Whisk Deploy wskdeploy

wskdeploy is a utility to help you create and deploy OpenWhisk projects. Deploy all your actions, triggers, and rules using a single command! You can use this in addition to the OpenWhisk CLI.

wskdeploy is currenty under development and in its very early stages. Check back often to see how its progressing.

How to Build

wskdeploy is written in Go.

  1. Setup your Go development environment.

  2. wskdeploy depends on the github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-client-go/whisk . To install:

go get github.com/openwhisk/openwhisk-client-go/whisk

  1. Clone this repo into $GOPATH/src/github.com/openwhisk, which should have been created by Step #2.
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/openwhisk
$ git clone http://github.com/openwhisk/wskdeploy
  1. Tagged releases are in master. The latest build is always in the development branch. Inside $GOPATH/src/github.com/openwhisk/wskdeply:
$ git checkout development   ## or skip this step and just build master
$ go build

Note: we have no releases yet so you should build the development branch.