blob: 40a829ad76e05bc66238a642a5061880abfab3d2 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
const wskprops = require('./wskprops');
const OpenWhiskInvoker = require('./invoker');
const AgentMgr = require('./agentmgr');
const Watcher = require('./watcher');
const openwhisk = require('openwhisk');
const { spawnSync } = require('child_process');
const sleep = require('util').promisify(setTimeout);
const prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes');
const prettyMilliseconds = require('pretty-ms');
const log = require('./log');
function prettyMBytes1024(mb) {
if (mb > 1024) {
return `${mb/1024} GB`;
} else {
return `${mb} MB`;
function getNamespaceFromActionMetadata(actionMetadata) {
// if the action is inside a package, this returns <namespace>/<package>
// but we only want the namespace
return actionMetadata.namespace.split("/")[0];
* Central component of wskdebug.
class Debugger {
constructor(argv) {
this.startTime =;
log.debug("starting debugger");
this.argv = argv;
this.actionName = argv.action;
this.wskProps = wskprops.get();
if (Object.keys(this.wskProps).length === 0) {
log.error(`Error: Missing openwhisk credentials. Found no ~/.wskprops or .env file or WSK_* environment variable.`);
if (argv.ignoreCerts) {
this.wskProps.ignore_certs = true;
try {
this.wsk = openwhisk(this.wskProps);
} catch (err) {
log.error(`Error: Could not setup openwhisk client: ${err.message}`);
const h = log.highlightColor;
log.spinner("Debugging " + h(`/_/${this.actionName}`) + " on " + h(this.wskProps.apihost));
async start() {
this.agentMgr = new AgentMgr(this.argv, this.wsk, this.actionName);
this.watcher = new Watcher(this.argv, this.wsk);
// get the action metadata
this.actionMetadata = await this.agentMgr.peekAction();
log.debug("fetched action metadata from openwhisk");
this.wskProps.namespace = getNamespaceFromActionMetadata(this.actionMetadata);
const h = log.highlightColor;
log.step("Debugging " + h(`/${this.wskProps.namespace}/${this.actionName}`) + " on " + h(this.wskProps.apihost));
// local debug container
this.invoker = new OpenWhiskInvoker(this.actionName, this.actionMetadata, this.argv, this.wskProps, this.wsk);
// quick fail for missing requirements such as docker not running
await this.invoker.checkIfDockerAvailable();
try {
// run build initially (would be required by starting container)
if (this.argv.onBuild) {
log.highlight("On build: ", this.argv.onBuild);
spawnSync(this.argv.onBuild, {shell: true, stdio: "inherit"});
await this.invoker.prepare();
// parallelize slower work using promises
// task 1 - start local container
const containerTask = (async () => {
const debug2 = log.newDebug();
// start container - get it up fast for VSCode to connect within its 10 seconds timeout
await this.invoker.startContainer(debug2);
debug2(`started container: ${}`);
// task 2 - fetch action code from openwhisk
const openwhiskTask = (async () => {
const debug2 = log.newDebug();
const actionWithCode = await this.agentMgr.readActionWithCode();
debug2(`downloaded action code (${prettyBytes(actionWithCode.exec.code.length)})`);
return actionWithCode;
// wait for both tasks 1 & 2
const results = await Promise.all([containerTask, openwhiskTask]);
const actionWithCode = results[1];
log.spinner('Installing agent');
// parallelize slower work using promises again
// task 3 - initialize local container with code
const initTask = (async () => {
const debug2 = log.newDebug();
// /init local container
await this.invoker.init(actionWithCode);
debug2("installed action on container");
// task 4 - install agent in openwhisk
const agentTask = (async () => {
const debug2 = log.newDebug();
// setup agent in openwhisk
await this.agentMgr.installAgent(this.invoker, debug2);
await Promise.all([initTask, agentTask]);
if (this.argv.onStart) {
log.highlight("On start: ", this.argv.onStart);
spawnSync(this.argv.onStart, {shell: true, stdio: "inherit"});
// start source watching (live reload) if requested
await this.watcher.start();
