blob: e3333bebf8c1a84d3ceb3d4962a2136b738982db [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015-2016 IBM Corporation
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package whisk.core.dispatcher
import scala.concurrent.duration.FiniteDuration
import scala.util.Try
import org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.CommitFailedException
import whisk.common.Logging
import whisk.common.TransactionId
import whisk.core.connector.MessageConsumer
object ActivationFeed {
sealed class ActivationNotification
/** Pulls new messages from the message bus. */
case class FillQueueWithMessages()
/** Indicates resources are available because transaction completed, may cause pipeline fill. */
case class ContainerReleased(tid: TransactionId) extends ActivationNotification
/** Indicate resources are available because transaction failed, may cause pipeline fill. */
case class FailedActivation(tid: TransactionId) extends ActivationNotification
* This actor polls the message bus for new messages and dispatches them to the given
* handler. The actor tracks the number of messages dispatched and will not dispatch new
* messages until some number of them are acknowledged.
* This is used by the invoker to pull messages from the message bus and apply back pressure
* when the invoker does not have resources to complete processing messages (i.e., no containers
* are available to run new actions).
* When the invoker releases resources (by reclaiming containers) it will send a message
* to this actor which will then attempt to fill the pipeline with new messages.
* The actor tries to fill the pipeline with additional messages while the number
* of outstanding requests is below the pipeline fill threshold.
protected class ActivationFeed(
logging: Logging,
consumer: MessageConsumer,
maxPipelineDepth: Int,
longpollDuration: FiniteDuration,
handler: (String, Array[Byte]) => Any)
extends Actor {
import ActivationFeed.ActivationNotification
import ActivationFeed.FillQueueWithMessages
require(consumer.maxPeek <= maxPipelineDepth, "consumer may not yield more messages per peek than permitted by max depth")
private val pipelineFillThreshold = maxPipelineDepth - consumer.maxPeek
private var pipelineOccupancy = 0
private implicit val tid = TransactionId.dispatcher
override def receive = {
case FillQueueWithMessages =>
if (pipelineOccupancy <= pipelineFillThreshold) {
Try {
// Grab next batch of messages and commit offsets immediately
// essentially marking the activation as having satisfied "at most once"
// semantics (this is the point at which the activation is considered started).
// If the commit fails, then messages peeked are peeked again on the next poll.
// While the commit is synchronous and will block until it completes, at steady
// state with enough buffering (i.e., maxPipelineDepth > maxPeek), the latency
// of the commit should be masked.
val records = consumer.peek(longpollDuration)
(records, records.size)
} map {
case (records, count) =>
records foreach {
case (topic, partition, offset, bytes) =>, s"processing $topic[$partition][$offset ($count)]")
pipelineOccupancy += 1
handler(topic, bytes)
} recover {
case e: CommitFailedException => logging.error(this, s"failed to commit consumer offset: ${e.getMessage}")
case e: Throwable => logging.error(this, s"exception while pulling new records: ${e.getMessage}")
} else logging.debug(this, "dropping fill request until feed is drained")
case _: ActivationNotification =>
pipelineOccupancy -= 1
private def fill() = {
if (pipelineOccupancy <= pipelineFillThreshold) {
logging.debug(this, s"filling activation pipeline: $pipelineOccupancy <= $pipelineFillThreshold")
self ! FillQueueWithMessages
} else {, s"waiting for activation pipeline to drain: $pipelineOccupancy > $pipelineFillThreshold")