blob: 6fa90e259f99b5983219b23c4322bcdfcb50aaf1 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Class: Log
# Provides a simple logging framework.
# - Supports logging levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
# - Supports console and file logging. Console logging defaults to ERROR,
# and file logging defaults to FATAL.
# - Console and file logging levels are configurable thru the properties file.
package Log;
use strict;
unshift( @INC, ".");
require Exporter;
our @ISA = "Exporter";
#our @EXPORT_OK = qw( createDB createTablesDB removeDB changeConfigFileDB createDirectoriesHDFS copyTablesToHDFS);
use English;
use File::Path;
use IO::Handle;
# Set Path for perl Libraries
use Properties;
my ($stdout, $stderr);
my %progress;
# Sub: new
# Log Constructor. The constructor sets the default logging levels as
# follows:
# - DEBUG for the logs
# - ERROR for the console
# Paramaters:
# Properties - a Properties object containing the fraemwork properties
# various configuration properties for the log will be referenced
# in subsequent subroutines.
# Returns:
# $self - object reference
# LogName - the name of the log
# LogLevelNo - the loging level for the Log
# ConsoleLevelNo - the loging level for the console
# ValidLevelRef - a hash used to look up valid logging levels
sub new() {
my $class= shift;
my %validLevel=('DEBUG',1,'INFO',2,'WARN',3,'ERROR',4,'FATAL',5);
my $self= {
Properties => undef
,LogName => undef
,LogLevelNo => undef
,ConsoleLevelNo => undef
,ValidLevelRef => \%validLevel
bless( $self, $class );
my $usage= "USAGE: $ Properties )"
. "\nMust set the following properties:"
. "\tharness.log"
. "\tharness.log.level"
. "\tharness.console.level"
# Properties
my $properties= shift;
die "FATAL ERROR $ at ".__LINE__." : Missing arguments to constructor!\n$usage\n" if ( ! $properties );
die "FATAL ERROR $ at ".__LINE__." : Expected Properties as first argument, but got ".ref($properties)."\n$usage\n" if ( ref( $properties ) !~ "Properties" );
$self->{Properties}= $properties;
# Verify Log File
my $logName = $self->{Properties}{'harness.log'};
die "FATAL ERROR $ at ".__LINE__." : no log name specified in properties file\n$usage\n" if ( !$logName );
open( LOG, ">>$logName" )
|| die "FATAL ERROR $ at " .__LINE__. " : Could not open <$logName> for writing\n";
close ( LOG );
$self->{LogName}= $logName;
# Set Logging level
my $logLevel= $self->{Properties}{'harness.log.level'};
if ( ! $logLevel ){
$logLevel = 'DEBUG';
} else {
$logLevel = 'DEBUG' if ( ! $validLevel{$logLevel} );
$self->{LogLevelNo}= $validLevel{ $logLevel };
# Set Console level
my $consoleLevel = $self->{Properties}{'harness.console.level'};
if ( !$consoleLevel ){
$consoleLevel = 'ERROR';
} else {
$consoleLevel = 'ERROR' if ( ! $validLevel{$consoleLevel} );
$self->{ConsoleLevelNo} = $validLevel{ $consoleLevel };
return $self;
# Sub: msg
# Log Constructor. The constructor sets the default logging levels as
# follows:
# - DEBUG for the logs
# - ERROR for the console
# Paramaters:
# level - The logging level for the message: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
# subName - The name of the subroutine the message originated at
# lineNo - The line number of the subroutine the message originated at
# msg - A string, the message to print
sub msg(){
my $self = shift;
my ( $level, $subName, $lineNo, $msg )=@_;
my $ref= $self->{ValidLevelRef};
my %validLevel= %$ref;
#IF level is empty then set it to ERROR
$level = 'ERROR' if ( ! $level );
#IF level is invalid then set it to ERROR
my $levelNo=$validLevel{ $level };
if ( $levelNo !=0 && !$levelNo){
$level = 'ERROR';
$levelNo=$validLevel{ $level };
if ( $levelNo >= $self->{LogLevelNo} ){
$self->printToLog( $level, $subName, $lineNo, $msg);
if ( $levelNo >= $self->{ConsoleLevelNo} ){
$self->printToConsole( $level, $subName, $lineNo, $msg);
return $msg;
# Sub: printToConsole
# A private subroutine that formats the string for the console.
# Paramaters:
# level - The logging level for the message: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
# subName - The name of the subroutine the message originated at
# lineNo - The line number of the subroutine the message originated at
# msg - A string, the message to print
sub printToConsole(){
my $self = shift;
my ( $level, $subName, $lineNo, $msg )= @_;
my $ref= $self->{ValidLevelRef};
my %validLevel= %$ref;
if ( $self->{ConsoleLevelNo} == $validLevel{'DEBUG'} ){
printf '%7s %15s %5s : %s', $level, $subName, $lineNo, "$msg\n" ;
} else {
printf '%7s : %s', $level, "$msg\n" ;
# Sub: printToLog
# A private subroutine that formats the string for the log.
# Paramaters:
# level - The logging level for the message: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, FATAL
# subName - The name of the subroutine the message originated at
# lineNo - The line number of the subroutine the message originated at
# msg - A string, the message to print
sub printToLog(){
my $self = shift;
my $selfSubName = (caller(0))[3];
my ( $level, $subName, $lineNo, $msg )= @_;
my $ref= $self->{ValidLevelRef};
my %validLevel= %$ref;
my $logName = $self->{LogName};
open( LOG, ">>$logName" )
|| die "FATAL ERROR $selfSubName() at " .__LINE__.": Could not open <$logName> for writing\n";
my $now = time();
my $localTime = gmtime($now);
printf LOG '%25s %7s %28s %5s %s', $localTime, $level, $subName, $lineNo, "$msg\n" ;
close( LOG );
# Sub: purge
# A public subroutine that purges the log.
# Paramaters:
# logName - The name of the log to purge
sub purge(){
my $self = shift;
my $subName = (caller(0))[3];
my $logName = $self->{LogName};
open( LOG, ">$logName" )
|| die "FATAL ERROR $subName() at " .__LINE__. ": Could not open $logName for writing\n";
close ( LOG );