blob: bc3ee8aa4372fa6ef9a16956d685a8381cc35efa [file] [log] [blame]
// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
// or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
// distributed with this work for additional information
// regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
// with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
// KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
// specific language governing permissions and limitations
// under the License.
#include "parquet/column_reader.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdint>
#include <memory>
#include <arrow/buffer.h>
#include <arrow/memory_pool.h>
#include <arrow/util/bit-util.h>
#include <arrow/util/compression.h>
#include <arrow/util/rle-encoding.h>
#include "parquet/column_page.h"
#include "parquet/encoding-internal.h"
#include "parquet/parquet_types.h"
#include "parquet/properties.h"
#include "parquet/thrift.h"
using arrow::MemoryPool;
namespace parquet {
LevelDecoder::LevelDecoder() : num_values_remaining_(0) {}
LevelDecoder::~LevelDecoder() {}
int LevelDecoder::SetData(Encoding::type encoding, int16_t max_level,
int num_buffered_values, const uint8_t* data) {
int32_t num_bytes = 0;
encoding_ = encoding;
num_values_remaining_ = num_buffered_values;
bit_width_ = BitUtil::Log2(max_level + 1);
switch (encoding) {
case Encoding::RLE: {
num_bytes = *reinterpret_cast<const int32_t*>(data);
const uint8_t* decoder_data = data + sizeof(int32_t);
if (!rle_decoder_) {
rle_decoder_.reset(new ::arrow::RleDecoder(decoder_data, num_bytes, bit_width_));
} else {
rle_decoder_->Reset(decoder_data, num_bytes, bit_width_);
return static_cast<int>(sizeof(int32_t)) + num_bytes;
case Encoding::BIT_PACKED: {
num_bytes =
static_cast<int32_t>(BitUtil::Ceil(num_buffered_values * bit_width_, 8));
if (!bit_packed_decoder_) {
bit_packed_decoder_.reset(new ::arrow::BitReader(data, num_bytes));
} else {
bit_packed_decoder_->Reset(data, num_bytes);
return num_bytes;
throw ParquetException("Unknown encoding type for levels.");
return -1;
int LevelDecoder::Decode(int batch_size, int16_t* levels) {
int num_decoded = 0;
int num_values = std::min(num_values_remaining_, batch_size);
if (encoding_ == Encoding::RLE) {
num_decoded = rle_decoder_->GetBatch(levels, num_values);
} else {
num_decoded = bit_packed_decoder_->GetBatch(bit_width_, levels, num_values);
num_values_remaining_ -= num_decoded;
return num_decoded;
ReaderProperties default_reader_properties() {
static ReaderProperties default_reader_properties;
return default_reader_properties;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// SerializedPageReader deserializes Thrift metadata and pages that have been
// assembled in a serialized stream for storing in a Parquet files
// This subclass delimits pages appearing in a serialized stream, each preceded
// by a serialized Thrift format::PageHeader indicating the type of each page
// and the page metadata.
class SerializedPageReader : public PageReader {
SerializedPageReader(std::unique_ptr<InputStream> stream, int64_t total_num_rows,
Compression::type codec, ::arrow::MemoryPool* pool)
: stream_(std::move(stream)),
decompression_buffer_(AllocateBuffer(pool, 0)),
total_num_rows_(total_num_rows) {
max_page_header_size_ = kDefaultMaxPageHeaderSize;
decompressor_ = GetCodecFromArrow(codec);
// Implement the PageReader interface
std::shared_ptr<Page> NextPage() override;
void set_max_page_header_size(uint32_t size) override { max_page_header_size_ = size; }
std::unique_ptr<InputStream> stream_;
format::PageHeader current_page_header_;
std::shared_ptr<Page> current_page_;
// Compression codec to use.
std::unique_ptr<::arrow::Codec> decompressor_;
std::shared_ptr<ResizableBuffer> decompression_buffer_;
// Maximum allowed page size
uint32_t max_page_header_size_;
// Number of rows read in data pages so far
int64_t seen_num_rows_;
// Number of rows in all the data pages
int64_t total_num_rows_;
std::shared_ptr<Page> SerializedPageReader::NextPage() {
// Loop here because there may be unhandled page types that we skip until
// finding a page that we do know what to do with
while (seen_num_rows_ < total_num_rows_) {
int64_t bytes_read = 0;
int64_t bytes_available = 0;
uint32_t header_size = 0;
const uint8_t* buffer;
uint32_t allowed_page_size = kDefaultPageHeaderSize;
// Page headers can be very large because of page statistics
// We try to deserialize a larger buffer progressively
// until a maximum allowed header limit
while (true) {
buffer = stream_->Peek(allowed_page_size, &bytes_available);
if (bytes_available == 0) {
return std::shared_ptr<Page>(nullptr);
// This gets used, then set by DeserializeThriftMsg
header_size = static_cast<uint32_t>(bytes_available);
try {
DeserializeThriftMsg(buffer, &header_size, &current_page_header_);
} catch (std::exception& e) {
// Failed to deserialize. Double the allowed page header size and try again
std::stringstream ss;
ss << e.what();
allowed_page_size *= 2;
if (allowed_page_size > max_page_header_size_) {
ss << "Deserializing page header failed.\n";
throw ParquetException(ss.str());
// Advance the stream offset
int compressed_len = current_page_header_.compressed_page_size;
int uncompressed_len = current_page_header_.uncompressed_page_size;
// Read the compressed data page.
