blob: 34b182d19bf20d39b291e5e6fb24b6a06aee8997 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
'use strict';
let NgrokAgent;
try {
// optional dependency, only needed if --ngrok is set
NgrokAgent = require('./agents/ngrok');
} catch (err) {
NgrokAgent = null
const fs = require('fs-extra');
const sleep = require('util').promisify(setTimeout);
const clone = require('clone');
const log = require('./log');
function getAnnotation(action, key) {
const a = action.annotations.find(a => a.key === key);
if (a) {
return a.value;
function getActionCopyName(name) {
return `${name}_wskdebug_original`;
function isAgent(action) {
return getAnnotation(action, "wskdebug") ||
(getAnnotation(action, "description") || "").startsWith("wskdebug agent.");
function getActivationError(e) {
if (e.error && e.error.response && e.error.response.result && e.error.response.result.error) {
return e.error.response.result.error;
return {};
async function getWskActionWithoutCode(wsk, actionName) {
try {
return await wsk.actions.get({name: actionName, code:false});
} catch (e) {
if (e.statusCode === 404) {
return null;
} else {
throw e;
async function actionExists(wsk, name) {
try {
await wsk.actions.get({name: name, code: false});
return true;
} catch (e) {
return false;
async function deleteActionIfExists(wsk, name) {
if (await actionExists(wsk, name)) {
await wsk.actions.delete(name);
log.debug(`restore: ensured removal of action ${name}`);
class AgentMgr {
constructor(argv, wsk, actionName) {
this.argv = argv;
this.wsk = wsk;
this.actionName = actionName;
this.polling = true;
if (this.argv.ngrok && !NgrokAgent) {
throw new Error("ngrok dependency required for --ngrok is not installed. Please install it using:\n\n npm install -g ngrok --unsafe-perm=true\n");
* Fast way to get just the action metadata
async peekAction() {
let action = await getWskActionWithoutCode(this.wsk, this.actionName);
if (action === null) {
throw new Error(`Action not found: ${this.actionName}`);
// check if there was an agent leftover
if (isAgent(action)) {
// ups, action is our agent, not the original
// happens if a previous wskdebug was killed and could not restore before it exited
const backupName = getActionCopyName(this.actionName);
// check the backup action
try {
const backup = await getWskActionWithoutCode(this.wsk, backupName);
if (!backup) {
// backup is also an agent (should not happen)
throw new Error(`Dang! Agent is already installed and action backup is missing.\n\nPlease redeploy your action first before running wskdebug again.`);
} else if (isAgent(backup)) {
// backup is also an agent (should not happen)
throw new Error(`Dang! Agent is already installed and action backup is broken (${backupName}).\n\nPlease redeploy your action first before running wskdebug again.`);
} else {
log.warn("Agent was already installed, but backup is still present. All good.");
// need to look at the original action
action = backup;
this.agentInstalled = true;
} catch (e) {
if (e.statusCode === 404) {
// backup missing
throw new Error(`Dang! Agent is already installed and action backup is gone (${backupName}).\n\nPlease redeploy your action first before running wskdebug again.`);
} else {
// other error
throw e;
return action;
async readActionWithCode() {
// user can switch between agents (ngrok or not), hence we need to restore first
// (better would be to track the agent + its version and avoid a restore, but that's TBD)
if (this.agentInstalled) {
this.actionWithCode = await this.restoreAction(true);
} else {
this.actionWithCode = await this.wsk.actions.get(this.actionName);
// extra sanity check
if (isAgent(this.actionWithCode)) {
throw new Error("Action seems to be a left over wskdebug agent instead of the original action. Possible bug in wskdebug. Please redeploy your action. Aborting.");
return this.actionWithCode;
async installAgent(invoker, debug2) {
this.agentInstalled = true;
let agentName;
// base agent on the original action to keep default parameters & annotations
const agentAction = this.actionWithCode ? clone(this.actionWithCode) : {
exec: {},
limits: {},
annotations: [],
parameters: []
// choose the right agent implementation
let agentCode;
if (this.argv.ngrok) {
// user manually requested ngrok
this.ngrokAgent = new NgrokAgent(this.argv, invoker);
// agent using ngrok for forwarding
agentName = "ngrok";
agentCode = await this.ngrokAgent.getAgent(agentAction);
debug2("started local ngrok proxy");
} else {
this.concurrency = !this.argv.disableConcurrency;
if (this.concurrency) {
// normal fast agent using concurrent node.js actions
agentName = "concurrency";
agentCode = await this.getConcurrencyAgent();
} else {
agentName = "polling activation db";
agentCode = await this.getPollingActivationDbAgent();
const backupName = getActionCopyName(this.actionName);
// create copy in case wskdebug gets killed hard
// do async as this can be slow for larger actions and this is part of the critical startup path
this.createBackup = (async () => {
const debug3 = log.newDebug();
await this.wsk.actions.update({
name: backupName,
action: agentAction
debug3(`created action backup ${backupName}`);
if (this.argv.condition) {
