blob: 9b529e408b02aa7821a13677db4894e7b75d1749 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* This is a test tool for measuring the performance of OpenWhisk actions and rules.
* The full documentation of the tool is available in .
const fs = require('fs');
const ini = require('ini');
const cluster = require('cluster');
const openwhisk = require('openwhisk');
const program = require('commander');
const exec = require('node-exec-promise').exec;
const ACTION = "action";
const RULE = "rule";
const RESULT = "result";
const ACTIVATION = "activation";
const NONE = "none";
function parseIntDef(strval, defval) {
return parseInt(strval);
.description('Latency and throughput measurement of OpenWhisk actions and rules')
.option('-a, --activity <action/rule>', "Activity to measure", /^(action|rule)$/i, "action")
.option('-b, --blocking <result/activation/none>', "For actions, wait until result or activation, or don't wait", /^(result|activation|none)$/i, "none")
.option('-d, --delta <msec>', "Time diff between consequent invocations of the same worker, in msec", parseIntDef, 200)
.option('-i, --iterations <count>', "Number of measurement iterations", parseInt)
.option('-p, --period <msec>', "Period of measurement in msec", parseInt)
.option('-r, --ratio <count>', "How many actions per iteration (or rules per trigger)", parseIntDef, 1)
.option('-s, --parameter_size <size>', "Size of string parameter passed to trigger or actions", parseIntDef, 1000)
.option('-w, --workers <count>', "Total number of concurrent workers incl. master", parseIntDef, 1)
.option('-A, --master_activity <action/rule>', "Set master activity apart from other workerss", /^(action|rule)$/i)
.option('-B, --master_blocking <result/activation/none>', "Set master blocking apart from other workers", /^(result|activation|none)$/i)
.option('-D, --master_delta <msec>', "Set master delta apart from other workers", parseInt)
.option('-u, --warmup <count>', "How many invocations to perform at each worker as warmup", parseIntDef, 5)
.option('-l, --delay <msec>', "How many msec to delay at each action", parseIntDef, 50)
.option('-P --pp_delay <msec>', "Wait for remaining activations to finalize before post-processing", parseIntDef, 60000)
.option('-G --burst_timing', "For actions, use the same invocation timing (BI) for all actions in a burst")
.option('-S --no-setup', "Skip test setup (so use previous setup)")
.option('-T --no-teardown', "Skip test teardown (to allow setup reuse)")
.option('-f --config_file <filepath>', "Specify a wskprops configuration file to use", `${process.env.HOME}/.wskprops`)
.option('-q, --quiet', "Suppress progress information on stderr");
var testRecord = {input: {}, output: {}}; // holds the final test data
for (var opt in program.opts())
if (typeof program[opt] != 'function')
testRecord.input[opt] = program[opt];
// If neither period nor iterations are set, then period is set by default to 1000 msec
if (!testRecord.input.iterations && !testRecord.input.period)
testRecord.input.period = 1000;
// If either master_activity, master_blocking or master_delta are set, then test is in 'master apart' mode
testRecord.input.master_apart = ((testRecord.input.master_activity || testRecord.input.master_blocking || testRecord.input.master_delta) && true);
mLog("Parameter Configuration:");
for (var opt in testRecord.input)
mLog(`${opt} = ${testRecord.input[opt]}`);
mLog("Generating invocation parameters");
var inputMessage = "A".repeat(testRecord.input.parameter_size);
var params = {sleep: testRecord.input.delay, message: inputMessage};
mLog("Loading wskprops");
const config = ini.parse(fs.readFileSync(testRecord.input.config_file, "utf-8"));
mLog("APIHOST = " + config.APIHOST);
mLog("AUTH = " + config.AUTH);
const wskParams = `--apihost ${config.APIHOST} --auth ${config.AUTH} -i`; // to be used when invoking setup and teardown via external wsk
// openwhisk client used for invocations
const ow = openwhisk({apihost: config.APIHOST, api_key: config.AUTH, ignore_certs: true});
// counters for throughput computation (all)
const tpCounters = {attempts: 0, invocations: 0, activations: 0, requests: 0, errors: 0};
// counters for latency computation
const latCounters = {
ta: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined},
oea: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined},
oer: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined},
d: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined},
ad: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined},
ora: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined},
rtt: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined},
ortt: {sum: undefined, sumSqr: undefined, min: undefined, max: undefined}
const measurementTime = {start: -1, stop: -1};
const sampleData = []; // array of samples (tuples of collected invocation data, for rule or for action, depending on the activity)
var loopSleeper; // used to abort sleep in mainLoop()
var abort = false; // used to abort the loop in mainLoop()
// Used only at the master
var workerData = []; // holds data for each worker, at [1..#workers]. Master's entry is 0.
