tree: f752987a2224e1ca6db4fa176c71d129ea71a6d9 [path history] [tgz]
  2. citool
  5. redo

Build helper scripts

This directory contains the following utilities.

  • redo: a wrapper around Ansible and Gradle commands, for which examples are given below,
  • citool: allows for command line monitoring of Jenkins and Travis CI builds.

How to use redo

The script is called redo because for most development, one will want to “redo” the compilation and deployment.

  • usage information: redo -h
  • initialize environment and docker-machine (for mac): redo setup prereq
  • start CouchDB container and initialize DB with system and guest keys: redo couchdb initdb
  • start ElasticSearch container to store activations: redo elasticsearch
  • build and deploy system: redo deploy
  • run tests: redo props tests

To do a fresh build and deploy all with one line for a first time run redo setup prereq couchdb initdb deploy tests as each of these is executed sequentially.

Individual components such as the controller may be rebuilt and redeployed as well.

  • To only build: redo controller -b.
  • To only teardown: redo controller -x.
  • To redeploy only: redo controller -d.
  • To do all at once: redo controller -bxd which is the default.

Additional arguments may be passed to underlying shell commands for Gradle and Ansible using -a. For example, the following is handy to run a subset of all tests from the command line.

  • redo tests -a '--tests'

Some components are dynamically generated. This is supported by a generic component name which specifies a regex. The runtime:([\w]+) is one such component, useful for rebuilding action runtime images.

  • redo --dir /path/to/openwhisk-runtime-nodejs runtime:nodejs6action

How to use citool

This script allows for monitoring of ongoing Jenkins and Travis builds. The script assumes by default that the monitored job is a Travis CI build hosted here To change the Travis (or Jenkins) host URL, use -u.

  • usage information: citool -h
  • monitor a Travis CI build with job number N: citool monitor N
  • monitor same job N until completion: citool monitor -p N
  • save job output to a file: citool -o monitor N
  • for Travis CI matrix builds, use the matrix index after the job number as in citool monitor N.i where 1 <= i <= matrix builds.

To monitor a Jenkins build B with job number N on host

citool -u -b B monitor N

The script also allows for gathering controller and invoker log artifacts from a Jenkins build job. For example, to retrieve logs for a deployment with 1 controller and 1 invoker for build B with job number N on host with the artifacts are stored in whisk/logs relative to the job URL:

citool -u -b B cat whisk/logs N

It is sometimes convenient to save the logs locally (via citool -o ...) to avoid fetching them repeatedly if one wishes to inspect the logs and extract a specific transaction. Logs statements may be sorted according to their timestamps using cat -s. Additionally to grep for a specific expression, use cat -g.

citool -o -u -b B cat -s -g "tid_123" whisk/logs N

The logs are saved to ./B-build.log and can be reprocessed using citool with -i.

citool -i -b B cat -s -g "tid_124" whisk/logs N

Gradle Build Scan Integration

OpenWhisk builds on CI setups have Gradle Build Scan integrated. Each build on Travis pushes scan reports to Gradle Scan Community Hosted Server. To see the scan report you need to check the Travis build logs for lines like below

Publishing build scan...

The url above is the scan report url and is unique per build


If you encounter an error ImportError: No module named pkg_resources while running redo, try the workaround below or see these instructions for upgrading setuptools.

pip install --upgrade setuptools