File | Description |
delta_byte_array.parquet | string columns with DELTA_BYTE_ARRAY encoding. See for details. |
delta_length_byte_array.parquet | string columns with DELTA_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY encoding. |
delta_binary_packed.parquet | INT32 and INT64 columns with DELTA_BINARY_PACKED encoding. See for details. |
delta_encoding_required_column.parquet | required INT32 and STRING columns with delta encoding. See for details. |
delta_encoding_optional_column.parquet | optional INT64 and STRING columns with delta encoding. See for details. |
nested_structs.rust.parquet | Used to test that the Rust Arrow reader can lookup the correct field from a nested struct. See ARROW-11452 |
data_index_bloom_encoding_stats.parquet | optional STRING column. Contains optional metadata: bloom filters, column index, offset index and encoding stats. |
data_index_bloom_encoding_with_length.parquet | Same as data_index_bloom_encoding_stats.parquet but has bloom_filter_length populated in the ColumnMetaData |
null_list.parquet | an empty list. Generated from this json {"emptylist":[]} and for the purposes of testing correct read/write behaviour of this base case. |
alltypes_tiny_pages.parquet | small page sizes with dictionary encoding with page index from impala. |
alltypes_tiny_pages_plain.parquet | small page sizes with plain encoding with page index impala. |
rle_boolean_encoding.parquet | option boolean columns with RLE encoding |
fixed_length_byte_array.parquet | optional FIXED_LENGTH_BYTE_ARRAY column with page index. See for details. |
int32_with_null_pages.parquet | optional INT32 column with random null pages. See for details. |
datapage_v1-uncompressed-checksum.parquet | uncompressed INT32 columns in v1 data pages with a matching CRC |
datapage_v1-snappy-compressed-checksum.parquet | compressed INT32 columns in v1 data pages with a matching CRC |
datapage_v1-corrupt-checksum.parquet | uncompressed INT32 columns in v1 data pages with a mismatching CRC |
overflow_i16_page_cnt.parquet | row group with more than INT16_MAX pages |
bloom_filter.bin | deprecated bloom filter binary with binary header and murmur3 hashing |
bloom_filter.xxhash.bin | bloom filter binary with thrift header and xxhash hashing |
nan_in_stats.parquet | statistics contains NaN in max, from PyArrow 0.8.0. See note below on “NaN in stats”. |
rle-dict-snappy-checksum.parquet | compressed and dictionary-encoded INT32 and STRING columns in format v2 with a matching CRC |
plain-dict-uncompressed-checksum.parquet | uncompressed and dictionary-encoded INT32 and STRING columns in format v1 with a matching CRC |
rle-dict-uncompressed-corrupt-checksum.parquet | uncompressed and dictionary-encoded INT32 and STRING columns in format v2 with a mismatching CRC |
large_string_map.brotli.parquet | MAP(STRING, INT32) with a string column chunk of more than 2GB. See note below |
float16_nonzeros_and_nans.parquet | Float16 (logical type) column with NaNs and nonzero finite min/max values |
float16_zeros_and_nans.parquet | Float16 (logical type) column with NaNs and zeros as min/max values. . See note below |
concatenated_gzip_members.parquet | 513 UINT64 numbers compressed using 2 concatenated gzip members in a single data page |
byte_stream_split.zstd.parquet | Standard normals with BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT encoding. See note below |
incorrect_map_schema.parquet | Contains a Map schema without explicitly required keys, produced by Presto. See note |
column_chunk_key_value_metadata.parquet | two INT32 columns, one with column chunk key-value metadata {“foo”: “bar”, “thisiskeywithoutvalue”: null} note that the second key “thisiskeywithoutvalue”, does not have a value, but the value can be mapped to an empty string "" when read depending on the client |
sort_columns.parquet | INT64 and BYTE_ARRAY columns with first column with nulls first and descending, second column with nulls last and ascending. This file contains two row groups with same data and sorting columns. |
old_list_structure.parquet | Single LIST<LIST> column with legacy two-level list structure. See |
repeated_primitive_no_list.parquet | REPEATED INT32 and BYTE_ARRAY fields without LIST annotation. See note |
map_no_value.parquet | MAP with null values, MAP with INT32 keys and no values, and LIST column with same values as the MAP keys. See |
TODO: Document what each file is in the table above.
