blob: a28a7985d7285858dcdc3b29dc744800cdc77ef0 [file] [log] [blame]
# Building Phoenix
Phoenix uses Maven (3.X) to build all its necessary resources.
## Building from source
1. To re-generate the antlr based files:
$ mvn process-sources
2. To build the jars
$ mvn package
and optionally, to just skip all the tests and build the jars:
$ mvn package -DskipTests
Note: javadocs are generated in target/apidocs
## Importing into eclipse
Use the m2e eclipse plugin and do Import->Maven Project and just pick the root 'phoenix' directory.
## Running the tests
1. All tests
$ mvn clean test
## Findbugs
Findbugs report is generated in /target/site
$ mvn site
## Generate Apache Web Site
$ mvn clean site -Ddependency.locations.enabled=false