tree: 52010679a20acdb7cea1f8beae5262e66d737f85 [path history] [tgz]
  1. admincli/
  2. auditparser/
  3. balancer/
  4. basic/
  5. certrotation/
  6. cli/
  7. compatibility/
  8. debug/
  9. ec/
  10. failing/
  11. fcq/
  12. freon/
  13. gdpr/
  14. grpc/
  15. httpfs/
  16. lib/
  17. om-ratis/
  18. omha/
  19. ozone-lib/
  20. ozonefs/
  21. recon/
  22. replication/
  23. s3/
  24. scmha/
  25. security/
  26. snapshot/
  27. spnego/
  28. topology/
  29. upgrade/
  30. .env
  31. __init__.robot
  32. commonlib.robot
  33. createbucketenv.robot
  34. createmrenv.robot
  35. csi.robot
  36. kinit-hadoop.robot
  37. kinit.robot
  38. mapreduce.robot

Ozone Acceptance Tests

This directory contains a robotframework based test suite for Ozone to make it easier to check the current state of the package.

You can run in any environment after installing

robot smoketest/basic

The argument of the robot could be any robot file or directory.

The current configuration in the robot files (hostnames, ports) are adjusted for the docker-based setup but you can easily modify it for any environment.

Run tests in docker environment

In the compose folder there are additional test scripts to make it easy to run all tests or run a specific test in a docker environment.

Test one environment

Go to the compose directory and execute the directly from there:

cd compose/ozone

The results will be saved to the compose/ozone/results

Run all the tests

cd compose

The results will be combined to the compose/results folder.

Run one specific test case

Start the compose environment and execute test:

cd compose/ozone
docker-compose up -d
../ scm basic/basic.robot