blob: c399d81f7fc0099dc37762e89dcd2934dc70962f [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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* limitations under the License.
// Pig UDFs
generateRelationshipsForTC.outputSchema = "relationships:{t:(target:chararray, candidate:chararray)}"
function generateRelationshipsForTC(subject, object, status) {
id1 =;
bag = new Array({ target: id1, candidate: id1});
if (object != null) {
id2 =;
if (status == "MATCH" && id2 != id1) {
bag.push({ target: id1, candidate: id2});
bag.push({ target: id2, candidate: id1});
bag.push({ target: id2, candidate: id2});
return bag;
followRel.outputSchema = "rels:{t:(id1:chararray, id2:chararray, status:chararray)}"
function followRel(to_join, warshall) {
outputBag = new Array();
for each (w in warshall) {
outputBag.push({ id1: w.id1, id2: w.id2, status: "followed" });
for each (t in to_join) {
outputBag.push({ id1: t.id1, id2: w.id2, status: t.status });
return outputBag;
coalesceLine.outputSchema="rels:{t:(id:chararray, status:chararray)}"
function coalesceLine(bag) {
mergedGroup = new Object();
for each (t in bag) {
if (mergedGroup[t.id2] != "followed") {
mergedGroup[t.id2] = t.status;
outputBag = new Array();
for (member in mergedGroup) {
outputBag.push({ id: member, status: mergedGroup[member] });
return outputBag
function main() {
input = "simple_table";
format = "PigStorage";
workDir = "tmp";
output = workDir+"/output";
JSPig.fs("-rmr "+workDir+"/warshall_0")
JSPig.fs("-rmr "+workDir+"/to_join_0")
// generate relationship, reverse relationship and relationship to self (only for MATCH)
// initialize to not followed
result = JSPig.compile(
" input_data = LOAD '$input' USING "+format+" AS (target:tuple(id:chararray,attributes:map[]),candidate:tuple(id:chararray,attributes:map[]),status:chararray);\n"+
" warshall_0 = FOREACH input_data GENERATE FLATTEN(generateRelationshipsForTC(*)),'notfollowed';\n"+
" to_join_0 = FILTER warshall_0 BY $0!=$1;\n"+
" STORE warshall_0 INTO '$workDir/warshall_0' USING PigStorage;\n"+
" STORE to_join_0 INTO '$workDir/to_join_0' USING PigStorage;\n"
// ----- MAIN LOOP, we don't want to iterate more than 10 times -----
for (i=0; i<10; ++i) {
n = i+1;
println("-------- ITER "+n);
JSPig.fs("-rmr "+workDir+"/warshall_"+n);
JSPig.fs("-rmr "+workDir+"/to_join_"+n);
job = JSPig.compile(
" warshall_n_minus_1 = LOAD '$workDir/warshall_$i' USING PigStorage AS (id1:chararray, id2:chararray, status:chararray);\n"+
" to_join_n_minus_1 = LOAD '$workDir/to_join_$i' USING PigStorage AS (id1:chararray, id2:chararray, status:chararray);\n"+
" joined = COGROUP to_join_n_minus_1 BY id2, warshall_n_minus_1 BY id1;\n"+
" followed = FOREACH joined GENERATE FLATTEN(followRel(to_join_n_minus_1,warshall_n_minus_1));\n"+
" followed = FOREACH followed GENERATE $0 AS id1, $1 AS id2, $2 AS status;\n"+
" followed_byid = GROUP followed BY id1;\n"+
" warshall_n = FOREACH followed_byid GENERATE group, FLATTEN(coalesceLine(followed.(id2, status)));\n"+
" to_join_n = FILTER warshall_n BY $2 == 'notfollowed' AND $0!=$1;\n"+
" STORE warshall_n INTO '$workDir/warshall_$n' USING PigStorage;\n"+
" STORE to_join_n INTO '$workDir/to_join_$n' USING PigStorage;\n"
if (job.result("to_join_n").getNumberRecords() == 0) {
// ----- FINAL STEP -----
println("-------- Computed in "+n+" iterations");
JSPig.fs("-rmr "+output);
" warshall_final = LOAD '$workDir/warshall_$n' USING PigStorage AS (id1:chararray, id2:chararray, status:chararray);\n"+
" materialized = GROUP warshall_final BY id1;\n"+
" members = FOREACH materialized GENERATE warshall_final.id2 as members;\n"+
" group_result = DISTINCT members;\n"+
" STORE group_result INTO '$output' USING "+format+";\n"