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	<h4 name="reportbugs">Report or track a bug</h4>
	<p>New bugs can be reported on <a href="">JIRA</a>. In order to create a new issue, you'll need to signup for an account.</p>

	<h4 name="contribute">Contribute a core patch</h4>
	<p>Follow our <a href="/contribute/">contribution guidelines</a> when submitting a patch.</p>
      	<h3>Stay in Touch</h3>
            <p>Attend a Parquet sync up meeting via Google Hangouts. These meetings are hold ad-hoc, announced on the developer list about a week before the meeting.</p>

<p><a href="/bylaws/">Parquet community bylaws</a></p>
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	<h4 name="twitter">Follow us on Twitter</h4>
	<a class="twitter-timeline" href="" data-widget-id="487276069435633664">Tweets by @ApacheParquet</a>