title: Ozone Community

Ozone Mailing Lists


If you’d like to contribute to Ozone, please subscribe to the Ozone developer mailing list.

The Ozone developer mailing list is: dev@ozone.apache.org.


If you’d like to see changes made in the Ozone version control system, please subscribe to the Ozone commits mailing list.

The Ozone commits mailing list is: commits@ozone.apache.org.


If you’d like to see changes made in the Ozone issue tracking system, please subscribe to the Ozone issues mailing list.

The Ozone issues mailing list is: issues@ozone.apache.org.

Older Archives

Ozone was approved as a separate Apache project in Oct. 2020, and the previous mailing list archives can be found here.

Ozone Slack

If you would like to join the Ozone Slack Channel, please use this link to get self-invited https://s.apache.org/slack-invite and join the #ozone channel.

Ozone Community Calls

Please refer to this page to get more information.