blob: a7811696eaa66f69342b444d16ac4f787ac7667d [file] [log] [blame]
# Pig configuration file. All values can be overwritten by command line arguments.
# see bin/pig -help
# log4jconf log4j configuration file
# brief logging (no timestamps)
# clustername, name of the hadoop jobtracker. If no port is defined port 50020 will be used.
#debug level, INFO is default
# a file that contains pig script
# load jarfile, colon separated
#verbose print all log messages to screen (default to print only INFO and above to screen)
#exectype local|mapreduce, mapreduce is default
# hod realted properties
#Do not spill temp files smaller than this size (bytes)
#EXPERIMENT: Activate garbage collection when spilling a file bigger than this size (bytes)
#This should help reduce the number of files being spilled.