key: "$condition",
value: this.argv.condition
try {
await this.pushAgent(agentAction, agentCode, backupName);
} catch (e) {
// openwhisk does not support concurrent nodejs actions, try with another
if (e.statusCode === 400 && e.error && typeof e.error.error === "string" && e.error.error.includes("concurrency")) {
log.log(`The Openwhisk server does not support concurrent actions, using alternative agent. Consider using --ngrok for a possibly faster agent.`);
this.concurrency = false;
agentCode = await this.getPollingActivationDbAgent();
await this.pushAgent(agentAction, agentCode, backupName);
debug2(`installed agent type '${agentName}' in place of action '${this.actionName}'`);
stop() {
this.polling = false;
async shutdown() {
this.shuttingDown = true;
try {
// make sure we finished creating the backup
await this.createBackup;
if (this.agentInstalled) {
await this.restoreAction();
} finally {
if (this.ngrokAgent) {
await this.ngrokAgent.stop();
log.debug("ngrok shut down");
// --------------------------------------< polling >-------------------
async waitForActivations() {
this.activationsSeen = this.activationsSeen || {};
// secondary loop to get next activation
// the $waitForActivation agent activation will block, but only until
// it times out, hence we need to retry when it fails
while (this.polling) {
try {
let activation;
if (this.concurrency) {
// invoke - blocking for up to 1 minute
activation = await this.wsk.actions.invoke({
name: this.actionName,
params: {
$waitForActivation: true
blocking: true
} else {
// poll for the newest activation
const since =;
// older openwhisk only allows the name of an action when filtering activations
// newer openwhisk versions want package/name
let name = this.actionName;
if (await this.openwhiskSupports("activationListFilterOnlyBasename")) {
if (this.actionName.includes("/")) {
name = this.actionName.substring(this.actionName.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);
while (true) {
const activations = await this.wsk.activations.list({
name: `${name}_wskdebug_invoked`,
since: since,
limit: 1, // get the most recent one only
docs: true // include results
if (activations && activations.length >= 1) {
const a = activations[0];
if (a.response && a.response.result && !this.activationsSeen[a.activationId]) {
activation = a;
if (!activation.response.success) {
throw {
error: activation
// need to limit load on openwhisk (activation list)
await sleep(1000);
// check for successful response with a new activation
if (activation && activation.response) {
const params = activation.response.result;
// mark this as seen so we don't reinvoke it
this.activationsSeen[activation.activationId] = true;
log.verbose(); // because of the .....
log.highlight("Activation: ", params.$activationId);
return params;
} else if (activation && activation.activationId) {
// ignore this and retry.
// usually means the action did not respond within one minute,
// which in turn is unlikely for the agent who should exit itself
// after 50 seconds, so can only happen if there was some delay
// outside the action itself
} else {
// unexpected, just log and retry
log.log("Unexpected empty response while waiting for new activations:", activation);
} catch (e) {
// look for special error codes from agent
const errorCode = getActivationError(e).code;
if (errorCode === 42) {
// 42 => retry, do nothing here (except logging progress)
} else if (errorCode === 43) {
// 43 => graceful shutdown (for unit tests)
log.log("Graceful shutdown requested by agent (only for unit tests)");
return null;
} else if (e.statusCode === 503 && !this.concurrency) {
// 503 => openwhisk activation DB likely overloaded with requests, warn, wait a bit and retry
log.warn("Server responded with 503 while looking for new activation records. Consider using --ngrok option.")
await sleep(5000);
} else {
// otherwise log error and abort
log.error("Unexpected error while polling agent for activation:");
throw new Error("Unexpected error while polling agent for activation.");
// some small wait to avoid too many requests in case things run amok
await sleep(100);
async completeActivation(activationId, result, duration) {
log.succeed(`Completed activation ${activationId} in ` + log.highlightColor(`${duration/1000.0} sec`));
log.verbose("Result:", result);
try {
result.$activationId = activationId;
await this.wsk.actions.invoke({
name: this.concurrency ? this.actionName : `${this.actionName}_wskdebug_completed`,
params: result,
blocking: true,
headers: {
} catch (e) {
// look for special error codes from agent
const errorCode = getActivationError(e).code;
// 42 => retry
if (errorCode === 42) {
// do nothing
} else if (errorCode === 43) {
// 43 => graceful shutdown (for unit tests)
log.log("Graceful shutdown requested by agent (only for unit tests)");
return false;
} else {
log.error("Unexpected error while completing activation:", e);
return true;
// --------------------------------------< restoring >------------------
async restoreAction(isStartup) {
const copy = getActionCopyName(this.actionName);
try {
// unfortunately, openwhisk does not support a server-side "move action" API,
