layout: page title: How To Release ORC

Preparing for release

Set version so that it isn't a SNAPSHOT.

% git checkout branch-X.Y
% edit CMakeLists.txt
% (mkdir build; cd build; cmake ..)

Commit the changes back to Apache along with a tag for the release candidate.

% git commit -s -S -am 'Preparing for release X.Y.Z'
% git remote add apache
% git push apache branch-X.Y
% git tag release-X.Y.Zrc0
% git push apache release-X.Y.Zrc0

Generate the source tarball and checksums for the release.

% wget
% tar xzf release-X.Y.Zrc0.tar.gz
% mv orc-release-X.Y.Zrc0 orc-X.Y.Z
% tar czf orc-X.Y.Zrc0.tar.gz orc-X.Y.Z
% shasum -a 256 orc-X.Y.Zrc0.tar.gz > orc-X.Y.Zrc0.tar.gz.sha256
% gpg --detach-sig --armor orc-X.Y.Zrc0.tar.gz

Copy the artifacts into your personal Apache website.

% sftp <apacheid>
sftp> cd public_html
sftp> mkdir orc-X.Y.Zrc0
sftp> cd orc-X.Y.Zrc0
sftp> put orc-X.Y.Zrc0*
sftp> quit

Make sure your GPG key is present in Apache LDAP and the ORC svn dist area. That will be necessary for others to verify the signatures on the release candidate.

Click the version to release (X.Y.Z) here to get the list of jiras that are fixed in X.Y.Z

Send email with the vote:

Subject: [VOTE] Should we release ORC X.Y.Zrc0?


Should we release the following artifacts as ORC X.Y.Z?



To promote a release candidate (RC) to a real release.

Update the final tag and remove the rc tag.

% git tag rel/release-X.Y.Z -s
% git push apache rel/release-X.Y.Z
% git push apache :release-X.Y.Zrc0

Publish the artifacts to Maven central staging. Make sure to have this setup for Apache releases

% cd java
% mvn -Papache-release clean deploy

Publish from the staging area:

  • login to Maven staging
  • find your staging repository (search for
  • close it
  • release it

Publish the artifacts to Apache's dist area.

In a svn clone of
% mkdir orc-X.Y.Z
% cd orc-X.Y.Z
copy release artifacts with a rename from orc-X.Y.Zrc0* to orc-X.Y.Z*
% svn add .
% svn commit ---username <apacheid> -m "ORC X.Y.Z Release"

We keep the latest patch release for each of the last two branches, so remove
extra releases (say I.J.K) from the Apache dist area.

% cd ..
% svn rm orc-I.J.K
% svn commit --username <apacheid> -m "Removed old release ORC I.J.K"

Update the release branch with the version for the next release.

edit CMakeLists.txt to change version to X.Y.(Z+1)-SNAPSHOT
% cd build
% cmake ..
% git commit -a -s -S -am 'Preparing branch for post X.Y.Z development'
% git push apache branch-X.Y

Update the site with the new release.

  • Check out the master branch (git co apache/master)
Change directory in to site.
% pwd
% cd site
% mkdir target
% cd target
Set up site/target to be a separate git workspace that tracks the asf-site branch.
% git init
% git remote add origin -t asf-site
% git fetch origin
% git checkout asf-site
% cd ..
% bundle install
  • edit site/_data/releases.yml to add new release
    • update the state for the releases to match the changes in the Apache dist
      • latest = new release (only one of these!)
      • stable = other release still in dist
      • archived = removed from dist
  • create a new file _posts/ for the news section
  • Run “bundle exec jekyll serve”
  • Check the website on
  • If it looks good, use git add (from within site directory) to add the new files and commit to master with a message of “update site for X.Y.Z”.
% pwd
% git commit -am "Update site for X.Y.Z"
% git push origin master
  • Change directory into site/target for publishing the site.
  • Add the new files that you just generated.
    • This assumes you've set up site/target to be a separate git workspace that tracks the asf-site branch.
  • Commit to asf-site to publish the updated site.
% cd target
% pwd
% git commit -am "Publish site for X.Y.Z"
% git push origin asf-site

Update ORC's jira to reflect the released version.

  • Select the resolved issues and bulk transition them to closed with following query here.
    • query: project = ORC AND fixVersion = X.Y.Z and status = Resolved ORDER BY created desc
  • Mark the version as released and set the date here.

It usually take up to 24 hours for the apache dist mirrors and maven central to update with the new release.