const activity = ((cluster.isWorker || !testRecord.input.master_activity) ? testRecord.input.activity : testRecord.input.master_activity);
if (cluster.isMaster)
// -------- END OF MAIN -------------
* Master operation
function runMaster() {
// Setup OpenWhisk assets for the test
testSetup().then(() => {
// Start workers, configure interaction
for(var i = 0; i < testRecord.input.workers; i++) {
if (i > 0) // fork only (workers - 1) times
for (const id in cluster.workers) {
// Exit handler for each worker
cluster.workers[id].on('exit', (code, signal) => {
if (signal)
mLog(`Worker ${id} was killed by signal: ${signal}`);
if (code !== 0)
mLog(`Worker ${id} exited with error code: ${code}`);
// Message handler for each worker
cluster.workers[id].on('message', (msg) => {
if (msg.init)
// Initialization barrier for workers. Makes sure they are all fully engaged when the measurement start
if (msg.summary) {
workerData[id] = msg.summary;
mainLoop().then(() => {
// set finish of measurement and notify all other workers
measurementTime.stop = new Date().getTime();
testRecord.output.measure_time = (measurementTime.stop - measurementTime.start) / 1000.0; // measurement duration converted to seconds
mLog(`Stop measurement. Start post-processing after ${testRecord.input.pp_delay} msec`);
for (const j in cluster.workers)
cluster.workers[j].send({abort: measurementTime});
// The master's post-processing to generate its workerData
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
// The master's workerData
workerData[0] = {lat: latCounters, tp: tpCounters};
.catch(err => { // FATAL - shouldn't happen unless BUG
mLog(`Post-process ERROR in MASTER: ${err}`);
throw err;
* Setup assets before the test depending on configuration
async function testSetup() {
if (!testRecord.input.setup)
const cmd = `./ s ${testRecord.input.ratio} ${wskParams}`;
mLog(`SETUP: ${cmd}`);
try {
await exec(cmd);
catch (error) {
mLog(`FATAL: setup failure - ${error}`);
* Teardown assets after the test depending on configuration
async function testTeardown() {
if (!testRecord.input.teardown)
const cmd = `./ t ${testRecord.input.ratio} ${wskParams}`;
mLog(`TEARDOWN: ${cmd}`);
try {
await exec(cmd);
catch (error) {
mLog(`WARNING: teardown error - ${error}`);
* Print table header for samples to the runtime log on stderr
function mLogSampleHeader() {
* Worker operation
function runWorker() {
// abort message from master will set the measurement time frame and abort the loop
process.on('message', (msg) => {
if (msg.abort) {
// Set the measurement time frame at the worker - required for post-processing
measurementTime.start = msg.abort.start;
measurementTime.stop = msg.abort.stop;
mainLoop().then(() => {
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
process.send({summary:{lat: latCounters, tp:tpCounters}});
.catch(err => { // shouldn't happen unless BUG
mLog(`Post-process ERROR in WORKER: ${err}`);
throw err;
// Barrier for checking all workers have initialized and then start measurement
var remainingInits = testRecord.input.workers;
var remainingIterations = -1;
function checkInit() {
if (remainingInits == 0) { // all workers are engaged (incl. master) - can start measurement
mLog("All clients finished warmup. Start measurement.");
measurementTime.start = new Date().getTime();
if (testRecord.input.period)
setTimeout(abortLoop, testRecord.input.period);
if (testRecord.input.iterations)
remainingIterations = testRecord.input.iterations;
// Barrier for checking all workers have finished, generate output and exit
var remainingExits = testRecord.input.workers;
function checkExit() {
if (remainingExits == 0) {
mLog("All workers finished - generating output and exiting.");
// Cleanup test assets from OW and then exit
testTeardown().then(() => {
// Barrier for receiving post-processing results from all workers before computing final results
var remainingSummaries = testRecord.input.workers;
function checkSummary() {
if (remainingSummaries == 0) {
mLog("All clients post-processing completed - computing output.")