// otherwise the next 3 steps (read, update, delete) could be a single
// and presumably fast move operation
let original;
if (this.actionWithCode) {
// normal case during shutdown: we have the original action in memory
original = this.actionWithCode;
} else {
// the original was fetched before or was backed up in the copy
original = await this.wsk.actions.get(copy)
log.debug("restore: fetched action original from backup copy");
// copy the backup (copy) to the regular action
await this.wsk.actions.update({
name: this.actionName,
action: original
log.debug("restore: restored original action");
if (this.argv.cleanup) {
if (!isStartup) {
log.log("Removing helper actions due to --cleanup...");
// remove the backup
await this.wsk.actions.delete(copy);
log.debug("restore: deleted backup copy");
// remove any helpers if they exist
await deleteActionIfExists(this.wsk, `${this.actionName}_wskdebug_invoked`);
await deleteActionIfExists(this.wsk, `${this.actionName}_wskdebug_completed`);
} else if (!isStartup) {
log.log(`Following helper actions are not removed to make shutdown fast. Remove using --cleanup if desired.`);
log.log(`- ${log.highlightColor(copy)}`);
if (!this.concurrency && !this.ngrokAgent) {
log.log("- " + log.highlightColor(`${this.actionName}_wskdebug_invoked`));
log.log("- " + log.highlightColor(`${this.actionName}_wskdebug_completed`));
return original;
} catch (e) {
log.error("Error while restoring original action:", e);
// --------------------------------------< agent types >------------------
async getConcurrencyAgent() {
return fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../agent/agent-concurrency.js`, {encoding: 'utf8'});
async getPollingActivationDbAgent() {
// this needs 2 helper actions in addition to the agent in place of the action
await this.createHelperAction(`${this.actionName}_wskdebug_invoked`, `${__dirname}/../agent/echo.js`);
await this.createHelperAction(`${this.actionName}_wskdebug_completed`, `${__dirname}/../agent/echo.js`);
let agentCode = fs.readFileSync(`${__dirname}/../agent/agent-activationdb.js`, {encoding: 'utf8'});
// rewrite the code to pass config (we want to avoid fiddling with default params of the action)
if (await this.openwhiskSupports("activationListFilterOnlyBasename")) {
agentCode = agentCode.replace("const activationListFilterOnlyBasename = false;", "const activationListFilterOnlyBasename = true;");
return agentCode;
async pushAgent(action, agentCode, backupName) {
// overwrite action with agent
// this is to support older openwhisks for which nodejs:default is less than version 8
const nodejs8 = await this.openwhiskSupports("nodejs8");
if (this.shuttingDown) {
// race condition on shutdown during startup due to errors
await this.wsk.actions.update({
name: this.actionName,
action: {
exec: {
kind: nodejs8 ? "nodejs:default" : "blackbox",
image: nodejs8 ? undefined : "openwhisk/action-nodejs-v8",
code: agentCode
limits: {
timeout: (this.argv.agentTimeout || 300) * 1000,
concurrency: this.concurrency ? 200: 1
annotations: [
{ key: "provide-api-key", value: true },
{ key: "wskdebug", value: true },
{ key: "description", value: `wskdebug agent. temporarily installed over original action. original action backup at ${backupName}.` }
parameters: action.parameters || []
async createHelperAction(actionName, file) {
const nodejs8 = await this.openwhiskSupports("nodejs8");
await this.wsk.actions.update({
name: actionName,
action: {
exec: {
kind: nodejs8 ? "nodejs:default" : "blackbox",
image: nodejs8 ? undefined : "openwhisk/action-nodejs-v8",
code: fs.readFileSync(file, {encoding: 'utf8'})
limits: {
timeout: (this.argv.agentTimeout || 30) * 1000
annotations: [
{ key: "description", value: `wskdebug agent helper. temporarily installed.` }
log.debug(`created helper action ${actionName}`);
// ----------------------------------------< openwhisk feature detection >-----------------
async getOpenWhiskVersion() {
if (this.openwhiskVersion === undefined) {
try {
const json = await this.wsk.actions.client.request("GET", "/api/v1");
if (json && typeof === "string") {
this.openwhiskVersion =;
} else {
this.openwhiskVersion = null;
} catch (e) {
log.warn("Could not retrieve OpenWhisk version:", e.message);
this.openwhiskVersion = null;
return this.openwhiskVersion;
async openwhiskSupports(feature) {
const FEATURES = {
// guesstimated
activationListFilterOnlyBasename: v => v.startsWith("2018") || v.startsWith("2017"),
// hack
nodejs8: v => !v.startsWith("2018") && !v.startsWith("2017"),
// concurrency: async (_, wsk) => {
// // check swagger api docs instead of version to see if concurrency is supported
// try {
// const swagger = await wsk.actions.client.request("GET", "/api/v1/api-docs");
// if (swagger && swagger.definitions && swagger.definitions.ActionLimits && {
// return;
// }
// } catch (e) {
// log.warn('Could not read /api/v1/api-docs, setting max action concurrency to 1')
// return false;
// }
// }
const checker = FEATURES[feature];
if (checker) {
return checker(await this.getOpenWhiskVersion(), this.wsk);
} else {
throw new Error("Unknown feature " + feature);
module.exports = AgentMgr;