PHOENIX-5782 remove slf4j-log4j12 from phoenix-hive jar

also remove redundant exclusions for slf4j-api and log4j

Closes #17
1 file changed
tree: cb0f93fb9bd2bbb14737db86f8a16a39632bb96c
  1. .github/
  2. examples/
  3. phoenix-flume/
  4. phoenix-hive/
  5. phoenix-kafka/
  6. phoenix-pig/
  7. phoenix-spark/
  8. presto-phoenix-shaded/
  9. .gitignore
  10. pom.xml


Apache Phoenix enables OLTP and operational analytics in Hadoop for low latency applications. Visit the Apache Phoenix website here. This repo contains connectors for third party libraries to access data stored in Phoenix/HBase.

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