* Main loop for invocations - invoke activity asynchronously once every (delta) msec until aborted
async function mainLoop() {
var warmupCounter = testRecord.input.warmup;
const delta = ((cluster.isWorker || !testRecord.input.master_delta) ? : testRecord.input.master_delta);
const blocking = ((cluster.isWorker || !testRecord.input.master_blocking) ? testRecord.input.blocking : testRecord.input.master_blocking);
const doBlocking = (blocking != NONE);
const getResult = (blocking == RESULT);
while (!abort) {
// ----
// Pass init (worker - send message) after <warmup> iterations
if (warmupCounter == 0) {
if (cluster.isMaster)
else // worker - send init
process.send({init: 1});
if (warmupCounter >= 0) // take 0 down to -1 to make sure it does not trigger another init message
// ----
// If iterations limit set, abort loop when finished iterations
if (remainingIterations == 0) {
if (remainingIterations > 0)
const si = new Date().getTime(); // SI = Start of Iteration timestamp
var samples;
if (activity == ACTION)
samples = await invokeActions(testRecord.input.ratio, doBlocking, getResult, si);
samples = await invokeRules(si);
samples.forEach(sample => {
const ei = new Date().getTime(); // EI = End of Iteration timestamp
const duration = ei - si;
if (delta > duration) {
loopSleeper = sleep(delta - duration);
if (!abort) // check again to avoid race condition on loopSleeper
await loopSleeper;
* Used to abort the mainLoop() function
function abortLoop() {
abort = true;
if (loopSleeper)
* Invoke the predefined OW action a specified number of times without waiting using Promises (burst).
* Returns a promise that resolves to an array of {id, isError}.
function invokeActions(count, doBlocking, getResult, burst_bi) {
return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) {
var ipa = []; // array of invocation promises;
for(var i = 0; i< count; i++) {
ipa[i] = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const bi = (testRecord.input.burst_timing ? burst_bi : new Date().getTime()); // default is BI per invocation
ow.actions.invoke({name: 'testAction', blocking: doBlocking, result: getResult, params: params})
// If returnedJSON is full activation or just activation ID then activation ID should be in "activationId" field
// If returnedJSON is the result of the test action, then "activationId" is part of the returned result of the test action
.then(returnedJSON => {
var ai; // after invocation
if (doBlocking)
ai = new Date().getTime(); // only for blocking invocations, AI is meaningful
resolve({aaid: returnedJSON.activationId, bi: bi, ai: ai});
.catch(err => {
resolve({aaidError: err});
Promise.all(ipa).then(ipArray => {
}).catch(err => { // Impossible to reach since no contained promise rejects
* Invoke the predefined OW rules asynchronously and return a promise of an array with a single element of {id, isError}
function invokeRules(bi) {
return new Promise( function (resolve, reject) {
const triggerSamples = [];
// Fire trigger to invoke the rule
ow.triggers.invoke({name: 'testTrigger', params: params})
.then(triggerActivationIdJSON => {
const triggerActivationId = triggerActivationIdJSON.activationId;
triggerSamples.push({taid: triggerActivationId, bi: bi});
.catch (err => {
triggerSamples.push({taidError: err});
* This function processes the sampleData. Each sample is processed as following:
* 1. A sample with error (TAID or AAID) is processed directly (not much to do beyond counting errors)
* 2. An action sample - first attempt to retrieve activation, then process with it
* 3. A rule sample - first convert to set of bound action samples (by processing the trigger activation), then process each action sample in step 2 above
async function postProcess() {
for(var i in sampleData) {
const sample = sampleData[i];
if (activity == ACTION) {
await processSampleWithAction(sample);
else { // activity == RULE
if (sample.taidError) // TAID error - no need to retrieve bound actions - move to process the sample directly
else { // have valid TAID - retrieve bound action ids and then process
const actionSamples = await getActionSamplesOfRules(sample);
for(var j in actionSamples)
await processSampleWithAction(actionSamples[j]);
* Retrieve the activation ids of the actions bound to the trigger activation provided by id.
* Failure to retrieve trigger activation for a valid activation id is considered a fatal error, since the activation must exist.
* @param {*} triggerActivation
function getActionSamplesOfRules(triggerSample) {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
ow.activations.get({name: triggerSample.taid})
.then(triggerActivation => {
triggerSample.ts = triggerActivation.start;
var actionSamples = [];
for(var i = 0; i < triggerActivation.logs.length; i++) {
const boundActionRecord = JSON.parse(triggerActivation.logs[i]);
const actionSample = Object.assign({}, triggerSample);
if (boundActionRecord.success)
actionSample.aaid = boundActionRecord.activationId;
actionSample.aaidError = boundActionRecord.error;
.catch (err => { // FATAL: failed to retrieve trigger activation for a valid id
mLog(`getActionSamplesOfRules returned ERROR: ${err}`);
* Processing each action sample sequentially, i.e., wait until activation is retrieved before retrieving the next one.
