Apache ORC docs site

This directory contains the code for the Apache ORC web site, orc.apache.org. The easiest way to build the site is to use docker to use a standard environment.


  1. cd site
  2. git clone git@github.com:apache/orc.git -b asf-site target

Run the docker container with the preview of the site.

  1. docker build -t orc-site .
  2. docker run -d -p 4000:4000 orc-site


Look at the site by navigating to .

Pushing to site

You'll copy the files from the container to the site/target directory and commit those to the asf-site branch.

  1. Find the name of the container using docker ps.
  2. docker cp $CONTAINER:/home/orc/site/target .
  3. cd target
  4. Commit the files and push to Apache.

Shutting down the docker container

  1. docker stop $CONTAINER