blob: ba7f50bf39bb1b85f01a417c9483e85a094764e6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# common logging configuration see common scala
include "logging"
include "akka-http-version"
whisk {
blacklist {
poll-interval: 5 minutes
docker.client {
# Docker < 1.13.1 has a known problem: if more than 10 containers are created (docker run)
# concurrently, there is a good chance that some of them will fail.
# See
# Use a semaphore to make sure that at most 10 `docker run` commands are active
# the same time.
# 0 means that there are infinite parallel runs.
parallel-runs: 10
# hide args passed into docker run command when logging docker run command
mask-docker-run-args: false
# Timeouts for docker commands. Set to "Inf" to disable timeout.
timeouts {
run: 1 minute
rm: 1 minute
pull: 10 minutes
ps: 1 minute
inspect: 1 minute
pause: 10 seconds
unpause: 10 seconds
version: 10 seconds
docker.container-factory {
# Use runc for pause/resume functionality in DockerContainerFactory
use-runc: true
docker.standalone.container-factory {
#If enabled then pull would also be attempted for standard OpenWhisk images under`openwhisk` prefix
pull-standard-images: false
container-pool {
user-memory: 1024 m
concurrent-peek-factor: 0.5 #factor used to limit message peeking: 0 < factor <= 1.0 - larger number improves concurrent processing, but increases risk of message loss during invoker crash
akka-client: false # if true, use PoolingContainerClient for HTTP from invoker to action container (otherwise use ApacheBlockingContainerClient)
prewarm-expiration-check-init-delay: 10 minute # the init delay time for the first check
prewarm-expiration-check-interval: 10 minute # period to check for prewarm expiration
prewarm-expiration-check-interval-variance: 10 seconds # varies expiration across invokers to avoid many concurrent expirations
prewarm-expiration-limit: 100 # number of prewarms to expire in one expiration cycle (remaining expired will be considered for expiration in next cycle)
prewarm-max-retry-limit: 5 # max subsequent retry limit to create prewarm containers
prewarm-promotion: false # if true, action can take prewarm container which has bigger memory
memory-sync-interval: 1 second # period to sync memory info to etcd
batch-deletion-size: 10 # batch size for removing containers when disable invoker, too big value may cause docker/k8s overload
# optional setting to specify the total allocatable cpus for all action containers, each container will get a fraction of this proportional to its allocated memory to limit the cpu
# user-cpus: 1
kubernetes {
# Timeouts for k8s commands. Set to "Inf" to disable timeout.
timeouts {
run: 1 minute
logs: 1 minute
user-pod-node-affinity {
enabled: true
key: "openwhisk-role"
value: "invoker"
# Enables forwarding to remote port via a local random port. This mode is mostly useful
# for development via Standalone mode
port-forwarding-enabled = false
# Pod template used as base for Action Pods created. It can be either
# 1. Reference to file `file:/path/to/template.yml`
# 2. OR yaml formatted multi line string. See multi line config support
#pod-template =
# Set this optional string to be the namespace that the invoker should target for adding pods. This allows the invoker to run in a namesapce it doesn't have API access to but add pods to another namespace. See also
# When not set the underlying client may pickup the namesapce from the kubeconfig or via system property setting.
# See for more information.
# action-namespace = "ns-actions"
#scale milliCPU config per segment of memory: 100 milliCPU == .1 vcpu per
#code will append the "m" after calculating the number of milliCPU
#if missing, the pod will be created without cpu request/limit (and use the default for that namespace/cluster)
#if specified, the pod will be created with cpu request+limit set as (action memory limit / cpu-scaling.memory) * cpu-scaling.millicpus; with max of cpu-scaling.max-millicpus and min of cpu-scaling.millicpus
#cpu-scaling {
# millicpus = 100
# memory = 256 m
# max-millicpus = 4000
# Action pods can be injected with pod data using field refs to the pod spec (aka The Downward API):
#field-ref-environment: {
# "POD_NAMESPACE":"metadata.namespace",
# "POD_NAME":"",
# "POD_UID": "metadata.uid"
#if missing, the pod will be created without ephermal disk request/limit
#if specified, the pod will be created with ephemeral-storage request+limit set or using the scale factor
#as a multiple of the request memory. If the scaled value exceeds the limit, the limit will be used so, it's good
#practice to set the limit if you plan on using the scale-factor.
#ephemeral-storage {
# limit = 2 g
# scale-factor = 2.0
#enable PodDisruptionBudget creation for pods? (will include same labels as pods, and specify minAvailable=1 to prevent termination of action pods during maintenance)
pdb-enabled = false
# Timeouts for runc commands. Set to "Inf" to disable timeout.
runc.timeouts {
pause: 10 seconds
resume: 10 seconds
# args for 'docker run' to use
container-factory {
container-args {
network: bridge
# See for documentation of dns-*
dns-servers: []
dns-search: []
dns-options: []
extra-env-vars: [] # sequence of `key` and/or `key=value` bindings to add to all user action container environments
extra-args: {} # to pass additional args to 'docker run'; format is `{key1: [v1, v2], key2: [v1, v2]}`
runtimes-registry {
url: ""
user-images-registry {
url: ""
container-proxy {
timeouts {
# The "unusedTimeout" in the ContainerProxy,
#aka 'How long should a container sit idle until we kill it?'
idle-container = 10 minutes
pause-grace = 10 seconds
keeping-duration = 10 minutes
action-health-check {
enabled = false # if true, prewarm containers will be pinged periodically and warm containers will be pinged once after resumed
check-period = 3 seconds # how often should prewarm containers be pinged (tcp connection attempt)
max-fails = 3 # prewarm containers that fail this number of times will be destroyed and replaced
log-activation-errors {
application-errors = false
developer-errors = false
whisk-errors = true
# tracing configuration
tracing {
component = "Invoker"
invoker {
username: "invoker.user"
password: "invoker.pass"
protocol: http
resource {
tags: ""
dedicated {
namespaces: ""
runtime.delete.timeout = "30 seconds"