
Apache Phoenix enables OLTP and operational analytics in Hadoop for low latency applications. Visit the Apache Phoenix website here. This is the repo for the Phoenix Query Server (PQS).

Copyright ©2020 Apache Software Foundation. All Rights Reserved.


The Phoenix Query Server is an JDBC over HTTP abstraction. The Phoenix Query Server proxies the standard Phoenix JDBC driver and provides a backwards-compatible wire protocol to invoke that JDBC driver. This is all done via the Apache Avatica project (sub-project of Apache Calcite).

The reference client implementation for PQS is a “thin” JDBC driver which can communicate with PQS. There are drivers in other languages which exist in varying levels of maturity including Python, Golang, and .NET.


This repository will build a tarball which is capable of running the Phoenix Query Server.

By default, this tarball does not contain a Phoenix client jar as it is meant to be agnostic of Phoenix version (one PQS release can be used against any Phoenix version). Today, PQS builds against the Phoenix 4.15.0-HBase-1.4 release.

$ mvn package

Bundling a Phoenix Client

To build a release of PQS which packages a specific version of Phoenix, specify the package-phoenix-client system property and specify the phoenix.version system property to indicate a specific Phoenix version.

PQS will package the same version of Phoenix used for build/test. This version is controlled by the phoenix.version system property.

$ mvn package -Dpackage.phoenix.client -Dphoenix.version=5.1.0-SNAPSHOT

Running integration tests

mvn package will run the unit tests while building, but it will not run the integration test suite.

The IT suite is run when executing mvn install or mvn verify. The Phoenix version specified with phoenix.version is used for running the integration tests.

When specifying phoenix.version, also specify the HBase version to be used for integration testing by activating the corresponding hbase<minor.major> profile.

When using a Phoenix 5.x version, activate the hbase-2.x profile in addition to the profile for the minor 2.x version.

$ mvn verify -Dpackage.phoenix.client -Dphoenix.version=4.16.0-SNAPSHOT -Phbase-1.3
$ mvn install -Dpackage.phoenix.client -Dphoenix.version=5.1.0-SNAPSHOT -Phbase-2.1 -Phbase-2.x