* Otherwise, concurrent retrieval of possibly thousands of activations and more, may cause issues.
* Failure to retrieve activation record for a valid id is ok, assuming the action may have not completed yet.
* @param {*} actionSample
async function processSampleWithAction(actionSample) {
if (actionSample.aaidError) // no activation, move on to processing sample with error
else { // have activation, try to get record
var activation;
try {
activation = await ow.activations.get({name: actionSample.aaid});
catch (err) {
mLog(`Failed to retrieve activation for id: ${actionSample.aaid} for reason: ${err}`);
processSample(actionSample, activation);
* Process a single sample + optional related action activation, updating latency and throughput counters
* @param {*} sample
function processSample(sample, activation) {
const bi =;
if (bi < measurementTime.start || bi > measurementTime.stop) { // BI outside time frame. No further processing.
mLog(`Sample discarded. BI exceeds measurement time frame`);
tpCounters.attempts++; // each sample invoked in the time frame counts as one invocation attempt
if (sample.taidError) { // trigger activation failed - count one request, one error. No further processing.
mLog(`Sample discarded. Trigger activation error: ${sample.taidError}`);
var ts;
if (sample.ts) {
ts = parseInt(sample.ts);
if (ts >= measurementTime.start && ts <= measurementTime.stop) { // trigger activation in time frame - count one activation, one request
ts = undefined;
if (sample.aaidError) { // action activation failed - count one request, one error. No further processing.
mLog(`Sample discarded. Action activation error: ${sample.aaidError}`);
if (!activation) { // no activation, so assumed incomplete. No further processing.
mLog(`Sample discarded. Activation was not retrieved.`)
const as = parseInt(activation.start);
const ae = parseInt(activation.end);
const d = parseInt(activation.response.result.duration);
if (as < measurementTime.start || ae > measurementTime.stop) { // got activation, but it exceeds the time frame. No further processing.
mLog(`Sample discarded. Action activation exceeded measurement time frame.`)
// Activation is in time frame, so count one activation, one request and one full invocation
// For full invocations, update latency counters
const ta = (ts ? as - ts : undefined);
const ad = ae - as;
const oea = as - bi;
const oer = ae - bi - d;
updateLatSample("d", d);
updateLatSample("ta", ta);
updateLatSample("ad", ad);
updateLatSample("oea", oea);
updateLatSample("oer", oer);
// for blocking action invocations - will be "undefined" otherwise
const ai =;
const ora = (ai ? ai - ae : undefined);
const rtt = (ai ? ai - bi : undefined);
const ortt = (rtt ? rtt - d : undefined);
updateLatSample("ora", ora);
updateLatSample("rtt", rtt);
updateLatSample("ortt", ortt);
* Update counters of one latency statistic of a worker with value data from one sample
function updateLatSample(statName, value) {
if (!value) // value == undefined => skip it
// Update sum for avg
if (!latCounters[statName].sum)
latCounters[statName].sum = 0;
latCounters[statName].sum += value;
// Update sumSqr for std
if (!latCounters[statName].sumSqr)
latCounters[statName].sumSqr = 0;
latCounters[statName].sumSqr += value * value;
// Update min value
if (!latCounters[statName].min || latCounters[statName].min > value)
latCounters[statName].min = value;
// Update max value
if (!latCounters[statName].max || latCounters[statName].max < value)
latCounters[statName].max = value;
* Compute the final output record based on the workerData records.
* The output of the program is a single CSV row of data consisting of the input parameters,
* then latencies computed above - avg (average) and std (std. dev.), then throughput.
function computeOutputRecord() {
// Latency stats: avg, std, min, max
["ta", "oea", "oer", "d", "ad", "ora", "rtt", "ortt"].forEach(statName => {
testRecord.output[statName] = computeLatStats(statName);
// Tp stats: abs, tp, tpw, tpd
["attempts", "invocations", "activations", "requests"].forEach(statName => {
testRecord.output[statName] = computeTpStats(statName);
// Error stats: abs, percent
testRecord.output.errors = computErrorStats();
* Based on workerData, compute average and standard deviation of a given latency statistic.
