Delete the RELEASING.rst as the information is on the site.
diff --git a/RELEASING.rst b/RELEASING.rst
deleted file mode 100644
index f8d8322..0000000
--- a/RELEASING.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-Releasing Apache Tephra
-This page describes the step-by-step process of how to perform an official Apache Tephra version release,
-including deploying the release artifacts to Maven repositories and the additional administrative
-steps to complete the release process.
-Maven Settings File
-Prior to performing an Apache Tephra release, you must have an entry such as this in your
-``~/.m2/settings.xml`` file to authenticate when deploying the release artifacts::
-  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-  <settings xsi:schemaLocation=""
-      xmlns=""
-      xmlns:xsi="">
-    <servers>
-      <server>
-        <id>apache.snapshots.https</id>
-        <username>USERNAME</username>
-        <password>PASSWORD</password>
-      </server>
-      <server>
-        <id>apache.releases.https</id>
-        <username>USERNAME</username>
-        <password>PASSWORD</password>
-      </server>
-    </servers>
-  </settings>
-Replace ``USERNAME`` and ``PASSWORD`` with the correct values for your user account.  See the
-`Maven Encryption Guide <>`_ for details
-on how to avoid storing the plaintext password in the settings.xml file.
-PGP Key
-You will also need to have created a PGP (or GPG) key pair, which will be used in signing the release
-artifacts.  For more information on using the Maven GPG plugin, see this `introduction
-<>`_ from Sonatype and
-the Maven GPG Plugin `usage page
-<>`_.  You may also want to run
-gpg-agent in order to avoid being prompted multiple times for the GPG key passphrase when
-performing a release.
-Performing the Release
-Ensure Local Branch is Up-to-date
-First, make sure your local copy of the ``master`` branch is up-to-date with all changes::
-  git checkout master
-  git pull
-Create the Release Branch
-Next, create a release branch from ``master``::
-  git checkout -b release/N.N.N
-replacing ``N.N.N`` with the desired release version.
-Prepare the Release
-While on the release branch, prepare the release::
-  mvn clean release:prepare -P apache-release
-This will prompt you for the release version and the git tag to use for the release.  By
-convention, we use ``vN.N.N`` for the release tag (ie. v0.6.0 for release 0.6.0).
-Perform the Release
-Perform the release by running::
-  mvn release:perform -P apache-release
-This will checkout the source code using the release tag, build the release and deploy it to the repository. Also it creates a source tarball
-``apache-tephra-0.8.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-source-release.tar.gz`` in ``target`` directory.
-Prepare Release Artifacts
-1. Checkin the source release tarball, together with the signature, md5 and sha512 files found in
-   ``target/`` directory
-   to ``${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc1/src/``.
-2. Create a CHANGES.txt file to describe the changes in the release and checkin the file to
-   ``${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating-rc1/CHANGES.txt``.
-3. Close the staging repository at
-Update POM Version in master
-Update the POMs in ``master`` by::
-  git checkout master
-  git merge release/N.N.N
-  git push origin master
-Vote for the Release in Dev Mailing List
-Create a vote in the dev@tephra mailing list, and wait for 72 hours for the vote result.
-Here is a template for the email::
-  Subject: [VOTE] Release of Apache Tephra-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating [rc1]
-  ============================================================================
-  Hi all,
-  This is a call for a vote on releasing Apache Tephra ${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating, release candidate 1. This
-  is the [Nth] release of Tephra.
-  The source tarball, including signatures, digests, etc. can be found at:
-  The tag to be voted upon is v${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating:
-  The release hash is [REF]:
-  The Nexus Staging URL:
-  Release artifacts are signed with the following key:
-  KEYS file available:
-  For information about the contents of this release, see:
-  Please vote on releasing this package as Apache Tephra ${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating
-  The vote will be open for 72 hours.
-  [ ] +1 Release this package as Apache Tephra ${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating
-  [ ] +0 no opinion
-  [ ] -1 Do not release this package because ...
-  Thanks,
-Consolidate Vote Result
-After the vote is up for 72 hours and having at least three +1 binding votes and no -1 votes,
-close the vote by replying to the voting thread. Here is a template for the reply email::
-  Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] Release of Apache Tephra-${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating [rc1]
-  ==================================================================================
-  Hi all,
-  After being opened for over 72 hours, the vote for releasing Apache Tephra
-  ${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating passed with n binding +1s and no 0 or -1.
-  Binding +1s:
-  I am going to create a vote in the general@ list.
-  Thanks,
-Vote for the Release from IPMC
-1. Create a vote in the general@ mailing list for the IPMC to vote for the release.
-2. Wait for 72 hours for the vote result. Use the same template as the dev vote, with the addition
-   of links to the dev vote and result mail thread.
-3. After the vote in general@ is completed with at least three +1 binding votes, close the vote by
-   replying to the voting thread.
-Release the Staging Repository in Artifactory
-Release the artifact bundle in Artifactory:
-1. Login to
-2. Go to "Staging Repos".
-3. Find the "orgapachetephra" repo with the Tephra release.  Be sure to expand the contents of the
-   repo to confirm that it contains the correct Tephra artifacts. 
-4. Click on the "Release" button at top, and enter a brief description, such as "Apache Tephra N.N.N
-   release".
-Announcing and Completing the Release
-Mark the release as complete in JIRA (in the Apache Tephra Administration section):
-1. Add a release for the next version, if necessary
-2. Set a release date and release the released version
-Release the source tarball:
-1. Copy the release artifacts and CHANGES.txt from the dev to release directory at
-   ``${RELEASE_VERSION}-incubating``
-Finally, announce the release on the mailing lists: dev@tephra and announce@