const abortMsg = log.isInteractive ? log.highlightColor(" Use CTRL+C to exit.") : "";
log.ready(`Ready for activations. Started in ${prettyMilliseconds( - this.startTime)}.${abortMsg}`);
this.ready = true;
} catch (e) {
await this.shutdown();
throw e;
async logDetails() {
log.highlight("Action : ", `/${this.wskProps.namespace}/${this.actionName}`);
if (this.sourcePath) {
log.highlight("Sources : ", `${this.invoker.getSourcePath()}`);
log.highlight("Image : ", `${this.invoker.getImage()}`);
log.highlight("Container : ", `${}`);
if (this.actionMetadata.limits) {
if (this.actionMetadata.limits.memory) {
log.highlight("Memory : ", `${prettyMBytes1024(this.actionMetadata.limits.memory)}`);
if (this.actionMetadata.limits.timeout) {
log.highlight("Timeout : ", `${prettyMilliseconds(this.actionMetadata.limits.timeout, {verbose:true})}`);
log.highlight("Debug type : ", `${this.invoker.getDebugKind()}`);
log.highlight("Debug port : ", `localhost:${this.invoker.getPort()}`);
if (this.argv.condition) {
log.highlight("Condition : ", `${this.argv.condition}`);
async run() {
return this.runPromise = this._run();
async _run() {
try {
this.running = true;
// main blocking loop
// abort if this.running is set to false
// from here on, user can end debugger with ctrl+c
while (this.running) {
if (this.argv.ngrok) {
// agent: ngrok
// simply block, ngrokServer keeps running in background
await sleep(1000);
} else {
// agent: concurrent
// agent: non-concurrent
// wait for activation, run it, complete, repeat
const activation = await this.agentMgr.waitForActivations();
if (!activation) {
const id = activation.$activationId;
delete activation.$activationId;
log.verbose("Parameters:", activation);
const startTime =;
// run this activation on the local docker container
// which will block if the actual debugger hits a breakpoint
const result = await, id);
const duration = - startTime;
// pass on the local result to the agent in openwhisk
if (!await this.agentMgr.completeActivation(id, result, duration)) {
} finally {
await this.shutdown();
// normal graceful stop() initiated by a client
async stop() {
this.running = false;
if (this.agentMgr) {
if (this.runPromise) {
// wait for the main loop to gracefully end, which will call shutdown()
await this.runPromise;
} else {
// someone called stop() without run()
await this.shutdown();
// fastest way to end, triggered by CTRL+C
async kill() {
this.running = false;
if (this.agentMgr) {
await this.shutdown();
async shutdown() {
// avoid duplicate shutdown on CTRL+C
if (!this.shutdownPromise) {
this.shutdownPromise = this._shutdown();
await this.shutdownPromise;
delete this.shutdownPromise;
async _shutdown() {
const shutdownStart =;
// only log this if we started properly
if (this.ready) {
log.debug("shutting down...");
} else {
log.debug("aborting start - shutting down ...");
log.spinner("Shutting down");
// need to shutdown everything even if some fail, hence tryCatch() for each
if (this.agentMgr) {
await this.tryCatch(this.agentMgr.shutdown());
// ------------< critical removal must happen above this line >---------------
// in VS Code, we will not run beyond this line upon debug stop.
// this is because invoker.stop() will kill the container & thus close the
// debug port, upon which VS Code kills the debug process (us)
if (this.invoker) {
await this.tryCatch(this.invoker.stop());
if (this.watcher) {
// this is not critical on a process exit, only if Debugger is used programmatically
// and might be reused for a new run()
await this.tryCatch(this.watcher.stop());
log.debug("stopped source file watching");
// only log this if we started properly
if (this.ready) {
log.succeed(`Done. Shutdown in ${prettyMilliseconds( - shutdownStart)}.`);
this.ready = false;
// ------------------------------------------------< utils >-----------------
async tryCatch(task) {
try {
if (typeof task === "function") {
} else {
await task;
} catch (e) {
log.exception(e, "Error during shutdown:");
module.exports = Debugger;