blob: 0da32cf02fdca6e9610eaced9eea88bc5973b48e [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <cstdint>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "arrow/util/bit-util.h"
#include "parquet/encoding-internal.h"
#include "parquet/schema.h"
#include "parquet/types.h"
#include "parquet/util/memory.h"
#include "parquet/util/test-common.h"
using arrow::MemoryPool;
using arrow::default_memory_pool;
using std::string;
using std::vector;
namespace parquet {
namespace test {
TEST(VectorBooleanTest, TestEncodeDecode) {
// PARQUET-454
int nvalues = 10000;
int nbytes = static_cast<int>(BitUtil::Ceil(nvalues, 8));
// seed the prng so failure is deterministic
vector<bool> draws = flip_coins_seed(nvalues, 0.5, 0);
PlainEncoder<BooleanType> encoder(nullptr);
PlainDecoder<BooleanType> decoder(nullptr);
encoder.Put(draws, nvalues);
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> encode_buffer = encoder.FlushValues();
ASSERT_EQ(nbytes, encode_buffer->size());
vector<uint8_t> decode_buffer(nbytes);
const uint8_t* decode_data = &decode_buffer[0];
decoder.SetData(nvalues, encode_buffer->data(),
int values_decoded = decoder.Decode(&decode_buffer[0], nvalues);
ASSERT_EQ(nvalues, values_decoded);
for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(draws[i], BitUtil::GetBit(decode_data, i)) << i;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// test data generation
template <typename T>
void GenerateData(int num_values, T* out, vector<uint8_t>* heap) {
// seed the prng so failure is deterministic
random_numbers(num_values, 0, std::numeric_limits<T>::min(),
std::numeric_limits<T>::max(), out);
template <>
void GenerateData<bool>(int num_values, bool* out, vector<uint8_t>* heap) {
// seed the prng so failure is deterministic
random_bools(num_values, 0.5, 0, out);
template <>
void GenerateData<Int96>(int num_values, Int96* out, vector<uint8_t>* heap) {
// seed the prng so failure is deterministic
random_Int96_numbers(num_values, 0, std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::min(),
std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max(), out);
template <>
void GenerateData<ByteArray>(int num_values, ByteArray* out, vector<uint8_t>* heap) {
// seed the prng so failure is deterministic
int max_byte_array_len = 12;
heap->resize(num_values * max_byte_array_len);
random_byte_array(num_values, 0, heap->data(), out, 2, max_byte_array_len);
static int flba_length = 8;
template <>
void GenerateData<FLBA>(int num_values, FLBA* out, vector<uint8_t>* heap) {
// seed the prng so failure is deterministic
heap->resize(num_values * flba_length);
random_fixed_byte_array(num_values, 0, heap->data(), flba_length, out);
template <typename T>
void VerifyResults(T* result, T* expected, int num_values) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(expected[i], result[i]) << i;
template <>
void VerifyResults<FLBA>(FLBA* result, FLBA* expected, int num_values) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_values; ++i) {
ASSERT_EQ(0, memcmp(expected[i].ptr, result[i].ptr, flba_length)) << i;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create some column descriptors
template <typename DType>
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDescriptor> ExampleDescr() {
auto node = schema::PrimitiveNode::Make("name", Repetition::OPTIONAL, DType::type_num);
return std::make_shared<ColumnDescriptor>(node, 0, 0);
template <>
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDescriptor> ExampleDescr<FLBAType>() {
auto node = schema::PrimitiveNode::Make("name", Repetition::OPTIONAL,
LogicalType::DECIMAL, flba_length, 10, 2);
return std::make_shared<ColumnDescriptor>(node, 0, 0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Plain encoding tests
template <typename Type>
class TestEncodingBase : public ::testing::Test {
typedef typename Type::c_type T;
static constexpr int TYPE = Type::type_num;
void SetUp() {
descr_ = ExampleDescr<Type>();
type_length_ = descr_->type_length();
allocator_ = default_memory_pool();
void TearDown() { pool_.FreeAll(); }
void InitData(int nvalues, int repeats) {
num_values_ = nvalues * repeats;
input_bytes_.resize(num_values_ * sizeof(T));
output_bytes_.resize(num_values_ * sizeof(T));
draws_ = reinterpret_cast<T*>(;
decode_buf_ = reinterpret_cast<T*>(;