Tests files with .parquet.encrypted suffix are encrypted using Parquet Modular Encryption.
A detailed description of the Parquet Modular Encryption specification can be found here:
Following are the keys and key ids (when using key_retriever) used to encrypt the encrypted columns and footer in all the encrypted files:
The following files are encrypted with AAD prefix “tester”:
A sample that reads and checks these files can be found at the following tests in Parquet C++:
cpp/src/parquet/encryption/ cpp/src/parquet/encryption/test-encryption-util.h
The external_key_material_java.parquet.encrypted
file was encrypted using parquet-mr with external key material enabled, so the key material is found in the _KEY_MATERIAL_FOR_external_key_material_java.parquet.encrypted.json
file. This data was written using the org.apache.parquet.crypto.keytools.mocks.InMemoryKMS
KMS client, which is compatible with the TestOnlyInServerWrapKms
KMS client used in C++ tests.
The schema for the datapage_v1-*-checksum.parquet
test files is:
message m { required int32 a; required int32 b; }
The detailed structure for these files is as follows:
[ Column "a" [ Page 0 [correct crc] | Uncompressed Contents ][ Page 1 [correct crc] | Uncompressed Contents ]] [ Column "b" [ Page 0 [correct crc] | Uncompressed Contents ][ Page 1 [correct crc] | Uncompressed Contents ]]
[ Column "a" [ Page 0 [correct crc] | Snappy Contents ][ Page 1 [correct crc] | Snappy Contents ]] [ Column "b" [ Page 0 [correct crc] | Snappy Contents ][ Page 1 [correct crc] | Snappy Contents ]]
[ Column "a" [ Page 0 [bad crc] | Uncompressed Contents ][ Page 1 [correct crc] | Uncompressed Contents ]] [ Column "b" [ Page 0 [correct crc] | Uncompressed Contents ][ Page 1 [bad crc] | Uncompressed Contents ]]
The schema for the *-dict-*-checksum.parquet
test files is:
[ Column "long_field" [ Dict Page [correct crc] | Compressed PLAIN Contents ][ Page 0 [correct crc] | Compressed RLE_DICTIONARY Contents ]] [ Column "binary_field" [ Dict Page [correct crc] | Compressed PLAIN Contents ][ Page 0 [correct crc] | Compressed RLE_DICTIONARY Contents ]]
[ Column "long_field" [ Dict Page [correct crc] | Uncompressed PLAIN_DICTIONARY(DICT) Contents ][ Page 0 [correct crc] | Uncompressed PLAIN_DICTIONARY Contents ]] [ Column "binary_field" [ Dict Page [correct crc] | Uncompressed PLAIN_DICTIONARY(DICT) Contents ][ Page 0 [correct crc] | Uncompressed PLAIN_DICTIONARY Contents ]]
[ Column "long_field" [ Dict Page [bad crc] | Uncompressed PLAIN Contents ][ Page 0 [correct crc] | Uncompressed RLE_DICTIONARY Contents ]] [ Column "binary_field" [ Dict Page [bad crc] | Uncompressed PLAIN Contents ][ Page 0 [correct crc] | Uncompressed RLE_DICTIONARY Contents ]]
Bloom filter examples have been generated by parquet-mr. They are not Parquet files but only contain the bloom filter header and payload.
For each of bloom_filter.bin
and bloom_filter.xxhash.bin
, the bloom filter was generated by inserting the strings “hello”, “parquet”, “bloom”, “filter”.
uses the original Murmur3-based bloom filter format as of
uses the newer xxHash-based bloom filter format as of
Prior to version 1.4.0, the C++ Parquet writer would write NaN values in min and max statistics. (Correction in this issue). It has been updated since to ignore NaN values when calculating statistics, but for backwards compatibility the following rules were established (in PARQUET-1222):
For backwards compatibility when reading files:
- If the min is a NaN, it should be ignored.
