blob: a41264c631b3560ddb91cd57ef83086aaeed063b [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
import com.github.mhendred.face4j.exception.FaceClientException;
import com.github.mhendred.face4j.exception.FaceServerException;
import com.github.mhendred.face4j.model.*;
import com.github.mhendred.face4j.response.GroupResponse;
import com.github.mhendred.face4j.response.LimitsResponse;
import com.github.mhendred.face4j.response.TrainResponse;
import com.github.mhendred.face4j.response.UsersResponse;
import java.util.List;
public interface FaceRecognitionService {
* Removes old saved tags on a Photo
* @param tids Tag ids which should be removed. Can pass multiple tag ids once by comma delimiting.
* @return java.util.List of RemovedTag instances
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<RemovedTag> removeTags(String tids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Trains the face index with a given set if uids(can be private namespace or a public namespace)
* i.e
* @param uids Comma separated uids which can be recognized later.
* @return TrainResponse
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public TrainResponse train(String uids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
/** Adds a manual tag for a Photo.But manual tags are not used to train the system. They are used for the purpose
* of adding face tags for the Photos which were not detected by your program.
* @param url
* @param x
* @param y
* @param width
* @param height
* @param uid
* @param label
* @param taggerId
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public void addTag(String url, float x, float y, int width, int height, String uid, String label, String taggerId) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
/** Gives saved tags in one or more photos or for the specified User IDs.
* @param pids Photo ID
* @param urls Comma delimited urls.
* @param uids Comma delimited User IDs
* @param order Default value is 'recent' which specifies the latest tags. Also value 'random' indicates
* to select tags randomly.
* @param filter Filter results
* @param together Returns photos which are only contains all uids together (provided that you give multiple User IDs)
* appears together in the photos, if you are
* @param limit Max no of tags to be returned. Default value is 5.
* @return Photos which are tagged in the given uids
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<Photo> getTagsWithPIDs(String pids, String urls, String uids, String order, String filter, boolean together, int limit) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Same as {@getTags} except this can only pass uids for get tags unlike both pids and uids in earlier case
* @param urls
* @param uids
* @param order
* @param filter
* @param together
* @param limit
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<Photo> getTags(String urls, String uids, String order, String filter, boolean together, int limit) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException ;
* Saves tags for a given user with a label
* @param tids Set of tag ids which are associated with the given User ID
* @param uid User Id in to which you should add one or more tags
* @param label For readability. Generally we use user's First name
* @return SavedTag
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<SavedTag> saveTags(String tids, String uid, String label) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Does recognize whether the given image contains any of given users(by ID).
* @param imageFile Image file which you gonna to identify whether your friends are there.
* @param uids User IDs whom should be get recognized
* @return Photo
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public PhotarkPhoto recognizeFromFile(File imageFile, String uids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Recognizes same as {@recognizeFromFile} except, this time the domain can be given as a url itself.
* @param urls
* @param uids
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<PhotarkPhoto> recognizeFromUrls(String urls, String uids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException ;
/** Gives tags of the detected faces of the given photo with multiple details of the Photo
* @param imageFile Image to be detected
* @return Photo
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public Photo detectFromFile(File imageFile) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Detection happens same as {@detectFromFile} except this time its from urls
* @param urls
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<Photo> detectFromUrls(String urls) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Gives the status of the given User IDs from the training set.
* @param uids
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<UserStatus> status(String uids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Gives Facebook tags for one or more specified USer IDs
* @param uids
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<Photo> facebookGet(String uids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
/** Detects and group and optionally tries to recognize faces of the given uids in the image
* @param imageFile
* @param uids
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public GroupResponse groupFromFile(File imageFile, String uids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Grouping happens same as {@groupFromFile} except this time its from urls
* @param urls
* @param uids
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public GroupResponse groupFromUrls(String urls, String uids) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException ;
* Gives a list of users of the given namespace
* @param namespaces
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public UsersResponse users(String namespaces) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Gives usage stats
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public LimitsResponse getLimits() throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Gives the list of all namspaces you have registered in your API key
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public List<Namespace> getAllNamespaces() throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Gives stats of the given namespace by {@link Namespace}
* @param namespace
* @return
* @throws FaceClientException
* @throws FaceServerException
public Namespace getNamespace(String namespace) throws FaceClientException, FaceServerException;
* Sets the Facebook credentials for a particular by specifying his FB uid and his access token.
* @param fbUserId
* @param oauthToken
public void setFacebookOauth2(String fbUserId, String oauthToken);
* Sets the Twitter credentials for a particular by specifying his TW uid and his access token and secret.
* @param oauthUser
* @param oauthSecret
* @param oauthToken
public void setTwitterOauth(String oauthUser, String oauthSecret, String oauthToken);
* Clears the existing Facebook credentials.
public void clearFacebookCreds();
* Clears existing Twitter credentials.
public void clearTwitterCreds();
* Changes the current face detector's work mode from default position(Normal) to Aggressive.
* @param isAggressive
public void setAggressive(boolean isAggressive);
* Check whether face detector of your application is in the mode "Aggressive"
* @return
public boolean isAggressive();
* create a new DafaultFaceClient by the specified registered api key and secret.
* @param apiKey
* @param apiSecret
public void createNewDefaultFaceClient(String apiKey, String apiSecret);