GenerateData<T>(nvalues, draws_, &data_buffer_);
// add some repeated values
for (int j = 1; j < repeats; ++j) {
for (int i = 0; i < nvalues; ++i) {
draws_[nvalues * j + i] = draws_[i];
virtual void CheckRoundtrip() = 0;
void Execute(int nvalues, int repeats) {
InitData(nvalues, repeats);
ChunkedAllocator pool_;
MemoryPool* allocator_;
int num_values_;
int type_length_;
T* draws_;
T* decode_buf_;
vector<uint8_t> input_bytes_;
vector<uint8_t> output_bytes_;
vector<uint8_t> data_buffer_;
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> encode_buffer_;
std::shared_ptr<ColumnDescriptor> descr_;
// Member variables are not visible to templated subclasses. Possibly figure
// out an alternative to this class layering at some point
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::pool_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::allocator_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::descr_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::num_values_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::draws_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::data_buffer_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::type_length_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::encode_buffer_; \
using TestEncodingBase<Type>::decode_buf_
template <typename Type>
class TestPlainEncoding : public TestEncodingBase<Type> {
typedef typename Type::c_type T;
static constexpr int TYPE = Type::type_num;
virtual void CheckRoundtrip() {
PlainEncoder<Type> encoder(descr_.get());
PlainDecoder<Type> decoder(descr_.get());
encoder.Put(draws_, num_values_);
encode_buffer_ = encoder.FlushValues();
decoder.SetData(num_values_, encode_buffer_->data(),
int values_decoded = decoder.Decode(decode_buf_, num_values_);
ASSERT_EQ(num_values_, values_decoded);
VerifyResults<T>(decode_buf_, draws_, num_values_);
TYPED_TEST_CASE(TestPlainEncoding, ParquetTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestPlainEncoding, BasicRoundTrip) { this->Execute(10000, 1); }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dictionary encoding tests
typedef ::testing::Types<Int32Type, Int64Type, Int96Type, FloatType, DoubleType,
ByteArrayType, FLBAType>
template <typename Type>
class TestDictionaryEncoding : public TestEncodingBase<Type> {
typedef typename Type::c_type T;
static constexpr int TYPE = Type::type_num;
void CheckRoundtrip() {
std::vector<uint8_t> valid_bits(BitUtil::RoundUpNumBytes(num_values_) + 1, 255);
DictEncoder<Type> encoder(descr_.get(), &pool_);
ASSERT_NO_THROW(encoder.Put(draws_, num_values_));
dict_buffer_ = AllocateBuffer(default_memory_pool(), encoder.dict_encoded_size());
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> indices = encoder.FlushValues();
DictEncoder<Type> spaced_encoder(descr_.get(), &pool_);
// PutSpaced should lead to the same results
ASSERT_NO_THROW(spaced_encoder.PutSpaced(draws_, num_values_,, 0));
std::shared_ptr<Buffer> indices_from_spaced = spaced_encoder.FlushValues();
PlainDecoder<Type> dict_decoder(descr_.get());
dict_decoder.SetData(encoder.num_entries(), dict_buffer_->data(),
DictionaryDecoder<Type> decoder(descr_.get());
decoder.SetData(num_values_, indices->data(), static_cast<int>(indices->size()));
int values_decoded = decoder.Decode(decode_buf_, num_values_);
ASSERT_EQ(num_values_, values_decoded);
// TODO(wesm): The DictionaryDecoder must stay alive because the decoded
// values' data is owned by a buffer inside the DictionaryEncoder. We
// should revisit when data lifetime is reviewed more generally.
VerifyResults<T>(decode_buf_, draws_, num_values_);
// Also test spaced decoding
decoder.SetData(num_values_, indices->data(), static_cast<int>(indices->size()));
values_decoded =
decoder.DecodeSpaced(decode_buf_, num_values_, 0,, 0);
ASSERT_EQ(num_values_, values_decoded);
VerifyResults<T>(decode_buf_, draws_, num_values_);
std::shared_ptr<PoolBuffer> dict_buffer_;
TYPED_TEST_CASE(TestDictionaryEncoding, DictEncodedTypes);
TYPED_TEST(TestDictionaryEncoding, BasicRoundTrip) { this->Execute(2500, 2); }
TEST(TestDictionaryEncoding, CannotDictDecodeBoolean) {
PlainDecoder<BooleanType> dict_decoder(nullptr);
DictionaryDecoder<BooleanType> decoder(nullptr);
ASSERT_THROW(decoder.SetDict(&dict_decoder), ParquetException);
} // namespace test
} // namespace parquet