blob: 38f9f7680f60907a8687251704fa471d5871183c [file] [log] [blame]
import kerberos
except ImportError:
import winkerberos as kerberos
import logging
import re
import sys
import warnings
from cryptography import x509
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.exceptions import UnsupportedAlgorithm
from requests.auth import AuthBase
from requests.models import Response
from requests.compat import urlparse, StringIO
from requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict
from requests.cookies import cookiejar_from_dict
from requests.packages.urllib3 import HTTPResponse
from .exceptions import MutualAuthenticationError, KerberosExchangeError
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Different types of mutual authentication:
# with mutual_authentication set to REQUIRED, all responses will be
# authenticated with the exception of errors. Errors will have their contents
# and headers stripped. If a non-error response cannot be authenticated, a
# MutualAuthenticationError exception will be raised.
# with mutual_authentication set to OPTIONAL, mutual authentication will be
# attempted if supported, and if supported and failed, a
# MutualAuthenticationError exception will be raised. Responses which do not
# support mutual authentication will be returned directly to the user.
# with mutual_authentication set to DISABLED, mutual authentication will not be
# attempted, even if supported.
class NoCertificateRetrievedWarning(Warning):
class UnknownSignatureAlgorithmOID(Warning):
class SanitizedResponse(Response):
"""The :class:`Response <Response>` object, which contains a server's
response to an HTTP request.
This differs from `requests.models.Response` in that it's headers and
content have been sanitized. This is only used for HTTP Error messages
which do not support mutual authentication when mutual authentication is
def __init__(self, response):
super(SanitizedResponse, self).__init__()
self.status_code = response.status_code
self.encoding = response.encoding
self.raw = response.raw
self.reason = response.reason
self.url = response.url
self.request = response.request
self.connection = response.connection
self._content_consumed = True
self._content = ""
self.cookies = cookiejar_from_dict({})
self.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict()
self.headers['content-length'] = '0'
for header in ('date', 'server'):
if header in response.headers:
self.headers[header] = response.headers[header]
def _negotiate_value(response):
"""Extracts the gssapi authentication token from the appropriate header"""
if hasattr(_negotiate_value, 'regex'):
regex = _negotiate_value.regex
# There's no need to re-compile this EVERY time it is called. Compile
# it once and you won't have the performance hit of the compilation.
regex = re.compile('(?:.*,)*\s*Negotiate\s*([^,]*),?', re.I)
_negotiate_value.regex = regex
authreq = response.headers.get('www-authenticate', None)
if authreq:
match_obj =
if match_obj:
return None
def _get_certificate_hash(certificate_der):
cert = x509.load_der_x509_certificate(certificate_der, default_backend())
hash_algorithm = cert.signature_hash_algorithm
except UnsupportedAlgorithm as ex:
warnings.warn("Failed to get signature algorithm from certificate, "
"unable to pass channel bindings: %s" % str(ex), UnknownSignatureAlgorithmOID)
return None
# if the cert signature algorithm is either md5 or sha1 then use sha256
# otherwise use the signature algorithm
if in ['md5', 'sha1']:
digest = hashes.Hash(hashes.SHA256(), default_backend())
digest = hashes.Hash(hash_algorithm, default_backend())
certificate_hash = digest.finalize()
return certificate_hash
def _get_channel_bindings_application_data(response):
""" 4. The 'tls-server-end-point' Channel Binding Type
Gets the application_data value for the 'tls-server-end-point' CBT Type.
This is ultimately the SHA256 hash of the certificate of the HTTPS endpoint
appended onto tls-server-end-point. This value is then passed along to the
kerberos library to bind to the auth response. If the socket is not an SSL
socket or the raw HTTP object is not a urllib3 HTTPResponse then None will
be returned and the Kerberos auth will use GSS_C_NO_CHANNEL_BINDINGS
:param response: The original 401 response from the server
:return: byte string used on the application_data.value field on the CBT struct
application_data = None
raw_response = response.raw
if isinstance(raw_response, HTTPResponse):
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
socket = raw_response._fp.fp.raw._sock
socket = raw_response._fp.fp._sock
except AttributeError:
warnings.warn("Failed to get raw socket for CBT; has urllib3 impl changed",
server_certificate = socket.getpeercert(True)
except AttributeError:
certificate_hash = _get_certificate_hash(server_certificate)
application_data = b'tls-server-end-point:' + certificate_hash
"Requests is running with a non urllib3 backend, cannot retrieve server certificate for CBT",
return application_data
class HTTPKerberosAuth(AuthBase):
"""Attaches HTTP GSSAPI/Kerberos Authentication to the given Request
def __init__(
self, mutual_authentication=REQUIRED,
service="HTTP", delegate=False, force_preemptive=False,
principal=None, hostname_override=None, mech_oid=None,
sanitize_mutual_error_response=True, send_cbt=True):
self.context = {}
self.mutual_authentication = mutual_authentication
self.delegate = delegate
self.pos = None
self.service = service
self.force_preemptive = force_preemptive
self.principal = principal
self.hostname_override = hostname_override
self.mech_oid = mech_oid
self.sanitize_mutual_error_response = sanitize_mutual_error_response
self.auth_done = False
self.winrm_encryption_available = hasattr(kerberos, 'authGSSWinRMEncryptMessage')
# Set the CBT values populated after the first response
self.send_cbt = send_cbt
self.cbt_binding_tried = False
self.cbt_struct = None
def generate_request_header(self, response, host, is_preemptive=False):
Generates the GSSAPI authentication token with kerberos.
