tree: ed9b11e00b15d67aeb190b76fdd4cd05c8fa2d46 [path history] [tgz]
  1. dev-support/
  2. src/
  3. pom.xml

Ozone Distribution

This folder contains the project to create the binary Ozone distribution and provide all the helper scripts and Docker files to start Ozone locally or on a remote cluster.

Testing with local docker based cluster

After a full dist build you can find multiple docker-compose-based cluster definitions in the target/ozone-*/compose folder.

Please check the README files there.

Usually, you can start the cluster with:

cd compose/ozone
docker-compose up -d

More information can be found in the Getting Started Guide:

Testing on Kubernetes


Please refer to the Getting Started guide for a couple of options for testing Ozone on Kubernetes:


Apache Ozone supports Prometheus out of the box. It contains a prometheus-compatible exporter servlet. To start monitoring you need a Prometheus deployment in your Kubernetes cluster:

cd src/main/k8s/prometheus
kubectl apply -f .

The Prometheus UI can be made accessible via a NodePort service:

minikube service prometheus-public

Notes on the Kubernetes setup

Please note that the provided Kubernetes resources are not suitable for production:

  1. There is no security setup.
  2. The datanode is started as a StatefulSet instead of DaemonSet. This is to make it possible to scale it up on one-node minikube cluster.
  3. All of the UI pages are published with NodePort services.