- If the max is a NaN, it should be ignored.
- If the min is +0, the row group may contain -0 values as well.
- If the max is -0, the row group may contain +0 values as well.
- When looking for NaN values, min and max should be ignored.
The file nan_in_stats.parquet
was generated with:
import pyarrow as pa # version 0.8.0 import pyarrow.parquet as pq from numpy import NaN tab = pa.Table.from_arrays( [pa.array([1.0, NaN])], names="x" ) pq.write_table(tab, "nan_in_stats.parquet") metadata = pq.read_metadata("nan_in_stats.parquet") metadata.row_group(0).column(0) # <pyarrow._parquet.ColumnChunkMetaData object at 0x7f28539e58f0> # file_offset: 88 # file_path: # type: DOUBLE # num_values: 2 # path_in_schema: x # is_stats_set: True # statistics: # <pyarrow._parquet.RowGroupStatistics object at 0x7f28539e5738> # has_min_max: True # min: 1 # max: nan # null_count: 0 # distinct_count: 0 # num_values: 2 # physical_type: DOUBLE # compression: 1 # encodings: <map object at 0x7f28539eb4e0> # has_dictionary_page: True # dictionary_page_offset: 4 # data_page_offset: 36 # index_page_offset: 0 # total_compressed_size: 84 # total_uncompressed_size: 80
The file large_string_map.brotli.parquet
was generated with:
import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq arr = pa.array([[("a" * 2**30, 1)]], type = pa.map_(pa.string(), pa.int32())) arr = pa.chunked_array([arr, arr]) tab = pa.table({ "arr": arr }) pq.write_table(tab, "test.parquet", compression='BROTLI')
It is meant to exercise reading of structured data where each value is smaller than 2GB but the combined uncompressed column chunk size is greater than 2GB.
The files float16_zeros_and_nans.parquet
and float16_nonzeros_and_nans.parquet
are meant to exercise a variety of test cases regarding Float16
columns (which are represented as 2-byte FixedLenByteArray
s), including:
is always -0 and max
is always +0)The aforementioned files were generated with:
import pyarrow as pa import pyarrow.parquet as pq import numpy as np t1 = pa.Table.from_arrays( [pa.array([None, np.float16(0.0), np.float16(np.NaN)], type=pa.float16())], names="x") t2 = pa.Table.from_arrays( [pa.array([None, np.float16(1.0), np.float16(-2.0), np.float16(np.NaN), np.float16(0.0), np.float16(-1.0), np.float16(-0.0), np.float16(2.0)], type=pa.float16())], names="x") pq.write_table(t1, "float16_zeros_and_nans.parquet", compression='none') pq.write_table(t2, "float16_nonzeros_and_nans.parquet", compression='none') m1 = pq.read_metadata("float16_zeros_and_nans.parquet") m2 = pq.read_metadata("float16_nonzeros_and_nans.parquet") print(m1.row_group(0).column(0)) print(m2.row_group(0).column(0)) # <pyarrow._parquet.ColumnChunkMetaData object at 0x7f79e9a3d850> # file_offset: 68 # file_path: # physical_type: FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY # num_values: 3 # path_in_schema: x # is_stats_set: True # statistics: # <pyarrow._parquet.Statistics object at 0x7f79e9a3d940> # has_min_max: True # min: b'\x00\x80' # max: b'\x00\x00' # null_count: 1 # distinct_count: None # num_values: 2 # physical_type: FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY # logical_type: Float16 # converted_type (legacy): NONE # compression: UNCOMPRESSED # encodings: ('PLAIN', 'RLE', 'RLE_DICTIONARY') # has_dictionary_page: True # dictionary_page_offset: 4 # data_page_offset: 22 # total_compressed_size: 64 # total_uncompressed_size: 64 # <pyarrow._parquet.ColumnChunkMetaData object at 0x7f79ea003c40> # file_offset: 80 # file_path: # physical_type: FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY # num_values: 8 # path_in_schema: x # is_stats_set: True # statistics: # <pyarrow._parquet.Statistics object at 0x7f79e9a3d8a0> # has_min_max: True # min: b'\x00\xc0' # max: b'\x00@' # null_count: 1 # distinct_count: None # num_values: 7 # physical_type: FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY # logical_type: Float16 # converted_type (legacy): NONE # compression: UNCOMPRESSED # encodings: ('PLAIN', 'RLE', 'RLE_DICTIONARY') # has_dictionary_page: True # dictionary_page_offset: 4 # data_page_offset: 32 # total_compressed_size: 76 # total_uncompressed_size: 76
