Creating and invoking Docker actions

With OpenWhisk Docker actions, you can write your actions in any language, bundle larger or complex dependencies, and tailor the runtime environment to suite your needs.

  • As a prerequisite, you must have a Docker Hub account. To set up a free Docker ID and account, go to Docker Hub.
  • The easiest way to get started with a Docker action is to use the OpenWhisk Docker skeleton.
    • You can install the skeleton with the wsk sdk install docker CLI command.
    • This is a a Docker image based on python:3.6.1-alpine.
    • The skeleton requires an entry point located at /action/exec inside the container. This may be an executable script or binary compatible with this distribution.
    • The executable receives the input arguments via a single command-line argument string which can be deserialized as a JSON object. It must return a result via stdout as a single-line string of serialized JSON.
    • You may include any compilation steps or dependencies by modifying the Dockerfile included in the dockerSkeleton.

The instructions that follow show you how to use the OpenWhisk Docker skeleton.

  1. Install the Docker skeleton.
wsk sdk install docker
The Docker skeleton is now installed at the current directory.
$ ls dockerSkeleton/
Dockerfile example.c

The skeleton is a Docker container template where you can inject your code in the form of custom binaries.

  1. Create the executable. The Docker skeleton includes a C program that you can use as an example.
cat dockerSkeleton/example.c
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    printf("This is an example log message from an arbitrary C program!\n");
    printf("{ \"msg\": \"Hello from arbitrary C program!\", \"args\": %s }",
           (argc == 1) ? "undefined" : argv[1]);

You can modify this file as needed, or, add additional code and dependencies to the Docker image. In case of the latter, you may need to tweak the Dockerfile as necessary to build your executable. The binary must be located inside the container at /action/exec.

The executable receives a single argument from the command line. It is a string serialization of the JSON object representing the arguments to the action. The program may log to stdout or stderr. By convention, the last line of output must be a stringified JSON object which represents the result of the action.

  1. Build the Docker image and upload it using a supplied script. You must first run docker login to authenticate, and then run the script with a chosen image name.
docker login -u janesmith -p janes_password
cd dockerSkeleton
./ janesmith/blackboxdemo

Notice that part of the example.c file is compiled as part of the Docker image build process, so you do not need C compiled on your machine. In fact, unless you are compiling the binary on a compatible host machine, it may not run inside the container since formats will not match.

Your Docker container may now be used as an OpenWhisk action.

wsk action create example --docker janesmith/blackboxdemo

Notice the use of --docker when creating an action. Currently all Docker images are assumed to be hosted on Docker Hub.

Invoking a Docker action

Docker actions are invoked as any other OpenWhisk action.

wsk action invoke --result example --param payload Rey
    "args": {
        "payload": "Rey"
    "msg": "Hello from arbitrary C program!"

Updating a Docker action

To update the Docker action, run again and update your action. This will upload the latest image to Docker Hub and force the system to create a new container based on the image. If you do not update the action, then the image is pulled when there are no warm containers available for your action. A warm container will continue using a previous version of your Docker image, and any new invocations of the action will continue to use that image unless you run wsk action update. This will indicate to the system that for new invocations it should execute a docker pull to get your new Docker image.

./ janesmith/blackboxdemo
wsk action update example --docker janesmith/blackboxdemo

Creating native actions

Docker actions accept initialization data via a (zip) file, similar to other actions kinds. For example, the tutorial above created a binary executable inside the container located at /action/exec. If you copy this file to your local file system and zip it into then you can use the following commands to create a docker action which receives the executable as initialization data.

wsk action create example --native

which is equivalent to the following command.

wsk action create example --docker openwhisk/dockerskeleton

Using --native, you can see that any executable may be run as an OpenWhisk action. This includes bash scripts, or cross compiled binaries. For the latter, the constraint is that the binary must be compatible with the openwhisk/dockerskeleton image.