tree: e42211a6b9a313a3c624e4b8370aa75033d10f55 [path history] [tgz]
  1. _data/
  2. _docs/
  3. _includes/
  4. _layouts/
  5. _posts/
  6. _sass/
  7. css/
  8. develop/
  9. fonts/
  10. help/
  11. img/
  12. js/
  13. news/
  14. releases/
  15. security/
  16. specification/
  17. talks/
  18. .dockerignore
  19. .gitignore
  20. .htaccess
  21. _config.yml
  22. doap_orc.rdf
  23. Dockerfile
  24. favicon.ico
  25. Gemfile
  26. index.html

Apache ORC docs site

This directory contains the code for the Apache ORC web site, The easiest way to build the site is to use docker to use a standard environment.


  1. cd site
  2. git clone -b asf-site target

Run the docker container with the preview of the site.

  1. docker run -d --name orc-container -p 4000:4000 -v $PWD:/home/orc/site apache/orc-dev:site


Look at the site by navigating to .

Pushing to site

You'll copy the files from the container to the site/target directory and commit those to the asf-site branch.

  1. docker cp orc-container:/home/orc/site/target .
  2. cd target
  3. Commit the files and push to Apache.

Shutting down the docker container

  1. docker rm -f orc-container