Code analysis

The script runs maven with the coverage profile which generates the test coverage data for the java classes. If the required parameters are given it also runs the sonar code analysis and uploads the results to the given SonarQube Server.

Running code analysis

After running the script the aggregated report generated by the JaCoCo code coverage library can be found in the phoenix-assembly module under the /target/code-coverage/jacoco-reports/ folder.

Here is how you can generate the code coverage report:


Publishing coverage results to SonarQube

The required parameters for publishing the results to SonarQube are:

  • host URL,
  • login credentials,
  • project key

The project name is an optional parameter.

Here is an example command for running and publishing the coverage data:

./dev/code-coverage/ -l ProjectCredentials -u -k Project_Key -n Project_Name