HDDS-166. Create a landing page for Ozone.
Contributed by Marton, Elek.
16 files changed
tree: f9d1cfc7a59708953aefe39810bc008c2e90d715
  1. content/
  2. layouts/
  3. static/
  4. .gitignore
  5. build.sh
  6. config.toml
  7. LICENSE.txt
  8. README.md

Apache Ozone web page

This is the source code of the website of Apache Hadoop Ozone.

To render it you need hugo static site generator (https://gohugo.io/getting-started/installing) which is available for the most popular platforms as a single binary.

To render the final website use the following command:

hugo -d /destination/dir

To develop the site use

hugo serve

which starts an internal server where you can always check the final rendered version.