you to navigate Hadoop DFS and execute Pig commands against it |
| export PIG_CLASSPATH=/hadoop/conf |
| bin/pig |
| 6. To build your own version of pig.jar run |
| ant |
| 7. To run unit tests run |
| ant test |
| 8. To build jar file with available user defined functions run commands below. |
| cd contrib/piggybank/java |
| ant |
| 9. To build the tutorial: |
| cd tutorial |
| ant |
| 10. To run tutorial follow instructions in http://wiki.apache.org/pig/PigTutorial |
| |
| Relevant Documentation |
| ====================== |
| |
| Pig Documentation: http://pig.apache.org/docs/r0.17.0/ |
| Pig Wiki: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/PIG/Index |
| Pig Tutorial: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/PIG/PigTutorial |