PHOENIX-5786 Update phoenix-hive to support current hive versions

            It contains the following patches additional to pre-split master branch:
            PHOENIX-5782 remove slf4j-log4j12 from phoenix-hive jar
            PHOENIX-5619 CREATE TABLE AS SELECT for Phoenix table doesn't work correctly in Hive
            PHOENIX-5552 Hive against Phoenix gets "Expecting "RPAREN", got "L" in Tez mode"
            PHOENIX-5309 Skip adding log4j and slf4j to phoenix-hive jar to avoid logging in hive-server2.err
            PHOENIX-3662 PhoenixStorageHandler throws ClassCastException
            PHOENIX-4794 Support Hive-3.1

        Before the phoenix connectors repo has been created master branch had the following additional
        pathes compared to 4.x. (These are also included)

            PHOENIX-4880 Shade the rest of Phoenix dependencies in phoenix-server.jar
            PHOENIX-4756 Integration tests for PhoenixStorageHandler doesn't work on 5.x branch
            PHOENIX-4739 Update phoenix 5.0 with hive new API getBufferedRowCount
            PHOENIX-4423 Hive 2.3.0 support
            PHOENIX-4570 Explicitly add test dependnecies to phoenix-pherf
            PHOENIX-4403 Workaround Tephra issues and fix all left over compilation issues in phoenix-core(addendum)
            PHOENIX-4321 Replace deprecated HBaseAdmin with Admin
            PHOENIX-4303 Replace HTableInterface,HConnection with Table,Connection interfaces respectively(Rajeshbabu)

        Co-authored-by: Istvan Toth <>
        Co-authored-by: Toshihiro Suzuki <>
        Co-authored-by: Rajeshbabu Chintaguntla <>
        Co-authored-by: Jeongdae Kim <>
        Co-authored-by: Jesus Camacho Rodriguez <>
        Co-authored-by: Josh Elser <>
        Co-authored-by: Sergey Soldatov <>
        Co-authored-by: Ankit Singhal <>

Closes #21
57 files changed
tree: 26c728f0dcfe41f1392baa35bbd5a81941022dfd
  1. .github/
  2. examples/
  3. phoenix-flume/
  4. phoenix-hive/
  5. phoenix-hive3/
  6. phoenix-kafka/
  7. phoenix-pig/
  8. phoenix-spark/
  9. .gitignore
  10. pom.xml


Apache Phoenix enables OLTP and operational analytics in Hadoop for low latency applications. Visit the Apache Phoenix website here. This repo contains connectors for third party libraries to access data stored in Phoenix/HBase.

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