Distributed Deployment using OpenStack as IaaS

To communicate with the Openstack APIs, the bootstapper will need a few additional dependencies to be installed.

Install prerequisites

sudo apt-get -y install python-setuptools python-dev libssl-dev build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev python-dev python-novaclient
sudo pip install shade pytz positional appdirs monotonic rfc3986 pyparsing stevedore debtcollector netaddr oslo.config futures warlock six

Populate the OpenStack .env file with valid credentials/endpoint. Please note that OS_WSK_DB_VOLUME is optional. If not specified, local disk will be used instead of persistent disk for CouchDB.

By default, 2 invokers are created. To adjust this value, simply change the num_instances value in the environments/distributed/group_vars/all file.

Once the group_vars and .env files have been populated, run the following playbook to boot instances and generate the respective hosts file.

ansible-playbook -i environments/distributed provision_env_dist.yml

Ensure the VMs are up and that the bootstrapper can reach them

ansible all -i environments/distributed -m ping