buffer = stream_->Read(compressed_len, &bytes_read);
if (bytes_read != compressed_len) {
std::stringstream ss;
ss << "Page was smaller (" << bytes_read << ") than expected (" << compressed_len
<< ")";
// Uncompress it if we need to
if (decompressor_ != nullptr) {
// Grow the uncompressed buffer if we need to.
if (uncompressed_len > static_cast<int>(decompression_buffer_->size())) {
PARQUET_THROW_NOT_OK(decompression_buffer_->Resize(uncompressed_len, false));
decompressor_->Decompress(compressed_len, buffer, uncompressed_len,
buffer = decompression_buffer_->data();
auto page_buffer = std::make_shared<Buffer>(buffer, uncompressed_len);
if (current_page_header_.type == format::PageType::DICTIONARY_PAGE) {
const format::DictionaryPageHeader& dict_header =
bool is_sorted = dict_header.__isset.is_sorted ? dict_header.is_sorted : false;
return std::make_shared<DictionaryPage>(page_buffer, dict_header.num_values,
} else if (current_page_header_.type == format::PageType::DATA_PAGE) {
const format::DataPageHeader& header = current_page_header_.data_page_header;
EncodedStatistics page_statistics;
if (header.__isset.statistics) {
const format::Statistics& stats = header.statistics;
if (stats.__isset.max) {
if (stats.__isset.min) {
if (stats.__isset.null_count) {
if (stats.__isset.distinct_count) {
seen_num_rows_ += header.num_values;
return std::make_shared<DataPage>(
page_buffer, header.num_values, FromThrift(header.encoding),
FromThrift(header.repetition_level_encoding), page_statistics);
} else if (current_page_header_.type == format::PageType::DATA_PAGE_V2) {
const format::DataPageHeaderV2& header = current_page_header_.data_page_header_v2;
bool is_compressed = header.__isset.is_compressed ? header.is_compressed : false;
seen_num_rows_ += header.num_values;
return std::make_shared<DataPageV2>(
page_buffer, header.num_values, header.num_nulls, header.num_rows,
FromThrift(header.encoding), header.definition_levels_byte_length,
header.repetition_levels_byte_length, is_compressed);
} else {
// We don't know what this page type is. We're allowed to skip non-data
// pages.
return std::shared_ptr<Page>(nullptr);
std::unique_ptr<PageReader> PageReader::Open(std::unique_ptr<InputStream> stream,
int64_t total_num_rows,
Compression::type codec,
::arrow::MemoryPool* pool) {
return std::unique_ptr<PageReader>(
new SerializedPageReader(std::move(stream), total_num_rows, codec, pool));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ColumnReader::ColumnReader(const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
std::unique_ptr<PageReader> pager, MemoryPool* pool)
: descr_(descr),
pool_(pool) {}
ColumnReader::~ColumnReader() {}
template <typename DType>
void TypedColumnReader<DType>::ConfigureDictionary(const DictionaryPage* page) {
int encoding = static_cast<int>(page->encoding());
if (page->encoding() == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY ||
page->encoding() == Encoding::PLAIN) {
encoding = static_cast<int>(Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY);
auto it = decoders_.find(encoding);
if (it != decoders_.end()) {
throw ParquetException("Column cannot have more than one dictionary.");
if (page->encoding() == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY ||
page->encoding() == Encoding::PLAIN) {
PlainDecoder<DType> dictionary(descr_);
dictionary.SetData(page->num_values(), page->data(), page->size());
// The dictionary is fully decoded during DictionaryDecoder::Init, so the
// DictionaryPage buffer is no longer required after this step
// TODO(wesm): investigate whether this all-or-nothing decoding of the
// dictionary makes sense and whether performance can be improved
auto decoder = std::make_shared<DictionaryDecoder<DType>>(descr_, pool_);
decoders_[encoding] = decoder;
} else {
ParquetException::NYI("only plain dictionary encoding has been implemented");
current_decoder_ = decoders_[encoding].get();
// PLAIN_DICTIONARY is deprecated but used to be used as a dictionary index
// encoding.
