title: “Quota in Ozone” date: “2020-October-22” weight: 4 summary: Quota in Ozone icon: user menu: main: parent: Features summary: Introduction to Ozone Quota

So far, we know that Ozone allows users to create volumes, buckets, and keys. A Volume usually contains several buckets, and each Bucket also contains a certain number of keys. Obviously, it should allow the user to define quotas (for example, how many buckets can be created under a Volume or how much space can be used by a Bucket), which is a common requirement for storage systems.

Currently supported

  1. Storage Space level quota

Administrators should be able to define how much storage space a Volume or Bucket can use. The following Settings for Storage space quota are currently supported:

a. By default, the quota for volume and bucket is not enabled.

b. When volume quota is enabled, the total quota of the buckets, cannot exceed the volume quota.

c. Bucket quota can be set separately without enabling Volume quota. The size of bucket quota is unrestricted at this point.

d. Volume quota is not currently supported separately, and volume quota takes effect only if bucket quota is set. Because ozone only check the usedBytes of the bucket when we write the key.

e. If the cluster is upgraded from old version less than 1.1.0, use of quota on older volumes and buckets(We can confirm by looking at the info for the volume or bucket, and if the quota value is -2 the volume or bucket is old) is not recommended. Since the old key is not counted to the bucket's usedBytes, the quota setting is inaccurate at this point.

f. If volume‘s quota is enabled then bucket’s quota cannot be cleared.

  1. Namespace quota

Administrators should be able to define how many namespace a Volume or Bucket can use. The following settings for namespace quota are supported:

a. By default, the namespace quota for volume and bucket is not enabled (thus unlimited quota).

b. When volume namespace quota is enabled, the total number of buckets under the volume, cannot exceed the volume namespace quota.

c. When bucket namespace quota is enabled, the total number of keys under the bucket, cannot exceed the bucket namespace quota.

d. Linked buckets do not consume namespace quota.

e. If the cluster is upgraded from old version less than 1.1.0, use of quota on older volumes and buckets(We can confirm by looking at the info for the volume or bucket, and if the quota value is -2 then volume or bucket is old) is not recommended. Since the old key is not counted to the bucket's namespace quota, the quota setting is inaccurate at this point.

Client usage

Storage Space level quota

Storage space level quotas allow the use of units such as KB (k), MB (m), GB (g), TB (t), PB (p), etc. Represents how much storage Spaces will be used.

Volume Storage Space level quota

bin/ozone sh volume create --space-quota 5MB /volume1

This means setting the storage space of Volume1 to 5MB

bin/ozone sh volume setquota --space-quota 10GB /volume1

This behavior changes the quota of Volume1 to 10GB.

Bucket Storage Space level quota

bin/ozone sh bucket create --space-quota 5MB /volume1/bucket1

That means bucket1 allows us to use 5MB of storage.

bin/ozone sh bucket setquota  --space-quota 10GB /volume1/bucket1 

This behavior changes the quota for Bucket1 to 10GB

Total bucket quota should not be greater than its Volume quota. If we have a 10MB Volume, The sum of the sizes of all buckets under this volume cannot exceed 10MB, otherwise the bucket set quota fails.

Clear the quota for volume and bucket

bin/ozone sh volume clrquota --space-quota /volume1
bin/ozone sh bucket clrquota --space-quota /volume1/bucket1

Check quota and usedBytes for volume and bucket

bin/ozone sh volume info /volume1
bin/ozone sh bucket info /volume1/bucket1

We can get the quota value and usedBytes in the info of volume and bucket.

Namespace quota

Namespace quota is a number that represents how many unique names can be used. This number cannot be greater than LONG.MAX_VALUE in Java.

Volume Namespace quota

bin/ozone sh volume create --namespace-quota 100 /volume1

This means setting the namespace quota of Volume1 to 100.

bin/ozone sh volume setquota --namespace-quota 1000 /volume1

This behavior changes the namespace quota of Volume1 to 1000.

Bucket Namespace quota

bin/ozone sh bucket create --namespace-quota 100 /volume1/bucket1

That means bucket1 allows us to use 100 of namespace.

bin/ozone sh bucket setquota --namespace-quota 1000 /volume1/bucket1 

This behavior changes the quota for Bucket1 to 1000.

Clear the quota for volume and bucket

bin/ozone sh volume clrquota --namespace-quota /volume1
bin/ozone sh bucket clrquota --namespace-quota /volume1/bucket1

Check quota and usedNamespace for volume and bucket

bin/ozone sh volume info /volume1
bin/ozone sh bucket info /volume1/bucket1

We can get the quota value and usedNamespace in the info of volume and bucket.