blob: 64fe346c60f4e28b2699499a2918f27d0fcac704 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package utils
import (
//for web action support, code from wsk cli with tiny adjustments
const (
WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT = "web-export"
RAW_HTTP_ANNOT = "raw-http"
FINAL_ANNOT = "final"
TRUE = "true"
var webExport map[string]string = map[string]string{
"TRUE": "true",
"FALSE": "false",
"NO": "no",
"YES": "yes",
"RAW": "raw",
func WebAction(filePath string, action string, webMode string, annotations whisk.KeyValueArr, fetch bool) (whisk.KeyValueArr, error) {
switch strings.ToLower(webMode) {
case webExport["TRUE"]:
case webExport["YES"]:
return webActionAnnotations(fetch, annotations, addWebAnnotations)
case webExport["NO"]:
case webExport["FALSE"]:
return webActionAnnotations(fetch, annotations, deleteWebAnnotations)
case webExport["RAW"]:
return webActionAnnotations(fetch, annotations, addRawAnnotations)
return nil, wskderrors.NewInvalidWebExportError(filePath, action, webMode, getValidWebExports())
type WebActionAnnotationMethod func(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr
func webActionAnnotations(
fetchAnnotations bool,
annotations whisk.KeyValueArr,
webActionAnnotationMethod WebActionAnnotationMethod) (whisk.KeyValueArr, error) {
if annotations != nil || !fetchAnnotations {
annotations = webActionAnnotationMethod(annotations)
return annotations, nil
func addWebAnnotations(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, true, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, false, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(FINAL_ANNOT, true, annotations)
return annotations
func deleteWebAnnotations(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, false, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, false, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(FINAL_ANNOT, false, annotations)
return annotations
func addRawAnnotations(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, true, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, true, annotations)
annotations = addKeyValue(FINAL_ANNOT, true, annotations)
return annotations
func deleteWebAnnotationKeys(annotations whisk.KeyValueArr) whisk.KeyValueArr {
annotations = deleteKey(WEB_EXPORT_ANNOT, annotations)
annotations = deleteKey(RAW_HTTP_ANNOT, annotations)
annotations = deleteKey(FINAL_ANNOT, annotations)
return annotations
func getValidWebExports() []string {
var validWebExports []string
for _, v := range webExport {
validWebExports = append(validWebExports, v)
return validWebExports
func IsWebAction(webexport string) bool {
webexport = strings.ToLower(webexport)
if len(webexport) != 0 {
if webexport == webExport["TRUE"] || webexport == webExport["YES"] || webexport == webExport["RAW"] {
return true
return false
func IsWebSequence(webexport string) bool {
return IsWebAction(webexport)