Travis Setup

Travis build is configured to perform build of this repo in multiple parallel jobs as listed below.

  1. Unit Tests - Runs the test which only need database service.
  2. System Tests - Runs those tests which need complete OpenWhisk system up and running.
  3. Performance test suite - Run basic performance tests with the objective to check if tests are working or not.

These jobs make use of following scripts

  1. - Performs various code scan task like python flake scan, scala formatting etc.
  2. - Performs setup if basis prerequisites like database setup and property file generation.
  3. - Builds the various docker containers.
  4. - Runs the various containers which are part of an OpenWhisk setup like Controller, Invoker etc.
  5. - Runs the tests. It make use of ORG_GRADLE_PROJECT_testSetName env setting to determine which test suite to run.
  6. - Collect the logs, check them and then upload them