| # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); |
| # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. |
| # You may obtain a copy of the License at |
| # |
| # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 |
| # |
| # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software |
| # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, |
| # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. |
| # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and |
| # limitations under the License. |
| |
| #This properties file lists the versions of the various artifacts used by pig and components. |
| #It drives ivy and the generation of a maven POM |
| |
| #These are the versions of our dependencies (in alphabetical order) |
| accumulo15.version=1.5.0 |
| apacheant.version=1.7.1 |
| apacherat.version=0.8 |
| automaton.version=1.11-8 |
| avro.version=1.7.5 |
| basjes-httpdlog-pigloader.version=5.0 |
| commons-beanutils.version=1.7.0 |
| commons-cli.version=1.2 |
| commons-codec.version=1.4 |
| commons-io.version=2.3 |
| commons-el.version=1.0 |
| commons-logging.version=1.2 |
| commons-configuration.version=1.6 |
| commons-collections.version=3.2.1 |
| commons-collections4.version=4.0 |
| commons-math3.version=3.1.1 |
| jersey.version=1.8 |
| checkstyle.version=4.2 |
| ivy.version=2.2.0 |
| groovy.version=2.4.5 |
| guava.version=11.0 |
| hadoop-common.version=2.7.3 |
| hadoop-hdfs.version=2.7.3 |
| hadoop-mapreduce.version=2.7.3 |
| hbase1.version=1.2.4 |
| hbase2.version=2.0.0 |
| hsqldb.version=2.4.0 |
| hive.version=1.2.1 |
| httpcomponents.version=4.4 |
| jackson.version=1.9.13 |
| jackson-pig-3039-test.version=1.9.9 |
| javacc.version=4.2 |
| javax-inject.version=1 |
| jaxb-api.version=2.2.2 |
| jaxb-impl.version=2.2.3-1 |
| jdeb.version=0.8 |
| jdiff.version=1.0.9 |
| jettison.version=1.3.4 |
| jline.version=2.11 |
| joda-time.version=2.9.9 |
| jopt.version=4.1 |
| json-simple.version=1.1 |
| junit.version=4.11 |
| jruby.version=1.7.26 |
| jython.version=2.7.1 |
| kryo.version=2.22 |
| rhino.version=1.7R2 |
| antlr.version=3.4 |
| stringtemplate.version=4.0.4 |
| log4j.version=1.2.16 |
| netty.version=3.6.6.Final |
| netty-all.version=4.1.1.Final |
| rats-lib.version=0.5.1 |
| slf4j-api.version=1.6.1 |
| slf4j-log4j12.version=1.6.1 |
| spark1.version=1.6.1 |
| spark2.version=2.1.1 |
| xerces.version=2.10.0 |
| xalan.version=2.7.1 |
| wagon-http.version=1.0-beta-2 |
| zookeeper.version=3.4.5 |
| servlet.version=4.0.6 |
| servlet-api.version=2.5 |
| protobuf-java.version=2.5.0 |
| metrics-core.version=2.1.2 |
| guice.version=3.0 |
| guice-servlet.version=3.0 |
| aopalliance.version=1.0 |
| jsr311-api.version=1.1.1 |
| mockito.version=1.8.4 |
| jansi.version=1.9 |
| asm.version=3.3.1 |
| snappy-java.version= |
| tez.version=0.7.0 |
| parquet-pig-bundle.version=1.9.0 |
| snappy.version=0.2 |
| leveldbjni.version=1.8 |
| curator.version=2.6.0 |
| htrace.version=3.1.0-incubating |
| htrace4.version=4.0.1-incubating |
| commons-lang3.version=3.6 |
| scala-xml.version=1.0.5 |
| glassfish.el.version=3.0.1-b08 |
| roaring-bitmap-shaded.version=0.7.14 |
| dependency-check-ant.version=5.2.4 |