PHOENIX-5543: Implement SHOW TABLES/SCHEMAS sql commands

This patch adds new SQL grammar like following

- SHOW SCHEMAS [like '<pattern>']
- SHOW TABLES [IN <schema>] [like '<pattern']

Example invocations:

- show schemas
- show scemas like 'SYS%'
- show tables
- show tables in SYSTEM
- show tables in SYSTEM like 'CAT%'

The current way of fetching this information is by using
!tables and !schemas via sqlline JDBC support but that is
not flexible enough for the end users to add more fitlers.
This approach is more inline with what other databases do.

Added test coverage in parser tests and core e2e tests.
12 files changed
tree: e29ad62b9252295a9a42cebc22b38853f3475045
  1. bin/
  2. config/
  3. dev/
  4. docs/
  5. examples/
  6. phoenix-assembly/
  7. phoenix-client/
  8. phoenix-core/
  9. phoenix-hbase-compat-2.0.1/
  10. phoenix-hbase-compat-2.1.6/
  11. phoenix-hbase-compat-2.2.1/
  12. phoenix-pherf/
  13. phoenix-protocol/
  14. phoenix-server/
  15. phoenix-tracing-webapp/
  16. src/
  17. .gitignore
  19. KEYS
  21. NOTICE
  22. pom.xml


Apache Phoenix is a SQL skin over HBase delivered as a client-embedded JDBC driver targeting low latency queries over HBase data. Visit the Apache Phoenix website here.

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