title: “Audit Parser” date: 2018-12-17 summary: Audit Parser tool can be used for querying the ozone audit logs.

Audit Parser tool can be used for querying the ozone audit logs. This tool creates a sqlite database at the specified path. If the database already exists, it will avoid creating a database.

The database contains only one table called audit defined as:

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS audit ( datetime text, level varchar(7), logger varchar(7), user text, ip text, op text, params text, result varchar(7), exception text, UNIQUE(datetime,level,logger,user,ip,op,params,result))

Usage: {{< highlight bash >}} ozone auditparser [COMMAND] [PARAM] {{< /highlight >}}

To load an audit log to database: {{< highlight bash >}} ozone auditparser load {{< /highlight >}} Load command creates the audit table described above.

To run a custom read-only query: {{< highlight bash >}} ozone auditparser query {{< /highlight >}}

Audit Parser comes with a set of templates(most commonly used queries).

To run a template query: {{< highlight bash >}} ozone auditparser template {{< /highlight >}}

Following templates are available:

Template NameDescriptionSQL
top5usersTop 5 usersselect user,count(*) as total from audit group by user order by total DESC limit 5
top5cmdsTop 5 commandsselect op,count(*) as total from audit group by op order by total DESC limit 5
top5activetimebysecondsTop 5 active times, grouped by secondsselect substr(datetime,1,charindex(‘,’,datetime)-1) as dt,count(*) as thecount from audit group by dt order by thecount DESC limit 5