is generated by pyarrow 14.0.2 using the following code:
import pyarrow as pa from pyarrow import parquet as pq import numpy as np np.random.seed(0) table = pa.Table.from_pydict({ 'f32': np.random.normal(size=300).astype(np.float32), 'f64': np.random.normal(size=300).astype(np.float64), }) pq.write_table( table, 'byte_stream_split.parquet', version='2.6', compression='zstd', compression_level=22, column_encoding='BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT', use_dictionary=False, )
This is a practical case where BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT
encoding obtains a smaller file size than PLAIN
or dictionary. Since the distributions are random normals centered at 0, each byte has nontrivial behavior.
is generated by pyarrow 16.0.0. It contains 7 pairs of columns, each in two variants containing the same values: one PLAIN
-encoded and one BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT
Version: 2.6 Created By: parquet-cpp-arrow version 16.0.0-SNAPSHOT Total rows: 200 Number of RowGroups: 1 Number of Real Columns: 14 Number of Columns: 14 Number of Selected Columns: 14 Column 0: float16_plain (FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(2) / Float16) Column 1: float16_byte_stream_split (FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(2) / Float16) Column 2: float_plain (FLOAT) Column 3: float_byte_stream_split (FLOAT) Column 4: double_plain (DOUBLE) Column 5: double_byte_stream_split (DOUBLE) Column 6: int32_plain (INT32) Column 7: int32_byte_stream_split (INT32) Column 8: int64_plain (INT64) Column 9: int64_byte_stream_split (INT64) Column 10: flba5_plain (FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(5)) Column 11: flba5_byte_stream_split (FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(5)) Column 12: decimal_plain (FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(4) / Decimal(precision=7, scale=3) / DECIMAL(7,3)) Column 13: decimal_byte_stream_split (FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY(4) / Decimal(precision=7, scale=3) / DECIMAL(7,3))
To check conformance of a BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT
decoder, read each BYTE_STREAM_SPLIT
-encoded column and compare the decoded values against the values from the corresponding PLAIN
-encoded column. The values should be equal.
A number of producers, such as Presto/Trino/Athena, have been creating files with schemas where the Map key fields are marked as optional rather than required. This is not spec-compliant, yet appears in a number of existing data files in the wild.
This issue has been fixed in:
We can recreate these problematic files for testing arrow-rs #5630 with relevant Presto/Trino CLI, or with AWS Athena Console:
CREATE TABLE my_catalog.my_table_name WITH (format = 'Parquet') AS ( SELECT MAP ( ARRAY['name', 'parent'], ARRAY[ 'report', 'another' ] ) my_map )
The schema in the created file is:
message hive_schema { OPTIONAL group my_map (MAP) { REPEATED group key_value (MAP_KEY_VALUE) { OPTIONAL BYTE_ARRAY key (STRING); OPTIONAL BYTE_ARRAY value (STRING); } } }
Metadata for file: repeated_primitive_no_list.parquet version: 1 num of rows: 4 created by: parquet-rs version 53.2.0 message schema { REPEATED INT32 Int32_list; REPEATED BYTE_ARRAY String_list (UTF8); REQUIRED group group_of_lists { REPEATED INT32 Int32_list_in_group; REPEATED BYTE_ARRAY String_list_in_group (UTF8); } }