If any GSSAPI step fails, raise KerberosExchangeError
with failure detail.
# Flags used by kerberos module.
gssflags = kerberos.GSS_C_MUTUAL_FLAG | kerberos.GSS_C_SEQUENCE_FLAG
if self.delegate:
gssflags |= kerberos.GSS_C_DELEG_FLAG
kerb_stage = "authGSSClientInit()"
# contexts still need to be stored by host, but hostname_override
# allows use of an arbitrary hostname for the kerberos exchange
# (eg, in cases of aliased hosts, internal vs external, CNAMEs
# w/ name-based HTTP hosting)
kerb_host = self.hostname_override if self.hostname_override is not None else host
kerb_spn = "{0}@{1}".format(self.service, kerb_host)
if self.mech_oid is not None:
result, self.context[host] = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(kerb_spn,
gssflags=gssflags, principal=self.principal, mech_oid=self.mech_oid)
result, self.context[host] = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(kerb_spn,
gssflags=gssflags, principal=self.principal)
if result < 1:
raise EnvironmentError(result, kerb_stage)
# if we have a previous response from the server, use it to continue
# the auth process, otherwise use an empty value
negotiate_resp_value = '' if is_preemptive else _negotiate_value(response)
kerb_stage = "authGSSClientStep()"
# If this is set pass along the struct to Kerberos
if self.cbt_struct:
result = kerberos.authGSSClientStep(self.context[host],
result = kerberos.authGSSClientStep(self.context[host],
if result < 0:
raise EnvironmentError(result, kerb_stage)
kerb_stage = "authGSSClientResponse()"
gss_response = kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(self.context[host])
return "Negotiate {0}".format(gss_response)
except kerberos.GSSError as error:
"generate_request_header(): {0} failed:".format(kerb_stage))
raise KerberosExchangeError("%s failed: %s" % (kerb_stage, str(error.args)))
except EnvironmentError as error:
# ensure we raised this for translation to KerberosExchangeError
# by comparing errno to result, re-raise if not
if error.errno != result:
message = "{0} failed, result: {1}".format(kerb_stage, result)
log.error("generate_request_header(): {0}".format(message))
raise KerberosExchangeError(message)
def authenticate_user(self, response, **kwargs):
"""Handles user authentication with gssapi/kerberos"""
host = urlparse(response.url).hostname
auth_header = self.generate_request_header(response, host)
except KerberosExchangeError:
# GSS Failure, return existing response
return response
log.debug("authenticate_user(): Authorization header: {0}".format(
response.request.headers['Authorization'] = auth_header
# Consume the content so we can reuse the connection for the next
# request.
_r = response.connection.send(response.request, **kwargs)
log.debug("authenticate_user(): returning {0}".format(_r))
return _r
def handle_401(self, response, **kwargs):
"""Handles 401's, attempts to use gssapi/kerberos authentication"""
log.debug("handle_401(): Handling: 401")
if _negotiate_value(response) is not None:
_r = self.authenticate_user(response, **kwargs)
log.debug("handle_401(): returning {0}".format(_r))
return _r
log.debug("handle_401(): Kerberos is not supported")
log.debug("handle_401(): returning {0}".format(response))
return response
def handle_other(self, response):
"""Handles all responses with the exception of 401s.
