blob: ea8de824b5570c1cea4ac4f36f84d75e27d563cb [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor
# license agreements; and to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# This role will install Kafka with Zookeeper in group 'kafka' in the environment inventory
- name: "pull the zookeeper:{{ zookeeper.version }} image"
shell: "docker pull zookeeper:{{ zookeeper.version }}"
retries: "{{ docker.pull.retries }}"
delay: "{{ docker.pull.delay }}"
- name: (re)start zookeeper
name: zookeeper{{ groups['zookeepers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}
image: zookeeper:{{ zookeeper.version }}
state: started
recreate: true
restart_policy: "{{ docker.restart.policy }}"
ZOO_MY_ID: "{{ groups['zookeepers'].index(inventory_hostname) + 1 }}"
ZOO_SERVERS: "{% set zhosts = [] %}
{% for host in groups['zookeepers'] %}
{% if host == inventory_hostname %}
{{ zhosts.append('server.' + (loop.index|string) + '=' + '') }}
{% else %}
{{ zhosts.append('server.' + (loop.index|string) + '=' + hostvars[host].ansible_host + ':' + ((2888+loop.index-1)|string) + ':' + ((3888+loop.index-1)|string) ) }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{{ zhosts | join(' ') }}"
- "{{ zookeeper.port + groups['zookeepers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:2181"
- "{{ 2888 + groups['zookeepers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:2888"
- "{{ 3888 + groups['zookeepers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}:3888"
- name: wait until the Zookeeper in this host is up and running
action: shell (echo ruok; sleep 1) | nc {{ ansible_host }} {{ zookeeper.port + groups['zookeepers'].index(inventory_hostname) }}
register: result
until: (result.rc == 0) and (result.stdout == 'imok')
retries: 36
delay: 5