static bool IsDictionaryIndexEncoding(const Encoding::type& e) {
return e == Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY || e == Encoding::PLAIN_DICTIONARY;
template <typename DType>
bool TypedColumnReader<DType>::ReadNewPage() {
// Loop until we find the next data page.
const uint8_t* buffer;
while (true) {
current_page_ = pager_->NextPage();
if (!current_page_) {
// EOS
return false;
if (current_page_->type() == PageType::DICTIONARY_PAGE) {
ConfigureDictionary(static_cast<const DictionaryPage*>(current_page_.get()));
} else if (current_page_->type() == PageType::DATA_PAGE) {
const DataPage* page = static_cast<const DataPage*>(current_page_.get());
// Read a data page.
num_buffered_values_ = page->num_values();
// Have not decoded any values from the data page yet
num_decoded_values_ = 0;
buffer = page->data();
// If the data page includes repetition and definition levels, we
// initialize the level decoder and subtract the encoded level bytes from
// the page size to determine the number of bytes in the encoded data.
int64_t data_size = page->size();
// Data page Layout: Repetition Levels - Definition Levels - encoded values.
// Levels are encoded as rle or bit-packed.
// Init repetition levels
if (descr_->max_repetition_level() > 0) {
int64_t rep_levels_bytes = repetition_level_decoder_.SetData(
page->repetition_level_encoding(), descr_->max_repetition_level(),
static_cast<int>(num_buffered_values_), buffer);
buffer += rep_levels_bytes;
data_size -= rep_levels_bytes;
// TODO figure a way to set max_definition_level_ to 0
// if the initial value is invalid
// Init definition levels
if (descr_->max_definition_level() > 0) {
int64_t def_levels_bytes = definition_level_decoder_.SetData(
page->definition_level_encoding(), descr_->max_definition_level(),
static_cast<int>(num_buffered_values_), buffer);
buffer += def_levels_bytes;
data_size -= def_levels_bytes;
// Get a decoder object for this page or create a new decoder if this is the
// first page with this encoding.
Encoding::type encoding = page->encoding();
if (IsDictionaryIndexEncoding(encoding)) {
encoding = Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY;
auto it = decoders_.find(static_cast<int>(encoding));
if (it != decoders_.end()) {
if (encoding == Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY) {
DCHECK(current_decoder_->encoding() == Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY);
current_decoder_ = it->second.get();
} else {
switch (encoding) {
case Encoding::PLAIN: {
std::shared_ptr<DecoderType> decoder(new PlainDecoder<DType>(descr_));
decoders_[static_cast<int>(encoding)] = decoder;
current_decoder_ = decoder.get();
case Encoding::RLE_DICTIONARY:
throw ParquetException("Dictionary page must be before data page.");
case Encoding::DELTA_BYTE_ARRAY:
ParquetException::NYI("Unsupported encoding");
throw ParquetException("Unknown encoding type.");
current_decoder_->SetData(static_cast<int>(num_buffered_values_), buffer,
return true;
} else {
// We don't know what this page type is. We're allowed to skip non-data
// pages.
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Batch read APIs
int64_t ColumnReader::ReadDefinitionLevels(int64_t batch_size, int16_t* levels) {
if (descr_->max_definition_level() == 0) {
return 0;
return definition_level_decoder_.Decode(static_cast<int>(batch_size), levels);
int64_t ColumnReader::ReadRepetitionLevels(int64_t batch_size, int16_t* levels) {
if (descr_->max_repetition_level() == 0) {
return 0;
return repetition_level_decoder_.Decode(static_cast<int>(batch_size), levels);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Dynamic column reader constructor
std::shared_ptr<ColumnReader> ColumnReader::Make(const ColumnDescriptor* descr,
std::unique_ptr<PageReader> pager,
MemoryPool* pool) {
switch (descr->physical_type()) {
case Type::BOOLEAN:
return std::make_shared<BoolReader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
case Type::INT32:
return std::make_shared<Int32Reader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
case Type::INT64:
return std::make_shared<Int64Reader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
case Type::INT96:
return std::make_shared<Int96Reader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
case Type::FLOAT:
return std::make_shared<FloatReader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
case Type::DOUBLE:
return std::make_shared<DoubleReader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
case Type::BYTE_ARRAY:
return std::make_shared<ByteArrayReader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
return std::make_shared<FixedLenByteArrayReader>(descr, std::move(pager), pool);
ParquetException::NYI("type reader not implemented");
// Unreachable code, but supress compiler warning
return std::shared_ptr<ColumnReader>(nullptr);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Instantiate templated classes
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<BooleanType>;
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<Int32Type>;
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<Int64Type>;
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<Int96Type>;
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<FloatType>;
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<DoubleType>;
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<ByteArrayType>;
template class PARQUET_TEMPLATE_EXPORT TypedColumnReader<FLBAType>;
} // namespace parquet