* @param {*} statName
function computeLatStats(statName) {
var totalSum = 0;
var totalSumSqr = 0;
var totalInvocations = 0;
var hasSamples = undefined; // does the current stat have any samples. If not => undefined, not NaN
var min = undefined;
var max = undefined;
if (testRecord.input.master_apart) { // in master_apart mode, only master performs latency measurements
totalSum = workerData[0].lat[statName].sum;
totalSumSqr = workerData[0].lat[statName].sumSqr;
min = workerData[0].lat[statName].min;
max = workerData[0].lat[statName].max;
totalInvocations = workerData[0].tp.invocations;
else // in regular mode, all workers participate in latency measurements
workerData.forEach(wd => {
if ([statName].sum) { // If this worker has valid latency samples (not undefined)
hasSamples = 1;
totalSum +=[statName].sum;
totalSumSqr +=[statName].sumSqr;
if (!min || min >[statName].min)
min =[statName].min;
if (!max || max <[statName].max)
max =[statName].max;
totalInvocations +=;
const avg = (hasSamples ? totalSum / totalInvocations : undefined);
const std = (hasSamples ? Math.sqrt(totalSumSqr / totalInvocations - avg * avg) : undefined);
return ({avg: avg, std: std, min: min, max: max});
* Based on workerData, compute throughput of a given counter, with (tp) and without (tpw) the master, and the percent difference (tpd)
* @param {*} statName
function computeTpStats(statName) {
var masterCount = workerData[0].tp[statName];
var totalCount = 0;
workerData.forEach(wd => {totalCount +=[statName];});
const tp = totalCount / testRecord.output.measure_time; // throughput
const tpw = (totalCount - masterCount) / testRecord.output.measure_time; // throughput without master
const tpd = (tp - tpw) * 100.0 / tp; // percent difference relative to TP
return ({abs: totalCount, tp: tp, tpw: tpw, tpd: tpd});
* Based on workerData, compute the relative portion of total errors out of total requests
function computErrorStats() {
var totalErrors = 0;
var totalRequests = 0;
workerData.forEach(wd => {
totalErrors +=;
totalRequests +=;
const errAbs = totalErrors;
const errPer = totalErrors * 100.0 / totalRequests;
return ({abs: errAbs, percent: errPer});
* Generate a properly formatted output record to stdout. The header is also printed, but via mDump to stderr and can be
* silenced.
function generateOutput() {
var first = true;
// First, print header to stderr
dfsObject(testRecord, (name, data, isRoot, isObj) => {
if (!isObj) { // print leaf nodes
if (!first)
first = false;
first = true;
// Now, print data to stdout
dfsObject(testRecord, (name, data, isRoot, isObj) => {
if (!isObj) { // print leaf nodes
if (!first)
first = false;
if (typeof data == 'number') // round each number to 3 decimal digits
data = round(data, 3);
* Sleep for a given time. Useful mostly with await from an async function
* resolve and reject are externalized as properties to allow early abortion
* @param {*} ms
function sleep(ms) {
var res, rej;
var p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, ms);
res = resolve;
rej = reject;
p.resolve = res;
p.reject = rej;
return p;
* Generate a random integer in the range of [1..max]
* @param {*} max
function getRandomInt(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max) + 1);
* Round a number after specified decimal digits
* @param {*} num
* @param {*} digits
function round(num, digits = 0) {
const factor = Math.pow(10, digits);
return Math.round(num * factor) / factor;
// If not quiet, emit control messages on stderr (with newline)
function mLog(text) {
if (!testRecord.input.quiet)
* Return the id of the client - MASTER-0 or WORKER-k (k=1..w-1)
function clientId() {
return (cluster.isMaster ? "MASTER-0" : `WORKER-${}`);
// If not quiet, write strings on stderr (w/o newline)
function mWrite(text) {
if (!testRecord.input.quiet)
* Traverse a (potentially deep) object in DFS, visiting each non-function node with function f
* @param {*} data
* @param {*} func
function dfsObject(data, func, allowInherited = false) {
var isRoot = true;
var rootObj = data;
crawlObj("", data, func, allowInherited);
function crawlObj(name, data, f, allowInherited) {
var isObj = (typeof data == 'object');
var isFunc = (typeof data == 'function');
if (!isFunc)
f(name, data, isRoot, isObj); // visit the current node
isRoot = false;
if (isObj)
for (var child in data) {
if (allowInherited || data.hasOwnProperty(child)) {
const childName = (name == "" ? child : name + "." + child);
crawlObj(childName, data[child], f, true); // After root level no need to check inheritance