This is necessary so that we can authenticate responses if requested"""
log.debug("handle_other(): Handling: %d" % response.status_code)
if self.mutual_authentication in (REQUIRED, OPTIONAL) and not self.auth_done:
is_http_error = response.status_code >= 400
if _negotiate_value(response) is not None:
log.debug("handle_other(): Authenticating the server")
if not self.authenticate_server(response):
# Mutual authentication failure when mutual auth is wanted,
# raise an exception so the user doesn't use an untrusted
# response.
log.error("handle_other(): Mutual authentication failed")
raise MutualAuthenticationError("Unable to authenticate "
# Authentication successful
log.debug("handle_other(): returning {0}".format(response))
self.auth_done = True
return response
elif is_http_error or self.mutual_authentication == OPTIONAL:
if not response.ok:
log.error("handle_other(): Mutual authentication unavailable "
"on {0} response".format(response.status_code))
if(self.mutual_authentication == REQUIRED and
return SanitizedResponse(response)
return response
# Unable to attempt mutual authentication when mutual auth is
# required, raise an exception so the user doesn't use an
# untrusted response.
log.error("handle_other(): Mutual authentication failed")
raise MutualAuthenticationError("Unable to authenticate "
log.debug("handle_other(): returning {0}".format(response))
return response
def authenticate_server(self, response):
Uses GSSAPI to authenticate the server.
Returns True on success, False on failure.
log.debug("authenticate_server(): Authenticate header: {0}".format(
host = urlparse(response.url).hostname
# If this is set pass along the struct to Kerberos
if self.cbt_struct:
result = kerberos.authGSSClientStep(self.context[host],
result = kerberos.authGSSClientStep(self.context[host],
except kerberos.GSSError:
log.exception("authenticate_server(): authGSSClientStep() failed:")
return False
if result < 1:
log.error("authenticate_server(): authGSSClientStep() failed: "
return False
log.debug("authenticate_server(): returning {0}".format(response))
return True
def handle_response(self, response, **kwargs):
"""Takes the given response and tries kerberos-auth, as needed."""
num_401s = kwargs.pop('num_401s', 0)
# Check if we have already tried to get the CBT data value
if not self.cbt_binding_tried and self.send_cbt:
# If we haven't tried, try getting it now
cbt_application_data = _get_channel_bindings_application_data(response)
if cbt_application_data:
# Only the latest version of pykerberos has this method available
self.cbt_struct = kerberos.channelBindings(application_data=cbt_application_data)
except AttributeError:
# Using older version set to None
self.cbt_struct = None
# Regardless of the result, set tried to True so we don't waste time next time
self.cbt_binding_tried = True
if self.pos is not None:
# Rewind the file position indicator of the body to where
# it was to resend the request.
if response.status_code == 401 and num_401s < 2:
# 401 Unauthorized. Handle it, and if it still comes back as 401,
# that means authentication failed.
_r = self.handle_401(response, **kwargs)
log.debug("handle_response(): returning %s", _r)
log.debug("handle_response() has seen %d 401 responses", num_401s)
num_401s += 1
return self.handle_response(_r, num_401s=num_401s, **kwargs)
elif response.status_code == 401 and num_401s >= 2:
# Still receiving 401 responses after attempting to handle them.
# Authentication has failed. Return the 401 response.
log.debug("handle_response(): returning 401 %s", response)
return response
_r = self.handle_other(response)
log.debug("handle_response(): returning %s", _r)
return _r
def deregister(self, response):
"""Deregisters the response handler"""
response.request.deregister_hook('response', self.handle_response)
def wrap_winrm(self, host, message):
if not self.winrm_encryption_available:
raise NotImplementedError("WinRM encryption is not available on the installed version of pykerberos")
return kerberos.authGSSWinRMEncryptMessage(self.context[host], message)
def unwrap_winrm(self, host, message, header):
if not self.winrm_encryption_available:
raise NotImplementedError("WinRM encryption is not available on the installed version of pykerberos")
return kerberos.authGSSWinRMDecryptMessage(self.context[host], message, header)
def __call__(self, request):
if self.force_preemptive and not self.auth_done:
# add Authorization header before we receive a 401
# by the 401 handler
host = urlparse(request.url).hostname
auth_header = self.generate_request_header(None, host, is_preemptive=True)
log.debug("HTTPKerberosAuth: Preemptive Authorization header: {0}".format(auth_header))
request.headers['Authorization'] = auth_header
request.register_hook('response', self.handle_response)
self.pos = request.body.tell()
except AttributeError:
# In the case of HTTPKerberosAuth being reused and the body
# of the previous request was a file-like object, pos has
# the file position of the previous body. Ensure it's set to
# None.
self.pos = None
return request